View Full Version : Andrew's (Medic 5150) Winch Install

September 8th, 2009, 07:15 AM
Andrew got in touch with Sean and me for a winch install. Since Sean went fishing, I did the install yesterday.

Andrew wanted to get a full bumper with a winch, but, like most of us these days, funds were short, so we agreed to do the winch first, then do the bumper later on. This posed a couple of problems as I had to mount the winch plate in such a manner as to have it both functional and removable for the final bumper installation. Generally, the winch plate would be mounted permanently with only the winch itself being removable (the way I would mount it anyway). In this case, I wanted to bury the winch in the frame rails behind the existing stock bumper. When the new bumper is designed, the winch will be moved to the top and we will lose some of the frame to improve approach angles. I used a piece of 2x4x3/16for a frame stiffener and back mount for the winch. This I welded in place and bolted the backside of the mount to it. I also used some 2x2x3/16 angle for the font mounts that were also welded to the frame and bolted through the mounting plate. I welded the plate to the frame with two stitch welds to the back of the plate on the bottom side as additional reinforcement. These can easily be ground off when the new bumper is built.

He got a very nice 10.5K Superwinch and we used a universal mounting plate from MileMarker that was 36" long. This was actually a pretty good deal at $70 and is certainly stout enough. Being a 'universal' mounting plate, there were some modifications needed, but they were minor. I had to notch for the frame rails, then drill out the fairlead holes so that I could use the 1/2" bolts I wanted to use. I also need to drill out some of the existing 3/8" to 1/2" for the same reason for the frame mounts.

I located the winch on the mounting plate, put it on a floor jack and and started measuring to see what and where I needed to cut. Rather than trim the plate, I cut off the inside of the lower bumper mounts so that the winch and plate could slide forward enough to get the fairlead to the front of the lower bumper. Then I trimmed the inside of the lower bumper and cut out the outside to expose the fairlead. This worked well and managed to move the clutch lever far enough forward to clear the radiator mount.

I then cut and drilled a piece of 2x4 steel for the rear mount of the winch, which I bolted the back of the plate to. This piece was welded in and will act as reinforcing for the front of the frame rails. The sides of the winch plate were bolted to steel angles that are welded to the inside of the frame rails.

I notched the front top of the bumper to ease access to the clutch so that you can use it easily with the hood down once the remote is in place. Then I cleaned off the battery terminals and attached the winch leads, covering the terminals with dielectric grease. I also used this on the winch connectors. I sleeved the battery cables where they passed through the frame rails and zip tied everything together. I had just enough cable, too.

I also measured for a gas tank skid plate which will get installed later on.

Here are the pictures:

September 8th, 2009, 07:17 AM
the next bunch

September 8th, 2009, 07:17 AM
And the last

September 8th, 2009, 07:59 AM
That turned out pretty sweet for using the factory bumper, I ended up not going fishing was at the hospital in Loveland with one of my grandsons which has been in there since Saturday.

September 8th, 2009, 07:59 AM
Looks great, Nice and clean. Heck I would just leave it like that and not worry about a bumper later on.

September 8th, 2009, 08:00 AM
That turned out pretty sweet for using the factory bumper, I ended up not going fishing was at the hospital in Loveland with one of my grandsons which has been in there since Saturday.

Hope all is well now, what happened?

September 8th, 2009, 08:04 AM
that looks really clean, almost like it was meant to to be there.

September 8th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Looks great, Nice and clean. Heck I would just leave it like that and not worry about a bumper later on.

Thanks, again!

The bumper hangs way too low and screws with the approach angle too much. Where the winch sticks through, the lower chrome section of the bumper, is the first part that is really going to get trashed on a rocky trail. Take a look at the front of Randy's and compare the two of them. He gained a lot of approach by tossing the bumper.

When we do the bumper for Andrew's rig. we will probably move the winch as high as we can and back bevel and reinforce the front of the frame rails. This will improve the approach angle and also gain a bunch of clearance. Not to mention looking a whole lot more "the business"....

September 8th, 2009, 10:57 AM
another good looking job pete!

September 8th, 2009, 11:46 AM
I'm very happy with it. It looks good with the stock bumper. It'll stay that way for probably a long time. Thanks Pete, job well done....yet again!

September 8th, 2009, 04:04 PM
get some maglight clips and attach your lisence plate to them then stick it on the fairleads, it will hide the fact you got a winch! but damn pete it does look good!

September 8th, 2009, 06:11 PM
I'm very happy with it. It looks good with the stock bumper. It'll stay that way for probably a long time. Thanks Pete, job well done....yet again!

Thanks Andrew! And it will work just fine where it is for a long time, too!

September 8th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Looks very nice and stealthy...good job guys

September 8th, 2009, 08:16 PM
Now that's a good-lookin' piece of work.

September 8th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Looks cool. BTW, that's a Smittybilt XRC10. Let us know how that winch works out. The price on those is pretty good at $400.

