View Full Version : Stockers w/o Lockers

August 29th, 2009, 10:26 PM
OMG, I'm tired. Hope everyone made it home safely.

August 29th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Seriously - how the heck did you catch us?

August 29th, 2009, 10:35 PM
OMG, I'm tired. Hope everyone made it home safely.

The three of us that went down the 285 side of Webster made it just fine (I caught up with them about 3/4 of the way down). Very minimal mud, but there were some quite scary parts where it was off camber and very narrow at the same time, due to washed out sections coming down the switchbacks. Everyone would have made it, but if I'm honest, I was more freaked out by that section then anything on Red Cone. I'd say it was almost worse then the stuff on Radical Hill too. Doable, but nerve racking. Once you get down off the Switchbacks, its quite easy and just a forest road with the occasional rock, mud puddle, and small water crossing.

For those who weren't on the trip, it was quite the long day. I feel sorry for the stern talking to that Armando will be getting from his wife, as he really put that Jeep Patriot through hell today. Did I mention it was her car, and there are some serious battle scars on it now. Gonna have to get a "trail rated" sticker and put in on there I think.

We ended up taking 7 hours to do Red Cone or so, mostly because of having to push pull and drag him up. It was fun to see it get up things, even if it took getting drug up it by Randy in a few cases. Armando had a great attitude the whole time, and I was impressed at some of the stuff he was able to do with it. Unfortunately there is no low range on the patriot, which was the major thing that kept him from getting up stuff more easily.

Irregardless, it was a great time, the weather held out for us even if it was a bit cold. Not as windy as last time, and only a slight sprinkle. We only ended up running Red Cone, and didn't make it to Georgia Pass like was planned. Lots of camera's out, mine included, so I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures and video posted of our exploits. Hope everyone made it home all right.


August 29th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Totally agreed on the three of us that went down! That was a butt clencher! However, it was pretty fun (or disturbing, we still aren't sure) bottoming out over those boulders/ mud puddles down a ways! In any case, if we do Red Cone again, we SURE AREN'T going down the way we did today! Good LORD!

August 29th, 2009, 10:43 PM
Seriously - how the heck did you catch us?

hehee.......ya'll drive slow and I drive like a rally driver:lol:. You'll notice that I fairly quickly got quite a lead on the rest of the group every time we set off after regrouping. I was probably driving 15-20mph or more most of the way down, after getting off those switch backs. I actually find it smooths out the ride sometimes, since you gap a lot of the bumps you'd hit if you were going slow. You just have to keep a good eye out for the big pot holes that will can make for some head banging followed by cursing :rant:. Its kind fun to haul ass down a forest road, as long as you keep it at least a tiny bit sane.


August 29th, 2009, 11:44 PM
Heading to bed. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

August 29th, 2009, 11:52 PM

We just got home (11:30) to Broomfield after a quick bite, We are whooped.

So on our way down, the other way... we had a vehicle fire :eek:

Yes the Burb had some questionable un-fused lighting electrical, it shorted. Cab filled with smoke, while extracting the kids in a hurry there were flames, then out came the extinguishers. All was fine after the flames were extinguished and he was able to continue down with minimal burn damage.

Although this way was very easy and no challenges with one good size water crossing, then up over the divide and through the tunnel and on to home to wrap up a very long day.

Yes the Patriot got sorta worked, it was not a good day for Jeeps reputation. Armondo did good in the driving the vehicle would allow. But with such little ground clearance, such small tires (like car size), no low range, and only a 4cyl there was sorta no hope. The worst of it was the further we took him the worse the trail got (for the Patriot atleast) to the point of having to be literally dragged in the end to the peak of Red Cone.

What a day!!

BTW: I have some sweet pics and videos, I will post a link tomorrow.

August 30th, 2009, 12:35 AM
I had to be in a parade today, so I wasnt able to make it. Damn!!

August 30th, 2009, 01:45 AM
I didn't make it either today, but I'm fairly certain I have my problem nailed down this time(Oh, how I hope).

August 30th, 2009, 08:04 AM
Yes the Patriot got sorta worked, it was not a good day for Jeeps reputation. Armondo did good in the driving the vehicle would allow. But with such little ground clearance, such small tires (like car size), no low range, and only a 4cyl there was sorta no hope. The worst of it was the further we took him the worse the trail got (for the Patriot atleast) to the point of having to be literally dragged in the end to the peak of Red Cone.

What a day!!

BTW: I have some sweet pics and videos, I will post a link tomorrow.

How many rigs showed up? If you guys got home at 11:30 that was a long day! Just curious as to why the run took so long...

Sounds like a story behind the Jeep Patriot/Armondo thing. I never realized that the Patriots (I actually didn't even know there was such a thing) was simply a mall crawler with regular tires and no low range.

I am surprised that people who did know (about both the trail and the Patriot's capabilities) didn't say anything about this rig just not being suitable for doing a trail like this before you even started. With that many people there, someone should have said something and avoided the problems to begin with. It would be like taking a Subbi Outback up and over the pass...street tires, no low range, maybe a bigger engine...but the same scenario...

Hope it was a good day all the same...just seems like the problems you had could have been avoided ....

August 30th, 2009, 08:28 AM
Of course there were problems easily avoided. Everyone was a bit concerned that the Patriot would have issues, but most of us seemed to want to let Armando give it a try. I was expecting him to get a little way up the trail, and then find the first place to turn around and try Webster instead. Unfortunately by the time I saw him again (I was up front leading the trail and he was about halfway through the pack) and radio chatter indicated that he was doing all right, if going a bit slow.

The main issue he was having, was that due to not having any low range, the transmission would start to heat up. When this happened, it would start slipping and loosing drive, and every little rock would stop him in his tracks. If you let it cool down for 10 minutes, he would do a lot better. So there were definitely times where everyone was just kinda hanging out wait for that to happen. The other issue was that the only tow points on the vehicle were hard to find and under plastic panels and such.

If I'm honest, except for the steep parts, the Patriot did pretty well. He got up through some stuff with no issues, that I thought we were going to have to push him through. I'm sure there is some rock rash under the car, and the muffler is kinda hanging weird, and a small plastic piece came off the rocker panel on one side, but there were no scratches or dents in the body work, and it made it up allright once Randy threw a strap on him to get him up the steep hills. He got down the steep side of Red Cone just fine, and presumably got down Webster just fine too.

