View Full Version : Obama in Montana (What the Don't want us to know)

August 27th, 2009, 09:10 AM
Subject: Obama in Montana

I have heard reports of this from other sources as well (FOX... but to the liberal left that news is just not worthy of taking note of)... interesting and very frightening.

By now you have probably heard that President Obama came to Montana last Friday. However, there are many things that the major news has not
I feel that since Bill and I live here and we were at the airport on
Friday I should share some facts with you. Whatever you decide to do with the information is up to you. If you chose to share this email with others I
do ask that you DELETE my email address before you forward this on.

On Wednesday, August 5th it was announced locally that the President
would be coming here. There are many groups here that are against his
health care and huge spending so those groups began talking and deciding on what they were going to do. The White House would not release ANY details other than the date.

On about Tuesday Bill found out that they would be holding the "Town
Hall" at the airport. (This is only because Bill knows EVERYONE at the
airport) Our airport is actually located outside of Belgrade (tiny town) in a
very remote location. Nothing is around there. They chose to use a hangar
that is the most remotely located hangar.. You could not pick a more remote location, and you can not get to it easily. It is totally secluded from the public.

FYI: We have many areas in Belgrade and Bozeman which could have held a large amount of folks with sufficient parking..
All of which have chairs and tables, and would not have to be SHIPPED

During the week, cargo by the TONS was being shipped in constantly.
Airport employees could not believe how it just kept coming. Though it was our President coming several expressed how excessive it was, especially
during a recession. $$$$$

Late Tuesday/early Wednesday the 12th, they said that tickets would be
handed out on Thursday 9am at two locations and the president would be
arriving around 12:30 Friday.

Thursday morning about 600 tickets were passed out. However, 1500 were
printed at a Local printing shop per White House request. Hmmmm......900
tickets just DISAPPEARED.

This same morning someone called into the radio from the local UPS
branch and said that THOUSANDS of Dollars of Lobster were shipped in for Obama.
Montana has some of the best beef in the nation!!! And it would have
been really wonderful to help out the local economy. Anyone heard of the
Recession?? Just think...with all of the traveling the White House is

$$$$$ One can only imagine what else we are paying for.

On Friday Bill and I got out to the airport about 10:45am. The groups
that wanted to protest Obama's spending and healthcare had gotten a permit to protest and that area was roped off. But that was not to be. A large bus carrying SEIU (Service Employees International Union) members drove up onto the area (illegal)and unloaded right there. It was quite a commotion and there were specifically 2 SEIU men trying to make trouble and start a fight.

Police did get involved and arrested the one man but they said they did
not have the manpower to remove the SEIU crowd.

The SEIU crowd was very organized and young. About 99% were under the
age of 30 and they were not locals! They had bullhorns and PROFESSIONALLY made signs. Some even wore preprinted T-shirts. Oh, and Planned Parenthood folks were with them.....professing abortion rights with their T-shirts and preprinted signs. (BTW, all these folks did have a permit to protest in ANOTHER area)

Those against healthcare/spending moved away from the SEIU crowd to
avoid confrontation. They were orderly and respectful. Even though SEIU kept coming over and walking through, continuing to be very intimidating and aggressive at the direction of the one SEIU man.

So we had Montana folks from ALL OVER the state with their homemade
signs and their DOGS with homemade signs. We had cowboys, nurses, doctors you name it. There was even a guy from Texas who had been driving through. He found out about the occasion, went to the store, made a sign, and came to protest.

If you are wondering about the press.....Well, all of the major networks
were over by that remote hangar I mentioned. They were conveniently
parked on the other side of the buildings FAR away. None of these crowds were even visible to them. I have my doubts that they knew anything about the crowds.

We did have some local news media around us from this state and Idaho.
Speaking of the local media...they were invited. However, all questions
were to be turned into the White House in advance of the event. Wouldn't want anyone to have to think off the top of their head.

It was very obvious that it was meant to be totally controlled by the
White House. Everything was orchestrated down to the last detail to make it appear that Montana is just crazy for Obama and government healthcare. Even those people that talked about their insurance woes........the White House called our local HRDC (Human Resource and Development Committee) and asked for names. Then the White House asked those folks to come. Smoke and mirrors...EVERYTHING was staged!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very dismayed about what I learned about our current White House.
The amount of control and manipulation was unbelievable. I felt I was not
living in the United States of America, more like the USSR!! I was physically
nauseous. Bill and I have been around when Presidents or Heads of State
visit. It has NEVER been like this. I am truly very frightened for our
country. America needs your prayers and your voices. If you care about
our country please get involved. Know the issues. And let Congress hear your voices again and again!! If they are willing to put forth so much effort
to BULLY a small town one can only imagine what is going on in Washington


Bozeman, Montana

August 27th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Thanks for posting that.