September 8th, 2009, 10:24 PM
We rewound the cable today. It's incredibly fast. Seems like it's a great winch, we'll see how the durability goes.

September 9th, 2009, 06:38 AM
We rewound the cable today. It's incredibly fast. Seems like it's a great winch, we'll see how the durability goes.

Andrew had said that this winch had one of the slower line in speeds. Well, I would disagree as this thing is faster than either of my Warns...it is about as fast as you want a winch to be without being too fast.

I already wish I had one of these on my heap instead of the 8k and 9k I have now....Oh well...

Price is a steal at $400. I would have guessed at least $600-700. Looks very stout, too. (Is stout, too. I must have moved it 20 times at least, 10 from the floor to the work bench...)

As far as the durability, SmittyBuilt found itself having problems a while back trying to compete in a market that they were getting pushed out of. They re vamped just about all of their products, getting rid of the cheese roll bars (remember the triple chrome deals with the light bars?), the cheese bumpers (remember the double tube 2.5-3" bumpers that ended up rusting out in a year?), and stepped up the quality of all of their products, making 'real world' stuff designed to work well instead of shine.

All of their products are now comparable to anything else on the market, quality wise, simply because they have to be to be competitive. I would say the winches are probably a small step below Warns top of the line or Mile Markers, but will last for years and years. Steve (SCRubicon) has both a SmittyBuilt bumper and winch on his rig and has been very happy with them. Good choice and great bang for the buck...

September 9th, 2009, 08:27 AM
Hope all is well now, what happened?

Thanks Aaron, with all the smoke blowing(California fires) in it took its toll on the lil guy, our 4yr old grandson has asthma pretty bad, he went home yesterday w/ a oxygen tank to use at night. Also he and my daughter are going thru some newly updated asthma classes at the hospital up in Loveland.

September 9th, 2009, 08:30 AM
Sounds like all is well, glad to hear that. Glad the smoke has been clearing quickly

September 9th, 2009, 08:33 AM
Sounds like all is well, glad to hear that. Glad the smoke has been clearing quickly
Us too and thank you again!

September 9th, 2009, 08:33 AM
Kids with asthma have it pretty tough, sorry to hear that Sean. As an asthmatic I wonder if they use Advair for kids, it's a miracle drug that's made my life better.

September 9th, 2009, 08:36 AM
Chris I do not remember which one he uses, heck I can't even remember which one I use and that is bad.

Sorry for the hi jack guys!

September 9th, 2009, 08:41 AM
It's not a rescue device Sean, it's an preventive. I know lots of adults using it but don't know about kids. When my asthma returned a few years ago I started using it. I haven't used a rescue inhaler for at least 1.5 years thanks to Advair.

Back to Andrew's Winch Install. :oops:

September 9th, 2009, 03:22 PM
It's not a rescue device Sean, it's an preventive. I know lots of adults using it but don't know about kids. When my asthma returned a few years ago I started using it. I haven't used a rescue inhaler for at least 1.5 years thanks to Advair.

Back to Andrew's Winch Install. :oops:

At first when you said it was a rescue device, I thought you were talking about the winch, and then i read up a few more posts....darn hijackers!

September 10th, 2009, 10:27 PM
Great work Brody, as usual. BTW I landed on the control arm skid, hard, this weekend. Those skids you made ROCK.

Sean, hope your grandson gets to doing better.

September 11th, 2009, 06:12 AM
Great work Brody, as usual. BTW I landed on the control arm skid, hard, this weekend. Those skids you made ROCK.

Thanks Pathrat!

December 1st, 2009, 12:37 PM
Glad I've found this thread, I've been wondering about the hidden winch :o Looks really great! I like making cool mods that aren't obvious :cool:

Just two thoughts if I may - (1) The half moon opening on the top of the bumper for the free spool lever; why didn't you take the cut-out piece and make a cool lid out of it? (2) The opening on the front for the rollers; got some chrome molding for the sharp edges? Just thinking out loud about a few more cool touches :thunb:

December 1st, 2009, 01:02 PM
i was thinking the same thing, those bumper edges will cut into the cable if they ever touch and if he goes synthetic that is a no-no.

December 1st, 2009, 08:55 PM
Glad I've found this thread, I've been wondering about the hidden winch :o Looks really great! I like making cool mods that aren't obvious :cool:

Just two thoughts if I may - (1) The half moon opening on the top of the bumper for the free spool lever; why didn't you take the cut-out piece and make a cool lid out of it? (2) The opening on the front for the rollers; got some chrome molding for the sharp edges? Just thinking out loud about a few more cool touches :thunb:

Not sure why he didn't make a cool flappy thing lol. As far as the edges go, it hasn't been a problem yet. I've had it on some pretty good angles. Crossing my fingers. Definitely not going synthetic. I like my cable :)