View Full Version : Brodys 84 gasket replacement

September 15th, 2009, 02:30 AM
No pictures as front end/timing chain replacement articles are all over the forum and internet. Here is aboutthe best write up of the whole timing chain replacement:


I replaced all the front end gaskets on the 22R in the 84. This repaired the oil leak caused by the previous installer of the new timing chain and water pump, which was really bad. It took quite a lot longer than I figured with the extra time being spent mainly on cleaning everything of accumulated crud, even after washing the engine.

I knew what the guy had done wrong, too. Here is what it is:

You can replace the timing chain on any of the 22R/RE engines without removing either the head or the oil pan. It is a little tricky, but saves a lot of time. The ONLY way this works is to LOAD up the top of the timing chain cover where it meets the head/head gasket and the bottom where it meets the oil pan with some RTV on the cleanest surface you can get. You have to kinda force the cover in place between the head and oil pan and loading it up with the RTV is the only way you are going to get enough sealer in there to do any good. The previous owner/installer hadn't done the "load" part and oil was spraying out both sides from the top.

FYI: When you go to break loose the crank shaft pulley bolt, stick a breaker bar on a 1/2" socket and wedge it under the frame rail. Make sure you put it on the right side of the engine so you don't end up wearing it:D When it is wedged in place and the rig is out of gear, etc, etc, bump the key. This will break this bolt free. To reinstall it and come close to the right torque, block all the wheel, stick it in 4Lo, lock the hub and go to town. You probably won't come close to the torque that Yota suggests, but it will be close enough.

A fair amount of work for a stupid oil leak. Doesn't run faster or better, just doesn't dump on the driveway anymore...and both the engine and the under hood area are much cleaner....

FYI...anyone contemplating a front end/timing chain replacement on this engine, Bear was good enough to provide me wih a trashed timing chain cover that made re locating the many different sized bolts a breeze. Contact me and you can certainly borrow this.

I also replaced the driver's side window crank. Sourced at Yoda Jims (Jims Got Parts) for $20 new.

I went to crank the engine to set the tining and the starter gave up the ghost...Great times all the way around, but it all needed to be done.

September 15th, 2009, 08:11 AM
Pete was you able to get the new starter?

September 15th, 2009, 08:19 AM
If not, I likely have one....

September 15th, 2009, 09:02 AM
Pete was you able to get the new starter?

Thanks for the offer, Jeff!

I got a life time one from Checkers. The one I pulled wouldn't even spin the gear when Checkers tested it. It had some sort of short inside and bound up...Truck is running happy, started right up, timing dead on. (I just statically timed it...)

September 26th, 2009, 05:27 PM
now you get to keep it and ladawn isnt pissed :D

September 27th, 2009, 04:50 AM
now you get to keep it and ladawn isnt pissed :D

Yep...do a few more things to it, throw some paint on it, re install the body trim and stick a for sale sign in the window...and drive it until someone buys it..

September 27th, 2009, 04:53 AM
Yep...do a few more things to it, throw some paint on it, re install the body trim and stick a for sale sign in the window...and drive it until someone buys it..

why would you sell it? i would think the wear and tear it will keep off the "heep" would justify the cost of keeping it.

September 27th, 2009, 05:00 AM
Mainly to upgrade. If I can't get what I want, I'll just hang on to it.

September 27th, 2009, 05:01 AM
dare i ask what the upgrade might be...?

September 27th, 2009, 05:33 AM
No idea at this time. Probably another Toy. I eventually want to get a 90's style double cab Taco with the 3.4L for work and a DD, but do to my financial situation, can't just run out an buy one.

The late 90's, early 2000 Tacos I have always liked and were what I was looking at to buy if the University house had panned out. Since I would've had $1.5 mil to play with, I guess I just have simple tastes...I mainly just wanted to travel...As the house essentially went up in smoke and all my extra $$ (if you can call it that) are going to pay for my lawyer (over $40k to date) with no end in sight and possibly no money to be found to be recovered, I have to do this the slow way...harder to do without a job, too...que sara...

September 27th, 2009, 05:36 AM
I kinda figured thats what you might be looking at. I too really want a DC taco. just not in the cards right now for me either. planning on finishing up school and then with a EE degree hopefully i'll be able to get a decent job. and hey nothing wrong with simple tastes. if i won the lottery tomorrow i'd buy a small house on a lot of land in the middle of no where and be perfectly content.

September 27th, 2009, 05:46 AM
if i won the lottery tomorrow i'd buy a small house on a lot of land in the middle of no where and be perfectly content.

X2 on that!

We are eventually going to get some land with a small house on it somewhere and another small house/condo on an island and split the time between the two...We almost swapped some properties for a nice house on some acreage last year, but our accountant said it wasn't a good thing to do...

I was looking at the FJs, too, and would get one of those if I wanted a general purpose wheeling/trail rig. Since I already have a dedicated trail rig, I was opting for the sweet interior package of the Tacos.

September 27th, 2009, 05:51 AM
my parents found a sweet piece of land up in alaska on an island in the middle of a lake. natl forest all around. so pretty much the neighbors they have now are the only ones they gotta worry about. Can't wait to get back up that way for a summer.

September 27th, 2009, 06:13 AM
Alaska is in the plans for next year. We are going to do the inland and the waterway trip. we will certainly get in touch for your suggestions.

I was going to do a trip up Denali a number of years ago and was going to be the trip 'leader'. We were planning on doing the Cassin Ridge, which I was psyched about as it is a fairly challenging route. I wanted to do a route we really had to work for to get to the top with a fair to middling chance of success. The guys I had planned to do this with changed their minds and decided that they would rather do the 'tourist route', a route pretty much guaranteed to get them to the top barring bad weather. I bailed at this point as I wanted a challenge. This was the closest I have come to going there so far.

September 27th, 2009, 04:32 PM
The inland passage (waterway) is stunning. NOBODY regrets doing it. The drive up is spectacular as well. When the time gets closer i'll point you in a few directions and things to do.

Denali has been on my list for quite sometime now. I know the west buttress is the "tourist" route. but in talking to other who have done it if you go WAY early in the season you can avoid the crowds. The guy who i was talking to said he hit the summit before the medic camp at 14k was even setup for the season. he was watching the helicopters come in while he was up on top.