Like I said before, I thought the switchbacks on Webster Pass were scarier then anything on Red Cone or Radical Hill, so I'm kind of glad we didn't go that way. I think it would have been scary to get Roland and Randy through one section, as I felt like my rig was just barely able to fit through safely. It was a washed out section of trail, that was very off camber and very narrow.

Hehee......so maybe next time we'll stick to 1 or 2 rated trails for "Stockers no Lockers" trail ride huh? Shrine Pass or something like that (then the big rigs who go can do Lime Creek or Holy Cross afterwards). I know Huey was having some misgivings about the trail selection, though everyone seemed to be having a good time, if a bit white knuckled. It is a bit intense of a trail to be taking someone who has never really done any true offroading though. Hope we didn't scare anyone away, either due to boredom or intensity. All the "first time" Front Range run people should know that we very rarely have a trip that takes that long. I think for the future, the basic rule should be either very easy trails, or mandatory low range and easy to access tow hooks. This largely weeds out the rigs that would have a hard time with a moderate trail.


August 30th, 2009, 08:33 AM
just waiting for the pics!!!!!!

August 30th, 2009, 08:39 AM
How many rigs showed up? If you guys got home at 11:30 that was a long day! Just curious as to why the run took so long...

Sounds like a story behind the Jeep Patriot/Armondo thing. I never realized that the Patriots (I actually didn't even know there was such a thing) was simply a mall crawler with regular tires and no low range.

I am surprised that people who did know (about both the trail and the Patriot's capabilities) didn't say anything about this rig just not being suitable for doing a trail like this before you even started. With that many people there, someone should have said something and avoided the problems to begin with. It would be like taking a Subbi Outback up and over the pass...street tires, no low range, maybe a bigger engine...but the same scenario...

Hope it was a good day all the same...just seems like the problems you had could have been avoided ....

Hey Brody,
There were 10 rigs. 2 closest to "stock were the Patriot and a paper plated (1200 mile on the odo) Tacoma TRD SR5. The Tacoma did sweet, no issues at all, had to be spotted only once and never got stuck.

Brody also You hit the nail on the head!!

We talked on the thread about doing Webster or RedCone, but there were two people who have done this trail present the morning of. And not to throw them under the bus but yes, one of them should have said "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL" LOL and we could/should have just went up Websters pass.

To there defense I they like you did not know the Patriot had no low gear. However me having been on the trail now, if I saw him inn the morning before doing it again, I would have said "dude sorry, there aint no way"

So about the time... there were a few factors.

1) The jeep seriously would go 200 feet and was stuck and we literally had to push it with 5 guys to make it up something, only to stop 200 feet later. Yeah it was like that! Armondo was great about it, not his fault, just the facts.

2) Every time we stopped for the jeep, everybody got out... then talked... and so on.

3) Then someone would stop so we could regroup... then doors opend... ppl got out... and talked... lol

4) Aaron popped a radiator hose... we made this a lunch stop, but it was longer then it needed to be.

5) We met at Safeway @ 10am, did not get to the trailhead till 11 ish and did not leave there till 12'ish!

6) Then for the Montazuma group we had the fire delay

7) This was 8pm now, so 8 hours trail time, and past dinner time so we stopped and ate, I aired back up, and drove home.

August 30th, 2009, 09:00 AM
5) We met at Safeway @ 10am, did not get to the trailhead till 11 ish and did not leave there till 12'ish!

Anyone ever have any questions about me being insistent on earlier start times for trail runs maybe should read this post. I don't like getting home at 11:30 or so at night just because of a late start. It leaves no margin for trail breakdowns and repairs, bad weather, slow vehicles in front, or any one of the number of things that can and do go wrong.

I don't really like to be doing trail repairs or getting rigs unstuck in the dark, in the wind, in the rain, in the snow or a combination of all of them. Been there, done that and will probably do it again...I also don't like being above treeline when the afternoon thunderstorms have a habit of rolling through.

August 30th, 2009, 09:06 AM
I didn't think you guys went the Montezuma way - figured you might have caught up with me. I aired up at the Peru Creek trailhead parking. But the fire issue explains that.

Although I was moving pretty quick after getting off the switchbacks webster is pretty mild so I was kickin up some dust lol.

Made it to Superior about 8:30

scout man
August 30th, 2009, 09:10 AM
Hey Brody,
There were 10 rigs. 2 closest to "stock were the Patriot and a paper plated (1200 mile on the odo) Tacoma TRD SR5. The Tacoma did sweet, no issues at all, had to be spotted only once and never got stuck.

Brody also You hit the nail on the head!!

We talked on the thread about doing Webster or RedCone, but there were two people who have done this trail present the morning of. And not to throw them under the bus but yes, one of them should have said "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL" LOL and we could/should have just went up Websters pass.

To there defense I they like you did not know the Patriot had no low gear. However me having been on the trail now, if I saw him inn the morning before doing it again, I would have said "dude sorry, there aint no way"

So about the time... there were a few factors.

1) The jeep seriously would go 200 feet and was stuck and we literally had to push it with 5 guys to make it up something, only to stop 200 feet later. Yeah it was like that! Armondo was great about it, not his fault, just the facts.

2) Every time we stopped for the jeep, everybody got out... then talked... and so on.

3) Then someone would stop so we could regroup... then doors opend... ppl got out... and talked... lol

4) Aaron popped a radiator hose... we made this a lunch stop, but it was longer then it needed to be.

5) We met at Safeway @ 10am, did not get to the trailhead till 11 ish and did not leave there till 12'ish!

6) Then for the Montazuma group we had the fire delay

7) This was 8pm now, so 8 hours trail time, and past dinner time so we stopped and ate, I aired back up, and drove home.

Besides, this was a stockers run. I personally expected going into it that it would take a very long time, and there would be a ton of stopping. Personally, I had a great time. I dont mind that we stopped a lot because we still made the trails, and I met a lot of great people that I had not had the chance to meet before. Whenever you have that large of a group, I expect to stop, and when you add in the fact that it was expected to be a group of rather inexperienced drivers, expect it to take longer. Aside from the few people that had other plans for the evening, I don't think it was really a huge deal for anyone. And those that did have other plans were still very good about it, and understanding, and took off early when they felt they needed too. I personally had a great time on this trip, even without having my own vehicle there, and had a great time meeting everyone. Can't wait to see some pics!