This current government has me doing a lot of things differently.

The most recent one that Karla and I just discussed is learning to be rifleman. We have both fired weapons before, Karla more than me, but do not own any and would hardly consider ourselves accurate. We are interested in this project: http://www.appleseedinfo.org/. Our first step is enrolling in a hunter safety course.

August 27th, 2009, 10:02 AM
I call BS, probably something heard on Limbaugh, O'Rielly, Hannity & Fox "News" as fact. But I'm a flaming liberal so don't listen to me.

August 27th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Snopes report:


Seems that some is true and some probably isn't, which isn't surprising.

August 27th, 2009, 10:23 AM
But I'm a flaming liberal so don't listen to me.

I don't :D

August 27th, 2009, 10:31 AM
You're a smart man Aaron, I trust smart enough not to believe the "Fox side" either. ;)

August 27th, 2009, 10:31 AM
civil war.... take 2 coming to a country near you.

scout man
August 27th, 2009, 10:55 AM
Alright, so given my line of work, I have been involved with Obama rally's and Campaigns since about July of last year. No, I did not vote for him, so this is not as biased as you might think. I have been involved with about 11 Obama events around Colorado so far, including the most recent Town hall meeting in Grand Junction. Lets just say some of his staff and secret service actually know me by name at this point. Some parts of this are true to the average event, and some are not (i do not know whether or not they were true to the Montana event).

To begin with, yes, there are rediculous amounts of money spent and good shipped in for these events. However, most of it (i dont know about lobster) is to create the image you expect to see of the president. Aka proper lighting, nice crisp wall of flags, etc. I have done these events with 2 semi's of stuff (106 feet x 8ft of goods), including only sound, lights, decor, and chairs. They drop thousands of dollars for this part of the event alone. They do, however, generally shop around for a good price, and dont pay just any amount for it. There are also generally other companies involved that may ship in their own goods, such as additional decor, and maybe catering. Not to mention the white house AV staff also ships in some of their equipment, as there are certain parts of events that are only to be operated by white house staff.

Are there wasteful things brought in??? absolutely. In fact, at the stimulus signing here in Denver, they brought in thousands of dollars worth of solar pannels to use as decor. Some were just set up in hallways that the media would walk past, but most notably there was a giant wall of solar panels errected behind the president's desk that he would be signing the bill on. Why was this wasteful? Because by the time the event actually started it was decided that the pannels did not look how they had hoped, so they ended up covering the pannels with drape. This giant pannel, which took some guys all day to assemble, was hidden by drape and no one ever knew it was there.

As far as the press goes, I have to comments to enlighten. First of, these events arer designed for the press, and no one else. It is known that we are to break our backs to make the press happy, and the audience is just there because they want to watch. If there is any ball dropped in the event, it is to be towards the audience, not the media. Honestly, if the speakers were to go out during an event, that is not a big deal bacause all of the press receive their own audio feed. They don't care about the audience necessarily, they are mostly there to fill the room and make it look good. The second truth about the press is that they do not care what they trample or who they interfere with to get their shot. The press are always confined to very specific areas, because if not they would trash the place, and people would get hurt. We spend hours making sure all our cables are tucked away and not going to be tripped over, and the press comes in and just drags their cables right across walkways, handicap ramps, anything. Whether they were purposely kept out of way of the protestors at that event I do not know, but I can say that at most events there is nothing preventing them from filming protestors. I can also say that at the Grand Junction meeting they expected 3,000 protestors to fill the park next door, and even provided speakers so that they could hear the event... no one showed up. The only people out there were pople that happened to wander through the park and decided to stop and listen. In fact, there was a larger support rally than protest rally.

They are also very careful about not revealing how or when the president will arrive. We have to keep in mind there are a lot of people who want our president dead... especially this specific president. He will never be in line of sight of any person who has not passed a metal detector. Example, at the Grand Junction event I was outdoors running the protestor's speakers, and I saw Airforce one fly over. Then a helicopter came and almost landed on the football field, but just before he landed he flew away. then a line of cars appear behind the building, but no one ever got out (in line of sight of unsecure people), then the president was inside. In fact, since I was in communication with people inside, I know that they were informing us the president was in the building before air force 1 even landed... they dont take any chances.