August 30th, 2009, 09:21 AM
Hope it was a good day all the same...just seems like the problems you had could have been avoided ....

It was a good day but not a good trail for the "Stockers w/o Lockers" run which I now know that I've been on it. We all learned a lot about Patriots and trail selection for a stockers run. I agree that next time a very easy trail would be appropriate.

Roland had some t-case issue before hitting the trail, Aaron had the hose issue, the Patriots struggle and the end of run fire were all contributing factors for the long day.

Thanks to everyone for a fast response to the fire, scary especially with the kids in the truck. I was about 100 yards behind everyone and thought someone blew a radiator for a few seconds until it was obviously smoke and lots of it. Then I saw people running and hurried down myself to find the kids safe and the fire out. Again, great response everyone! :thunb:

August 30th, 2009, 09:40 AM

Yes the Patriot got sorta worked, it was not a good day for Jeeps reputation. [QUOTE]
Hey, Jeep's reputation is just fine. :D There was never a claim that the "4x4" Patriot was good for trails. It's a grocery hauler.:lol:

August 30th, 2009, 09:48 AM
I was not implying I did not have a good time, it was a good time, and I agree it seemed like a good time for all. We did get to do some great socializing.

Having said that, aside from being a lil tiring, time was beginning to be an issue early on simply because like Brody said, this trail would not have been ideal for an afternoon and it turned out to be that. We did see some lightning when we were in final approach to the summit which was a little nerve racking.

None the less, I had a great time, did get to talk with some of the members which was nice and in the end it was a safe completed run. :thunb:

August 30th, 2009, 09:50 AM
It was a good day but not a good trail for the "Stockers w/o Lockers" run which I now know that I've been on it. We all learned a lot about Patriots and trail selection for a stockers run. I agree that next time a very easy trail would be appropriate.

Roland had some t-case issue before hitting the trail, Aaron had the hose issue, the Patriots struggle and the end of run fire were all contributing factors for the long day.

Thanks to everyone for a fast response to the fire, scary especially with the kids in the truck. I was about 100 yards behind everyone and thought someone blew a radiator for a few seconds until it was obviously smoke and lots of it. Then I saw people running and hurried down myself to find the kids safe and the fire out. Again, great response everyone! :thunb:

one thing i will mention on this is that who ever has a fire, get children out first and let others worry bout the fire, but this time roland was quick on the draw and had it out real quick and his nephew was out of the truck fast as well. But yes we got there quick and i had a extinguisher in hand ready to assist.

August 30th, 2009, 10:02 AM
Hey, I think I pass some of you guys going up 285. I went and did Wheeler lake and Mosquito pass

August 30th, 2009, 10:23 AM
Hey, I think I pass some of you guys going up 285. I went and did Wheeler lake and Mosquito pass

Yeah, we definetly saw you and another FJ go by. Thought you might have been coming on our trip, but saw you drive past so figured you had your own plans. Have a good time?


August 30th, 2009, 10:26 AM
Seriously - how the heck did you catch us?

Nice to meet Ashley & Hanna, Kyle. I was really surprised to see you guys on I-70 as we approached home. How's your body feeling today, you did an awful lot of pushing and rock moving and thanks are in line for all of that!

August 30th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Despite the time this run took I had a great time myself. I'd never done Red Cone and loved it and will be going back soon and taking Barb next time. This is exactly the kind of trail she loves. Not particularly challenging but with fantastic views.

It was nice meeting some new people and connecting faces to usernames. Of course the late return home wasn't expected and I hope nobody thinks this was in any way a "typical" run. It does exemplify the "expect the unexpected" aspect of any run.

Thanks to everyone for a good time and I hope to see you on another, less eventful, run!


August 30th, 2009, 10:49 AM
Hey, I think I pass some of you guys going up 285. I went and did Wheeler lake and Mosquito pass

yep you passed all of us and i waved at you, i have the green topper on my rig now, did ya have fun?

August 30th, 2009, 11:24 AM
We need pics! I didn't get much but here's my vanity shot.

August 30th, 2009, 11:31 AM
I have some video. Too many clouds when we got to the top for any good photos from the top. And I figured I should leave my camera and tripod in the truck with the lightning that we were seeing.

August 30th, 2009, 12:34 PM
it was fun yesterday:thunb:minus the fire in my truck:eek: (sorry if i got little emotianable). i was i running tailgunner all day. and when i put the new tranny mount in they looked identacle but i guesse its off by 1/4 inch in height and made my front drive shaft knukle was rubbing on my crossmember. thanks for the hand everyone in the qiuk fix. my truck did really good and made it around the tight switch backs in 1 and 2 points turns. the one points i was really side ways. i was nice meeting new people and seeing old friends. we got home and fixed his patroit. we put the body panel back on and straighted his exhausts back out. ill let yall know if he comes to work tonight(if not dead) here are some pics

August 30th, 2009, 12:37 PM
more pics. ireally could not get more of the others cause i was in back. the second pic shows armondo being pulled up the hill by randy.

August 30th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Agreed......lets let the dead horse lie or what not....

Now onto more fun stuff. I got the few pictures I took doctored up and am here to share them with you.

The spot where I turned around to come see what people were up to down the trail...
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pNDf6r8ngRHxZoxLwgHtsSO4hCvgw4pwKBqzk1CoEY2jgwRm Wqf7B8WI7-oP_m56ry1X-7HFiZspEJHgG5xif4c5Ry8budADf/1.jpg

Part way up Red Cone, after getting up above treeline.
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p_Rb8MjFOv1MKdyUm_a6xCLwtXrSNeERl4jHaNx37pgsSlMK p3ILchrMfpPAqdiw7EvB1ooeb_F-jTTjr1M5fZrLiRQM3vugL/2.jpg

Looking down at the bottom half of the group. We were in contact with the rest of the group via CB at this point, and Randy finally found a place to put a hook on Armando's Patriot. Wanted to get the first half up the trail, so that the group getting the Patriot up the steep hill below wouldn't have to stop at all.

http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p7D_KbSK8l0s3dx6yb5b8hOtvXLQtZwKJwpJJzJuJRZKjC7s fkigMxOOI-XihiljIuXEZRCXn_vUmqqE0M8qrtPJ6vxllkeW4/3.jpg

Lots of pics looking up at the first downhill come down Red Cone

http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pKTZwlnbnXnuyvz8njziIChhyNR76EwHISwZumGU4R-GdLmYj26UZSG1jcKxa5nD765VR5rUUPNbFbRlwYeOeZGfGVYho HWdS/4.jpg

http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p9eP6IvZhYgWkT-sFRe8Nb7GJJPZGh60wJ6Z14KJMxVLLpKBZW5tBDHqQ2PJuAg6F HUxxcbp4MwTIK5tsZqZ7s0ZGU6FS2zPg/5.jpg

http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pw83hfdhoDo5_4v3htUm7qZ0O8Kh3v5FW4UO3P7UO3qBEitI HcKOFJHTBnfCGzH3Ma6X570RcoXFFG4h-NAArAjrVHY0STjlM/6.jpg


August 30th, 2009, 12:42 PM
Nice pics, keep-em coming!

August 30th, 2009, 12:47 PM
A few more Red Cone pics..

This one kind of looks like a "stock" Jeep Photo you would see in a magazine....
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pDM1bMYMlLLUwtyBGuCqf-oD0XkHotIDCEjrM0-Q90yGSBlbkaEgBmmydKM0Xmdz4jFyAd8nA17g_8rMZCtxzaS7s q9wzPHJZ/7.jpg

Brutus, after Randy scared everyone at the bottom of the hill, after just letting his clutch go at the steepest part...
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pfptuz9qmIQip6-CFc_cbD9ezDI2UJhDlyDIJ7FC3JQ4B0gYDSukTypiQoYpLIYAS TkFlGbILH8QOAzLL0VEEfQ/8.jpg

Proof that the Patriot made it down the steep hill in one piece. We are pretty sure its the only Patriot to ever be up there, and that Armando should send these pics into Jeep to get a "trail rate" decal for it.
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pBWdKSB14ssDl08FLDlREYlATcHRTsOcQ4wo5lBgHAwJsd21 yoUv4K1kO4gmDVXmecCOsMWTzcK6NtRJxXcJZrQ/9.jpg

My favorite pick of the day, contrasting colors, ominous looking clouds, a cool rover coming down, what more could you ask for?

Another cool shot, with Roland having made it down safely, Chris on his way down, and everyone talking about how scary but cool it was (except for Roland, who played it cool and said "that was fun 10 years ago":cool:.

Despite the drama, I think pretty much everyone had a good time, and had a good attitude. Learned some lessons, had an adventure, a few scary moments, but overall had a good day.


August 30th, 2009, 12:55 PM
A few pics

August 30th, 2009, 12:58 PM
It would be like taking a Subbi Outback up and over the pass...street tires, no low range, maybe a bigger engine...but the same scenario...
What are you implying here? :p

I guess I'm kinda glad that we didn't join you guys, since you've only done Red Cone. I've never been there but I wasn't planning on doing Red Cone anyways, just because of the trail ratings (although, to be 'cocky', I think if a Patriot was able to do it we wouldn't had as many/any problems :lol:). I was hoping to do Webster and Georgia, since those looked more suitable for "Stockers without Lockers" ;) Maybe we can do a "SwL" 2.5 soon? We would really like to get together and meet you guys/gals :cool:

We went up to Loch Lomond on Friday - what a beautiful area up there. We had no problems, I'll post a separate report with pics soon.

So, did Smash get his "cherry popped"? I haven't heard from him yet - is he too busy cleaning his undies? :thunb:

Btw, just saw the pics - so where are the hard parts?

August 30th, 2009, 01:04 PM
A few more Red Cone pics..

This one kind of looks like a "stock" Jeep Photo you would see in a magazine....
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pDM1bMYMlLLUwtyBGuCqf-oD0XkHotIDCEjrM0-Q90yGSBlbkaEgBmmydKM0Xmdz4jFyAd8nA17g_8rMZCtxzaS7s q9wzPHJZ/7.jpg

Brutus, after Randy scared everyone at the bottom of the hill, after just letting his clutch go at the steepest part...
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pfptuz9qmIQip6-CFc_cbD9ezDI2UJhDlyDIJ7FC3JQ4B0gYDSukTypiQoYpLIYAS TkFlGbILH8QOAzLL0VEEfQ/8.jpg

Proof that the Patriot made it down the steep hill in one piece. We are pretty sure its the only Patriot to ever be up there, and that Armando should send these pics into Jeep to get a "trail rate" decal for it.
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pBWdKSB14ssDl08FLDlREYlATcHRTsOcQ4wo5lBgHAwJsd21 yoUv4K1kO4gmDVXmecCOsMWTzcK6NtRJxXcJZrQ/9.jpg

My favorite pick of the day, contrasting colors, ominous looking clouds, a cool rover coming down, what more could you ask for?
who played it cool and said "that was fun 10 years ago":cool:.

Despite the drama, I think pretty much everyone had a good time, and had a good attitude. Learned some lessons, had an adventure, a few scary moments, but overall had a good day.


last time i did it was in a Cj5 with the ruts:eek: now all smoothed out it was really really really fun. the low gearing in my truck i never touched my brakes coming down. BIG difference between my burb and that old jeep.
i wanna do it again .

August 30th, 2009, 01:07 PM
What are you implying here? :p

I guess I'm kinda glad that we didn't join you guys, since you've only done Red Cone. I've never been there but I wasn't planning on doing Red Cone anyways, just because of the trail ratings (although, to be 'cocky', I think if a Patriot was able to do it we wouldn't had as many/any problems :lol:). I was hoping to do Webster and Georgia, since those looked more suitable for "Stockers without Lockers" ;) Maybe we can do a "SwL" 2.5 soon? We would really like to get together and meet you guys/gals :cool:

We went up to Loch Lomond on Friday - what a beautiful area up there. We had no problems, I'll post a separate report with pics soon.

So, did Smash get his "cherry popped"? I haven't heard from him yet - is he too busy cleaning his undies? :thunb:

Btw, just saw the pics - so where are the hard parts?

they rode in tha back of my burb for a while and we were side ways and they could almost touch the ground . Smash and Karla had a blast:thunb:

August 30th, 2009, 01:09 PM
here is one pano. it is ok but when i get a tripod it will be better.

if anynone wants a copy let me know ill mail it to ya.