As far as the pre-screening questions goes, yes they do that. However, it is done to limit the direction of conversation. You are allowed to ask any question as long as A) it is withing the greater topic of the event (AKA healthcare), and B) it is not too obscene. However, when it comes down to it, you hold the mic in your hand and use your own voice... and people ask the questions they want, whether it was pre screened or not, and as long as you are not causing an unnecessary scene, you will not be disciplined for it at all. I have seen it many times... I have also seen people escorted out, however, for flat out being rude.

To sum it up, these events are all about the smoke and mirrors. Yes, they limit certain people to certain areas, yes they cost rediculous amounts of money, and yes they try as hard as they can to regulate the proceedings in the meetings. However it must be kept in mind that this is a very powerful man, and a man that a lot of people would like to get their hands on. And regardless of your political beleifs, he is the President of the United States, and it would be a negative for our country if someone else were to ever get their hands on him. As I said before, I am not a democrat, and I do not agree with everything he does, and I do not agree with everything that occurs at these events. however, having been involved with them I very much see the reasons that a lot of these things occur, and it IS NOT to keep the average American down, and to trick him. That fact of the matter is if American citizens ALWAYS kept themselves in check and did not ever cause problems or disrepect their own leader (different than keeping him in check), most of these regulations and restrictions would not need to exsist.

Alright, thats the end of what I have to say. Hope it made sense. It is actually a really cool thing to see in person regardless of your political beleifs. I am not one to sit and watch this stuff on tv, but it person it is way more fascinating.

August 27th, 2009, 11:01 AM
Thanks, that was some great info!

August 27th, 2009, 11:31 AM
I think that was well said, Scout Man. It drives me nuts when people miss the big picture and whine about all the insignificant details. If they were watching on CNN and couldn't hear the questions because of all the protesters and megaphones they would be the first to say "why can't they move the crowds a little farther away so everyone can hear what's going on..." Its just idiotic. Who cares about the stupid lobsters anyway... think of the people who benefited from the lobsters being shipped in.

Don't get me wrong here. I am a deeply seated capitalist, a flaming conservative and I have the guns to prove it! But I can't stand a bunch of whiners looking for things to complain about! I am dissapointed in the direction this great country is heading, but I will not complain about the cost of lobsters... There are much bigger things to discuss.

FYI Chris, I probably listen more to the progressive talk radio than conservative or FOX news. I think to be truly unbiased is to listen to both sides and use your own logic and judgement from there.

August 27th, 2009, 11:54 AM
Where is the "open a can of worms" smiley when you need it?

August 27th, 2009, 11:56 AM
I worked right along Steve for many of these things, and it is indeed the truth.

The only thing I might add, is that the Bush administration was pulling the same BS moves that have been outlined here, so its hardly "a liberal scheme to pull wool over the eyes of the world". Regardless of what political leanings you might have, they are all out for the politics and gaining more power over people. Yes, their views on specific images clash, but the differences between the right and left in this country is very small and insignificant when compared to their similarities.

My challenge to people, is to stop listening to a specific source of media, and get the whole picture like Fred was saying. Be intelligent and make up your mind yourself after getting the facts from multiple sources. All of this BS arguing over what the health care reforms will be stems from the fact that most people have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT with it (me included in many ways). Honestly, I'd love for the Insurance companies to get their ass handed to them in this, cause they are evil money grubbing aholes of a corporation that thrive off the hurt of others. Before you call what Obama is really trying to do "a plot to turn us socialist, etc" really have a look at some of the countries that have had success with a public health plan, and see what it does for them (and don't get your info from Fox, or MSNBC, or CNN or those kind of places). I may be fairly moderate leaning towards liberal, but I'll respect anyones opinion that wasn't just copied verbatim from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews or whoever else is yelling on the TV (except for John Stewert, you can just copy what he says:D....hehehee...kidding).


scout man
August 27th, 2009, 12:05 PM
I worked right along Steve for many of these things, and it is indeed the truth.

The only thing I might add, is that the Bush administration was pulling the same BS moves that have been outlined here, so its hardly "a liberal scheme to pull wool over the eyes of the world". Regardless of what political leanings you might have, they are all out for the politics and gaining more power over people. Yes, their views on specific images clash, but the differences between the right and left in this country is very small and insignificant when compared to their similarities.

My challenge to people, is to stop listening to a specific source of media, and get the whole picture like Fred was saying. Be intelligent and make up your mind yourself after getting the facts from multiple sources. All of this BS arguing over what the health care reforms will be stems from the fact that most people have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT with it (me included in many ways). Honestly, I'd love for the Insurance companies to get their ass handed to them in this, cause they are evil money grubbing aholes of a corporation that thrive off the hurt of others. Before you call what Obama is really trying to do "a plot to turn us socialist, etc" really have a look at some of the countries that have had success with a public health plan, and see what it does for them (and don't get your info from Fox, or MSNBC, or CNN or those kind of places). I may be fairly moderate leaning towards liberal, but I'll respect anyones opinion that wasn't just copied verbatim from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews or whoever else is yelling on the TV (except for John Stewert, you can just copy what he says:D....hehehee...kidding).


I agree with both of the above. Yes, this is a can of worms... the same reason I refused to answer on the education poll that just popped up too, because my answer would be just about as long! :rolleyes:. And yes, Josh is right, it is not just a democrat thing. It is a presidential thing. I have worked for both parties, and it is the same either way.

August 27th, 2009, 12:51 PM
To begin with, yes, there are rediculous amounts of money spent and good shipped in for these events. However, most of it is to create the image you expect to see of the president.

Very good post Scout Man, thanks. Imagine having the press today that FDR had. No photos of the wheelchair please, it doesn't present the image the people need to have. That would save some money but anything spent is benefiting someone.

Its just idiotic. Who cares about the stupid lobsters anyway... think of the people who benefited from the lobsters being shipped in.

Exactly Dan. I heard there's a big fuss about highway rebuilding money being spent on signs instead of the roads. As if the sign making companies aren't part of the same economy. What a waste of energy.

Don't get me wrong here. I am a deeply seated capitalist, a flaming conservative and I have the guns to prove it!

I'm a gun owning capitalist too Dan and don't think for a minute Obama's going to take them away! Probably an unspoken economic move that worked extremely well. ;)

I can't stand a bunch of whiners looking for things to complain about! I am dissapointed in the direction this great country is heading

I have been for quite a while myself but am regaining optimism with the way things are going now. Anyone that believes the economy would have survived under the past administration policies has to do a bit of thinking.

FYI Chris, I probably listen more to the progressive talk radio than conservative or FOX news. I think to be truly unbiased is to listen to both sides and use your own logic and judgement from there.

I didn't know there was any progressive radio shows, I don't listen to any talk radio. I do like to watch the McLaughlin Group when I catch it even though I want to reach through the screen and strangle Pat Buchanan. It always amazed me that Limbaugh would start his show by telling his listeners he would tell them what to think. Any thinking person would have turned him off right then. I have listened to him for years so don't know if he still does that or not.

It seems as though everyone's pretty much in agreement that what we need is people to be informed and make their decision based on fact.


August 28th, 2009, 12:23 AM
I think there are some good points raised with the things going on today. One that has me up in arms right now is the fact that our presidential commitee believes we need a national civil force that is as well prepared and trained as our military whatever the cost. Why do we need this? For what to control the general public, yes there will always be those folks that get outta hand but not all citizens need to be policed by this action. Also how can we afford it when economics classes teaches that if there is three negative quaters that is a depression not a recession.

As for the health plan I am not against it, but I think it would be wisest to follow what other nations have done, look into the ups and downs pluses and minuses that they all have gone thru before we just thro this plan into action. After living in countries that have a government run health plan and researching these plans we can not afford to just put this into action cause our government says lets do it and votes in the house of reps and congress.
Yes the insurance companies are getting worse than ever before and will take the money and run if they are not stopped, personal example is after my accident last april they are sitting there pushing me to do all the leg work for them when I am paying them high costs and for what? Which is jeapordising my credit ratings.

So all in all we need to get the media under control and in check and telling us what they want to just for there ratings. As Americans we need to step up and keep a close eye on everything our government is doing and inform them when we as a society in general do not agree with what they are doing. As a government employee I see how money is wasted and when it is not, first hand and go through a lot when the president is coming to Denver and landing here at work, so I agree with what has been said about the behind the scenes activity we go thru it here all the time. Yes it may cause a big inconveintence to our daily lives but there is a bigger picture to it in the end.

4runner freak
August 28th, 2009, 10:04 AM
As for the health plan I am not against it, but I think it would be wisest to follow what other nations have done, look into the ups and downs pluses and minuses that they all have gone thru before we just thro this plan into action. After living in countries that have a government run health plan and researching these plans we can not afford to just put this into action cause our government says lets do it and votes in the house of reps and congress.
Yes the insurance companies are getting worse than ever before and will take the money and run if they are not stopped, personal example is after my accident last april they are sitting there pushing me to do all the leg work for them when I am paying them high costs and for what? Which is jeapordising my credit ratings.

I agree that something definitely needs to be done to reign in the insurance company costs(which lots of it actually comes from all the frivolous lawsuits and the insurance that Doctors have to have to cover their butts)
I am a medical mishap(broken back, arm(surgery, pins and plate), type 1 diabetes) and I WILL not be able to survive financially or physically very long under this outrageous, no congress members carrying, catastrophe.