August 30th, 2009, 01:10 PM
here is one pano. it is ok but when i get a tripod it will be better.

if anynone wants a copy let me know ill mail it to ya.

Send me the pics you used to create it and I'll see if I can make the colors look a bit more uniform for ya. Cool pic though, complete with Steve looking cold.


August 30th, 2009, 01:22 PM
Proof that the Patriot made it down the steep hill in one piece. We are pretty sure its the only Patriot to ever be up there, and that Armando should send these pics into Jeep to get a "trail rate" decal for it.
http://62ztxq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pBWdKSB14ssDl08FLDlREYlATcHRTsOcQ4wo5lBgHAwJsd21 yoUv4K1kO4gmDVXmecCOsMWTzcK6NtRJxXcJZrQ/9.jpg

BAHH!!! He needs to get one of these stickers:

Available here: http://www.luvmyjp.com/trail-driven-sticker/

August 30th, 2009, 01:27 PM
i know someone has a pic or vid of me coming down redcone not at the bottom i would like to see what freaked people out...lol i was in complete control....

August 30th, 2009, 01:34 PM
here are some vidoes





August 30th, 2009, 02:29 PM
... Yes the Patriot got sorta worked, it was not a good day for Jeeps reputation. ...

Ah, the Patriot. Before I bought my Wrangler I looked at the Patriot. It's actually a very cool vehicle if you can talk to someone who understands it.

The CVT was interesting and the Patriot is offered in a "Trail Rated" version with skid plates, an extra inch of ground clearance, brake lock differential (cool feature that the Wrangler has too), hill-descent control, and 4-low. Unfortunately, the sales staff I talked to didn't understand this at all and couldn't answer my questions about it.

Fortunately for me, this led me to look at the Wrangler which I knew had 4-low because I could see the shifter for the transfer case through the window. :)

August 30th, 2009, 02:49 PM
another one

August 30th, 2009, 03:02 PM
Armondo did not have to sleep in the doghouse, his wife was understanding:thunb:. he wanted to say THANKS to everyone for helping out. for pushing and pulling and for being very patient.:)

August 30th, 2009, 03:40 PM
Here are the pics we got... http://www.flickr.com/photos/40709973@N07/sets/72157622063779377/

Not too many :erm: but some... :o

August 30th, 2009, 04:01 PM
Armondo did not have to sleep in the doghouse, his wife was understanding:thunb:. he wanted to say THANKS to everyone for helping out. for pushing and pulling and for being very patient.:)

Good to hear, I'm sure we'll all look forward to him joining on another run when he has something more suitable. :thunb:

August 30th, 2009, 04:07 PM

Hehee......so maybe next time we'll stick to 1 or 2 rated trails for "Stockers no Lockers" trail ride huh?........All the "first time" Front Range run people should know that we very rarely have a trip that takes that long. I think for the future, the basic rule should be either very easy trails, or mandatory low range and easy to access tow hooks. This largely weeds out the rigs that would have a hard time with a moderate trail.


Funny you should mention this, as the intent was for stockers and the initial ideas were for 1 to 3 rated trails. That idea, IIRC, was stomped out. People wanted something with more of a challenge. Next time the Stockers Run will be suitable for something stock and no one will push for something harder?

And some of our rides do indeed take more than seven hours. Trail clean ups can last all day.

August 30th, 2009, 04:19 PM
IMO a stock rig still has a low range. I don't see a rig as a 4x4 if it doesn't have a low range. That's not to say it can't do some trails, but I guess my idea of stockers is different than others. I expected something more like the new Taco that was there.

When I was still stock, I did a few "stocker" runs with some other groups. But they still had some obstacles. Next time maybe it should be called a dirt road run :p

August 30th, 2009, 05:06 PM
Let's stop beating a dead horse.


August 30th, 2009, 05:31 PM
i removed all that mentioned about the dead horse. i will remove anything that gets posted about it. lets just all be happy and i apologize for starting a fire.

August 30th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Just got home for the weekend..... We wanted to stay.. but we couldn't. I had a great time, yes it was longer than I thought..... but a Patriot w/o low made it.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am glad He is not in the dog house and that everyone made it home. Sorry for the delay with the radiator hose.... but now I know I need a new radiator cap...explains a lot. I will have pics soon!

August 30th, 2009, 07:03 PM
GREAT PICS EVERYONE!!! Hope mine do some justice...


August 30th, 2009, 07:04 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:05 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:06 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:07 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:08 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:09 PM

August 30th, 2009, 07:10 PM

Dodge Nitto
August 30th, 2009, 07:14 PM
The three of us that went down the 285 side of Webster made it just fine (I caught up with them about 3/4 of the way down). Very minimal mud, but there were some quite scary parts where it was off camber and very narrow at the same time, due to washed out sections coming down the switchbacks. Everyone would have made it, but if I'm honest, I was more freaked out by that section then anything on Red Cone. I'd say it was almost worse then the stuff on Radical Hill too. Doable, but nerve racking. Once you get down off the Switchbacks, its quite easy and just a forest road with the occasional rock, mud puddle, and small water crossing.

You are not joking! Going down Webster is sketchy where the washouts are! I still think about going down that section and just saying; why, why did I go this way?

August 30th, 2009, 07:20 PM
Looks like you all had a great time and fun was had by all.....

August 30th, 2009, 08:55 PM
wow wish I could of gone looks like a good time, damn work

August 30th, 2009, 11:19 PM
Nice to meet Ashley & Hanna, Kyle. I was really surprised to see you guys on I-70 as we approached home. How's your body feeling today, you did an awful lot of pushing and rock moving and thanks are in line for all of that!

NO JOKE CHRIS! How ever did you catch us?? It was nice meeting everyone too - we had a great time talking with and getting to know everyone. Looking forward to the next ones! Body is a bit sore but not too bad - made for some great stories today...(something about the cliffs and sketchiness of the trail going down the way we did...and careening off the cliff and such lol).

August 31st, 2009, 08:33 AM
Apparently going through Montezuma is much faster than heading back via 285!

August 31st, 2009, 08:59 AM
Apparently going through Montezuma is much faster than heading back via 285!

I could have told you that! ;)

August 31st, 2009, 09:06 AM
i know someone has a pic or vid of me coming down redcone not at the bottom i would like to see what freaked people out...lol i was in complete control....

I have you on video, I will post it up tonight...

August 31st, 2009, 09:38 AM
I could have told you that! ;)

Now that I've been there I do too! ;)

August 31st, 2009, 11:55 AM
Holy **** guys that was fantastic! A huge thank you to everyone for letting Karla and I tag along, especially Randy, Roland and Chris. It was very informative to see different rigs, how built they are, interior and exterior room. Randy taught me (and confirmed a lot of what I already know) about running trails. :thunb:

I had permagrin all day, even helping push/pull/drag the Patriot around. Congrats to Armando for keeping his head on straight and driving the heck out of that Jeep! Not at all frustrating for me. But heck, I drive a SUBARU offroad, I have loads of patience. :o

I have tons of photos and video to go through, I probably won't have them up here til mid/late this week.

Subacool - Your outback would've been screwed right from the beginning, no way you have enough clearance. My forester would've had the clearance. However, Armando proved in the Patriot that atleast 35% of the trail was too steep for an automatic transmission. That doesn't even include Red Cone itself. I was very happy I was rational and left my pride at home for this one, I had a great time!

August 31st, 2009, 12:02 PM
However, Armando proved in the Patriot that atleast 35% of the trail was too steep for an automatic transmission.

Only for an automatic without a low range gear. A stick without a low range gear wouldn't work either.

August 31st, 2009, 12:04 PM
Only for an automatic without a low range gear. A stick without a low range gear wouldn't work either.

Sorry, thanks for the clarification. That is what I meant. Basically that the Outback, even if it would have had the clearance, would not have been advisable to bring as it didn't have a low range. My 5 speed would've dumped all it's oil in fear at one look at some of those rough hills. :lol:

August 31st, 2009, 12:17 PM
LOL :)

August 31st, 2009, 12:35 PM
I had permagrin all day

LOL.. I do believe that is an understatement!

I have tons of photos and video to go through, I probably won't have them up here til mid/late this week.

Well hurry up already LOL

August 31st, 2009, 01:32 PM
Working on them.... We have a... uh.... "photo problem." I hope someday to have a nice camera.

August 31st, 2009, 01:37 PM
I need a new hosting site for slideshows, photobucket is miserable. Anybody got a suggestion on something that can handle adding captions and stuff? Must be FREE. Cause I'm assuming none wants me to put 103 photos up here...

August 31st, 2009, 01:42 PM
http://picasa.google.com/features.html :confused:

August 31st, 2009, 01:46 PM
I'll give picasa a go again, didn't like it last time. Thanks! (has a lot to do with storage size. I've already filled one photobucket account!)

August 31st, 2009, 01:48 PM

August 31st, 2009, 01:49 PM
I like the look of webshots. Will do that, thanks!

But for now I'm done with work and my Subaru is angry that he's not dirtier. So, we are off with the dogs to Central City to play around for a bit. Subacool's already up there!

August 31st, 2009, 03:50 PM
glad yall had a good time you and karla. i want to see my burban jumping video. cant wait to see pics and the vidoes. if i had my back seats in it would have been better than riding on my crap in the back and more comfortable. you wouldnt need to hold on to the roof and windows LOL

August 31st, 2009, 07:19 PM
It was nice to meet everyone that went on this trail. I enjoyed some of the trail but some of the spots gave me heart failure. Especially going over some of the big rocks and down Red Cone. Glad my truck made it with only minor damage, (have to replace both side steps on the toyota but they saved my door panels) Going home I didn't think it would make it thru some of the wash outs on the trail. Got stuck for a minute in the bogs. God that water hole was DEEP!!! BlackRubi waited for me to make sure I got out. Thank God for locking rear Diff. Glad to hear Armando is not in the Dog House. Lily the Lab was exausted and slept all day Sunday. The cut on her leg was just hair that got scraped off by a sharp rock. Fixed it up when we got home and she is doing fine.


August 31st, 2009, 07:28 PM
No need to replace those side steps with stock. If you want to continue doing those sorts of trails you should have someone build some rock sliders to replace those side steps - they can still act as a step to get in and out too.

August 31st, 2009, 07:29 PM
Good Idea, I might have to do that.

August 31st, 2009, 07:32 PM
Good to hear from you! It was nice to meet you and sorry to hear about the damage. You might want to consider not replacing them with the same steps but with some rock sliders instead. That would assure you that next time (I hope there's a next time!) you won't do the same thing and also won't have to worry when they get banged around.

You know you took the hard way out of there. When I was told the options I chose the easy way! You did great by the way and have a great truck that did a trail that was much harder than I expected it to be myself!


August 31st, 2009, 07:34 PM
Gee, I type kind of slow but as you noticed Andrew and I have the same recommendation. ;)

There are a number of guys that can build you a great set for less than you'll find anywhere else.

August 31st, 2009, 08:09 PM
It was nice to meet everyone that went on this trail. I enjoyed some of the trail but some of the spots gave me heart failure. Especially going over some of the big rocks and down Red Cone. Glad my truck made it with only minor damage, (have to replace both side steps on the toyota but they saved my door panels) Going home I didn't think it would make it thru some of the wash outs on the trail. Got stuck for a minute in the bogs. God that water hole was DEEP!!! BlackRubi waited for me to make sure I got out. Thank God for locking rear Diff. Glad to hear Armando is not in the Dog House. Lily the Lab was exausted and slept all day Sunday. The cut on her leg was just hair that got scraped off by a sharp rock. Fixed it up when we got home and she is doing fine.


You are a go getter man.... I came back a few times to see if you wanted a spot and you were already over it. Great driving! Wish I got to say bye, was good to meet you! And I will simply agree with the others. Get sliders, you can have steps on the sliders so you keep that feature!

August 31st, 2009, 08:44 PM
Thank God for locking rear Diff.