For those that are insanely supporting the ObamaCare bill(HR3200), and those who aren't, you need to know what is in this bill.
Read some of this and it will scare the pants off of you.
Here is a summary of the bill (http://www.liberty.edu/media/9980/attachments/healthcare_overview_obama_072909.pdf)
Here is the actual bill (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h3200ih.txt.pdf)

August 28th, 2009, 10:50 AM
Hi Danny,

I have no argument with anyone's religious beliefs or political leaning but this information doesn't scare me at all. Like so much information it's tilted towards the belief of the organizations rightist goals. Not exactly unbiased IMHO though I will read it in its entirety later today.

"Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family."

They are primarily focused on anti-homosexual issues and church/school issues both of which have no place in government mandates. Banning Harry Potter books? There's much more important things to spend time, energy and money on in this broken economy.

Remember separation of church & state?


August 28th, 2009, 10:55 AM
Now that we have politics out of the way, can we move on to religion and sex. Please...

August 28th, 2009, 10:57 AM
I definitely agree with you Chris. Its a very biased look at the bill. I'm sure there are some things in the bill that really shouldn't be, and that its worth getting them out in the open. Not sure linking to a very biased and right wing organization is the way to do it. Unfortunately, there aren't any truly objective translations out there of this bill, and its very hard for me, the layman, to interpret the legal speak that this bill is. Plus, the bill is 1000 pages long. Definitely doesn't make it easy to see whats up. Its really too bad this stuff has to be decided by politics, as its a major hindrance to progress.


August 28th, 2009, 10:59 AM
Now that we have politics out of the way, can we move on to religion and sex. Please...

ooooh..........did you say sex?:thunb:


August 28th, 2009, 11:02 AM
Now that we have politics out of the way, can we move on to religion and sex. Please...

Seriously religion and sex have no place in the government. I have no interest in what people do in these very personal areas that cannot and will not be changed by legislation.

August 28th, 2009, 02:46 PM
Now that we have politics out of the way, can we move on to religion and sex. Please...

I am up for sex.... LOL :lol::lol: How does that go... Devil on SAT night and saint on SUN morn LOL :lol:

August 29th, 2009, 07:16 AM
Not off topic:

The National Republican Party has mailed a fund raising letter stating that the government could check voter registration records "promoting fears that the GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democratic imposed health care rationing system"

Yeah, right. Those nasty Democrats are now going to try to kill of the Republicans. :doh:

August 30th, 2009, 07:53 AM
Most of this stuff can be cured by 10 years or so of your plain basic anarchy. The people spouting the most BS the longest will be the ones feeding the vegetation.

I, for one, would have no problems with this scenario. I don't like BS and, in many ways, wish things were back in the 1800's there were a few less laws and restraints about simply capping someone you didn't like or truly needed it or was just taking up space...politicians included, of course.

And yes, I would be quite happy knowing that this included someone who thought the same of me. Certainly would be a little more sporting going to the store...

August 30th, 2009, 07:55 AM
Most of this stuff can be cured by 10 years or so of your plain basic anarchy. The people spouting the most BS the longest will be the ones feeding the vegetation.

I, for one, would have no problems with this scenario. I don't like BS and, in many ways, wish things were back in the 1800's there were a few less laws and restraints about simply capping someone you didn't like or truly needed it or was just taking up space...politicians included, of course.

And yes, I would be quite happy knowing that this included someone who thought the same of me. Certainly would be a little more sporting going to the store...

I always said I was born 100 too late!

August 30th, 2009, 08:14 AM
I am a believer in the "An armed society is a polite society". I think that, with the exception of PNDs, that everyone should be allowed to carry whatever weapons they feel like carrying...without any idiotic laws getting in the way.

Sure, things would get a bit entertaining for a couple of years and some "innocent" folks would die, but things would calm down after a bit...be a lot less 'bangers', many less child molesters, many less rapists (and victims), and many people that deserve to be manure doing what they are designed for instead of breathing someone elses' air....

August 30th, 2009, 08:19 AM
I am a believer in the "An armed society is a polite society". I think that, with the exception of PNDs that everyone should allowed to carry whatever weapons they feel like carrying...without any idiotic laws getting in the way.

Sure, things would get a bit entertaining for a couple of years and some "innocent" folks would die, but things would calm down after a bit...be a lot less 'bangers', many less child molesters, many less rapists (and victims), and many people that deserve to be manure doing what they are designed for instead of breathing someone elses' air....

AMEN TO THAT!!!:thunb:

August 30th, 2009, 10:01 AM
im in for all that...!!!