Used the in case of emergency only button did ya? lol

September 1st, 2009, 12:07 AM
Subacool - Your outback would've been screwed right from the beginning, no way you have enough clearance.
I've never said I've wanted to do Red Cone. My wife would never let me :lol: I'll even quote myself from the Planned Trips thread (http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6107&page=5):

...I'm very confident we could do Webster and Georgia, but we'd have to whimp out of Red Cone...
Traildamage is rating RC a 3 (although I've learned to follow the ratings more as a recomendation ;)), so honestly, unless you got a picture or video that shows a really tough spot, I'm not seeing a problem. The Outback's 4EAT is actually pretty capable, so the real drawback is the clearance and lack of low range (for the downhills that is, since I don't like to use the brakes ;)).
From all the reports and pictures I've seen so far, I'm not seeing anything I haven't driven yet.

I know, I keep talking smack, but I promise, one of these days I'll come on a run - just make it semi-easy-medium-rare :thunb: (my wife is scared of heights, tippy spots, damage, addrenaline increase, etc :lol:)

September 1st, 2009, 08:21 AM
Did we even do webster and georgia?? I thought we just did the trail leading to red cone. Does that trail have a name?

September 1st, 2009, 08:28 AM
Did we even do webster and georgia?? I thought we just did the trail leading to red cone. Does that trail have a name?

Did not do Georgia and only did part of Webster. The harder part only a few did. The caravan that saw the fire did the easy side.

September 1st, 2009, 08:38 AM
Ah cool.

Subacool - you wouldn't have been able to get to Red Cone, trust me.

September 1st, 2009, 09:04 AM
I'm working on webshots now,
but here are some teasers until I get the slideshow done:





September 1st, 2009, 09:05 AM
I really like how this one turned out:


Alrighty, back to working on the slideshow!

September 1st, 2009, 09:18 AM
Me too ;)

September 1st, 2009, 09:27 AM
Ah cool.

Subacool - you wouldn't have been able to get to Red Cone, trust me.

I think I have to agree with Smash... yes we got the Patriot up so I guess we could have dragged your car up like we did it. But I can't imagine your Subi making it, with spotters or not. :o

Sorry man, the trail was awesome but did have some spots that wanted low range and ground clearance for sure.

September 1st, 2009, 03:14 PM
Sorry this took so long guys! AboveNBeyond already requested high res copies of his rig, which I emailed to him. If anyone has has similar requests, pm me your email and what you want.


videos I have to go through next.

September 1st, 2009, 03:23 PM
Did he take that burban through there without backing up?

September 1st, 2009, 03:30 PM
Nope, I think that was a 3 or 4 point turn for Roland.

September 1st, 2009, 04:06 PM
Oh what does the caption mean then?

September 1st, 2009, 04:08 PM
I was impressed he was able to get around that at all!

September 1st, 2009, 04:41 PM
all that stuff in the switchbacks, one i had to do a 2 point turn when someone in front of me did a 3 point... the rest were just right on through no stopping.

September 1st, 2009, 04:45 PM
I made it in a single turn :D

That's one thing about the Xterras - turning radius will surprise people.

Just got a little tippy but no biggie.

September 1st, 2009, 04:49 PM
all that stuff in the switchbacks, one i had to do a 2 point turn when someone in front of me did a 3 point... the rest were just right on through no stopping.

Yeah yeah... the :princess: pointed that out too... :lol:

She says... "wow babe, he only have to back up once"
I said... "wanna go ride with him?" :eek:

*OK well maybe the first sentence was true :p

September 1st, 2009, 04:51 PM
Yeah yeah... the :princess: pointed that out too... :lol:

She says... "wow babe, he only have to back up once"
I said... "wanna go ride with him?" :eek:

*OK well maybe the first sentence was true :p

yeah the second line would have rendered a backhand serve to the cheek.:eek:

scout man
September 1st, 2009, 05:06 PM
yeah the second line would have rendered a backhand serve to the cheek.:eek:

or you would have had a new passenger! If I said that to my :princess:, I wouldnt see her the rest of the trip!

September 1st, 2009, 07:19 PM
I've never said I've wanted to do Red Cone. My wife would never let me :lol: I'll even quote myself from the Planned Trips thread (http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6107&page=5):

Traildamage is rating RC a 3 (although I've learned to follow the ratings more as a recomendation ;)), so honestly, unless you got a picture or video that shows a really tough spot, I'm not seeing a problem. The Outback's 4EAT is actually pretty capable, so the real drawback is the clearance and lack of low range (for the downhills that is, since I don't like to use the brakes ;)).
From all the reports and pictures I've seen so far, I'm not seeing anything I haven't driven yet.

I know, I keep talking smack, but I promise, one of these days I'll come on a run - just make it semi-easy-medium-rare :thunb: (my wife is scared of heights, tippy spots, damage, addrenaline increase, etc :lol:)

Take it from me, you may have made it up it, but not any easier then the little Patriot did. You give the 4eat a little too much credit methinks. I love my subbies, but a manual rig you would be burning up the clutch, and on an auto rig you'd be overheating it like a mofo (as Armando found out)

A level 3 indicates for me, that you'll need more clearance then a road car and a low range box. Webster and Georgia, you could definitely clear with no issues. Red Cone, the whole underside of your rig would be scraping and there are some parts that would be so steep yet techical for a rig with as little clearance and gears, that you'd bog down since you can't keep your momentum up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as big of fan of Subaru's and the Outback as anyone, but we woulda been draggin you up it right along with the Patriot. The Outback is awesome as road cars go for the trail, but definitely at the lower end of what is capable of getting up something like Red Cone. At least there are some decent tow points on the outback, which were lacking on the Patriot.

That said, anything like a stock Tacoma or similar would have no problem, as we saw with Huey. Its only a matter of inches in difference, but it makes a big difference. I'd even say that if modern Subbie's or a similar sized rig had a low range option, that they would make it up too with minimal effort. Its one of the those trails that pushes stock rigs, but at the end of the day is doable by them with little problem given the right equipment.


September 2nd, 2009, 04:43 AM
Nope, I think that was a 3 or 4 point turn for Roland.

2.5 point turn. i got hung on the log on side of trail. after back on trail it was 2.5 point turn around the corner. i took it real high and got really sidewaays but made it. i made most turns in one shot exept one turnor two turns. randy was on the radio ahead of me letting me know which line to take.

September 2nd, 2009, 04:41 PM
Sorry this took so long guys! AboveNBeyond already requested high res copies of his rig, which I emailed to him. If anyone has has similar requests, pm me your email and what you want.


videos I have to go through next.

Hey - we friend requested you on Webshots hoping maybe you'd let us gank some of the pics of the Rubi since our battery died so early in the day =(

September 2nd, 2009, 04:48 PM
Done! If you'd like high res, pm me your email.

September 2nd, 2009, 05:58 PM
Great pics, captions cracked me up

September 2nd, 2009, 06:18 PM
Lol glad you enjoyed. Still haven't gotten to the videos.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:47 PM
Our camera died about halfway up, but here's some of what we got. The resolution is terrible because we were using the camcorder, rather than the real camera.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:54 PM
And a couple more.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:32 PM



Poor Armando, I'm sure he did his best, but that thing just looks way underpowered. 2.4L in a Jeep with no low? :erm: Plus he's running all-season's. Did you know it only has 9 inches of clearance (that's about the same as our Outback)? What the hell was Jeep thinking when they came out with that? How did he do on the steep red downhill part? Obviously he made it, but I saw his brake lights on, so just wondering.
What grade would you say the steep parts are?

Hmm, tempting... Man, I so want to go try it, but if I did, I would definitely be sleeping in a dog house or signing divorce papers :lol: Maybe next year? :rolleyes:

September 3rd, 2009, 12:32 AM



Poor Armando, I'm sure he did his best, but that thing just looks way underpowered. 2.4L in a Jeep with no low? :erm: Plus he's running all-season's. Did you know it only has 9 inches of clearance (that's about the same as our Outback)? What the hell was Jeep thinking when they came out with that? How did he do on the steep red downhill part? Obviously he made it, but I saw his brake lights on, so just wondering.
What grade would you say the steep parts are?

Hmm, tempting... Man, I so want to go try it, but if I did, I would definitely be sleeping in a dog house or signing divorce papers :lol: Maybe next year? :rolleyes:

maybe 30-35% uphill and 45% downhill my geass

September 3rd, 2009, 09:54 AM
videos are uploading.... There are quite a few.

September 3rd, 2009, 10:18 AM
Randy through some rocks....

"It's gonna eat me!!" -Karla



Roland through the rocks too. This was an interesting video as Karla took us on a little run through the woods! :lol: [again]


This video is really only worth it for the commentary between Karla (in the front passenger seat with the video camera) and Randy. Well and my random evil laugh coming from the backseat.


September 3rd, 2009, 10:23 AM
Around the tree! In this first video, Roland gets rough and tough with a tree on the ground before attempting the turn. He was hoping to scare the tree on the turn so bad it would turn tail and run! :lol:




September 3rd, 2009, 10:24 AM
Up Red Cone, Part I and II. I got to do the uphill, and most of the downhill, in Chris' Land Cruiser. I really enjoyed it, thanks Chris!!




This was on the other side of Red Cone. The light was perfect! Looked like a painting.


September 3rd, 2009, 10:38 AM
Who has the Gold Wrangler that went with us?

September 3rd, 2009, 10:52 AM
nice vidoes:thunb:

September 3rd, 2009, 11:06 AM
hey.......MY TRUCK ISN'T TINY!!!:rant:......why I oughta....

Hehee.......just kidding. You should come and try to climb in it before you make those kinda comments. Guess it might be tiny compared to Brutus, but barring a dually or cargo work trucks, Brutus is about as big as they get. Thanks for taking some great video. Still wanna see Randy's run down the first hill on Redcone, though it probably won't look as scary and out of control as it did in person. I figured he just let it go, but its still scary to see a truck that size flying down that hill when everyone else was creeping.


September 3rd, 2009, 11:07 AM
Lol, take it up with Karla! She was the videographer! I think she meant tiny compared to Randy's and Roland's getting through that. Yours made it look easy.

September 3rd, 2009, 02:55 PM
Still wanna see Randy's run down the first hill on Redcone, though it probably won't look as scary and out of control as it did in person. JH

yep im still waiting too..... lol it was fun to just let it go

ask karla how fun it was, i was just creeping along engine brake on 4th gear 4lo..... started picking up a bit of speed, tapped the brakes but i started to lose traction so i was like "since we cant slow down i guess well go fast!" and let off the clutch and the fun began!!!!:eek:

September 3rd, 2009, 03:56 PM
Who has the Gold Wrangler that went with us?

That be me. Bill is my name. Mr6 is my nickname. DWG are my initials. So, I go by Mr6dwg. I love offroading, fourwheeling, just plain ole' getting in the woods. I had alot of fun that day. I would like to return and do that run again, soon.

September 3rd, 2009, 04:21 PM
That be me. Bill is my name. Mr6 is my nickname. DWG are my initials. So, I go by Mr6dwg. I love offroading, fourwheeling, just plain ole' getting in the woods. I had alot of fun that day. I would like to return and do that run again, soon.

Ahh Cool, so I was wondering... I saw you were recording folks coming down Red Cone. Did you happen to record me (White Range Rover)?

If so are you capable of uploading it someplace?

Just wondering?

Thanks Bill


September 3rd, 2009, 05:01 PM
yes please share the vids :D

September 4th, 2009, 10:14 PM
If so are you capable of uploading it someplace?

Video has to uploaded to YouTube then linked here by posting the URL (not the embed code.

September 4th, 2009, 10:34 PM
To AboveNBeyond. I checked. I did have a 3:13 video of you descending the Red Cone hill in front of us. My wife was recording inside the Jeep as we were going down. I don't have any public website for sharing videos.I do have some pictures I will put up.

September 5th, 2009, 03:08 PM
hehee.......ya'll drive slow and I drive like a rally driver:lol:. You'll notice that I fairly quickly got quite a lead on the rest of the group every time we set off after regrouping. I was probably driving 15-20mph or more most of the way down, after getting off those switch backs. I actually find it smooths out the ride sometimes, since you gap a lot of the bumps you'd hit if you were going slow. You just have to keep a good eye out for the big pot holes that will can make for some head banging followed by cursing :rant:. Its kind fun to haul ass down a forest road, as long as you keep it at least a tiny bit sane.


agreed, going faster smooths out the smaller bumps. Big bumps do wuite typically result in alots of cursing, and some pain killers when you get home, but well worth it

September 11th, 2009, 05:42 PM
I love the side view looking down