View Full Version : Flu Shots and Now Guns

September 22nd, 2009, 06:41 AM
And if the government mandated "Flu Shots" don't open your eyes, here's another little kicker about some new gun laws. I just got this in an email from some friends:


From the sources I've read, the SB2099 bill, and the Blair Holt bill (HR45) are not actively being pursued in Congress. 2099 was s 2000 bill. I'm not sure if it has a 2009 resurrection at all. HR 45 has been stuck in committee since its proposal and likely won't see the light of day in this session. Not that the govt. (Reps and Dems both) couldn't/wouldn't pass some things, but these appear to be radical enough to get tabled forever. They don't pick up any co-sponsors, etc. Not to let our guard down, but just put our efforts where they will count.


http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/weekly/aa091900a.htm (http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/weekly/aa091900a.htm) ,

Hope everyone is happy with the “Change” they are receiving.

I checked this out on Snopes....it's TRUE!

Concerning the Blair-Holt proposed legislation.

Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprint ts and a tax of $50 per gun.

This bill was introduced on Feb.. 24. This bill will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all.

The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U..S. Senate homepage , http://www .senate.go v/ (http://www%20.senate.go%20v/) You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099.

You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.

<http://www .opencongress.org/bi ll/111-h45 /text (http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h45/text)

Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passes, gun owners will become criminals if you don't fully comply.

It has started.

Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.

Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because the government is trying to fly it under the radar.

To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.

Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:

-It is registered -You are fingerprinted -You supply a current Driver's License -You supply your Social Security # -You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing -Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.. -There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. -They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family pass this along.

This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplish ed before anyone realizes it.

This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.

If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe.

< b><http://tho mas.loc.go v/cgi-bin/ query/z?c1 11:H.R.45 (http://thomas.loc..gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.45):

<http://www .opencongress.org/bi ll/111-h45 /show (http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h45/show)

<http://www .govtrack. us/congress/bill.xpd ?bill=h11120-45 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-45)

Please.. copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA , whether you support the Right to Bear Arms or are for gun control. We all should have the right to choose

Pete Brody:

For those of you not up on your history, these are some of the cute things that Hitler did just before he came into real power in Germany. You might want to read up on this a little as the comparisons are more than a little scary.

You have the "incident", in our case 9/11. (In Hitler's/Germany's case the Rieichstag Incident :On March 23, 1933, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, which gave dictatorial authority to Hitler's cabinet for four years.) PB:Note: there is a lot of controversy over whether or not 9/11 was a "staged" act of terrorism. The Riechstag fire is presumed to have been started by the Nazis in order for more control and reforms to be passed by the government, bypassing "normal" law boundaries. In addition to this, for those of you who are naive enough to think that our dear 'for the people' government isn't capable of manufacturing things like this, you also have the 'Bay of Tonkin' affair that pushed us into involvement in the Vietnam War: http://www.orwelltoday.com/vietnampretext.shtmland also the controversy surrounding Pearl Harbor.
Then you have the "government agency" (Hitler's Brown Shirts : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives, later to become the Nazis) instated that had almost no governemntal restrictions put on them and a whole bunch of power, and also the ability to avoid all the constraints put on government agencies by the constitution. In our case, Homeland Security. Then you have the "all firearms must be legally registered" so that they government knows exactly where the guns are and who has them. Hitler also managed to enact laws that restricted the owning of any guns other than 'hunting shotguns'. See anything familiar here?

This from Sean:

Let us not forget what Mr.Bush #II did, with enacting a new Executive Order that does away with Marshall Law and entitles the government to arrest anyone that opposes them with out reason, imprison them with no trial or contact with family or attorneys.

See any similarities here?

I could go on as the comparisons go on and on, but, to me, this is pretty damn frightening. History does repeat itself....

And call me paranoid, but read some of this stuff and draw your own conclusions...

September 22nd, 2009, 07:02 AM
Oh Jesus...

September 22nd, 2009, 07:31 AM
Oh Jesus...

Oh Jesus is right....the comparisons are almost too scary and it sure worked in Germany, which is even scarier...especially since we have history to refer back to.

We even have a targeted group of other people as the 'bad guys'....they just don't happen to live in the same country is all:D

September 22nd, 2009, 08:57 AM
Your own Snopes link says it's false...

September 22nd, 2009, 09:37 AM
Your own Snopes link says it's false...

Not my 'Snopes'. Just passing this along, because if it is actually true, then people need to do a little thinking, something that 98% of the population don't seem to able to accomplish by themselves. And, even if it isn't going to be happening in the next couple of years, you can bet that it is going to happen within the next decade.

Not a bad deal for all the 'peace/love/touchy feely' folks out there, but for the rest of us who feel that the Second Amendment is actually part of the Constitution and shouldn't be jacked with, this isn't a good thing.

I like my guns. I like being able to protect myself and the ones I love. I do not like the government messing with my right to bear arms and controlling what arms I am able to own and use. I am also not a 'gun freak'. People kill people, not guns. I am also a firm believer that everyone should own weapons and should be trained in their use, much like Sweden."An armed society is a polite society".

The Constitution of the United States is being rewritten to give more power to the government on a daily basis. Being herd animals, people tend to go along with what the 'masses' think, much like sheep or cows, and don't like sand in the Vaseline, so they take the 'easy' way. It is seriously going to bite us in the ass down the line and it will be way too late to do much about it when it does.

You can also follow the progression in guns laws and draw analogies also to what Hitler did, if you are so inclined. He managed to get almost all the weapons in Germany under government control with the exception of some 'hunting' shotguns before his rise to power. If the government controls all the guns and you want absolute power and control, what better way to do this? Whatever anyone says about that ******* Hitler, one cannot say he was stupid.

I posted this to get people thinking, whether or not it is an actual fact. I am well aware of all the BS out there in the gun community as well as the paranoia about gun laws and what the government is doing. The gun laws that have been put into effect in the recent past do not do anything but support what is happening in relation to the citizenry of the US and owning guns, starting way back before the lameass 'Brady Bill'. All I can see is that it is going to get worse and you are going to have a populace armed with nothing but sticks and knives with the people in power owning any and all of the actual weapons.

September 22nd, 2009, 09:50 AM
"...power corrupts, absolute power currupts absolutely..."

If you don't think there is something going on with gun/ammo confiscation, go out and try to buy bulk ammo. There is rationing in many stores now. I am not sure how demand could be that extreme. I wonder if the supply is being reduced by some backhanded government intervention. Don't be surprised to see a huge ammo tax show up at some point.

It will be interesting to see what happens when a 2nd ammendment case makes it to the supreme court. Obama's selection, Judge Sotomayor is certainly anti-2nd ammendment so they are certainly leaning to the left.

September 22nd, 2009, 09:58 AM
If you don't think there is something going on with gun/ammo confiscation, go out and try to buy bulk ammo. There is rationing in many stores now. I am not sure how demand could be that extreme. I wonder if the supply is being reduced by some backhanded government intervention.

There's no rationing, stores just don't order enough for the demand. Buy online through many sources, you an buy as much as you want.

I laugh at the idea of government intervention, I see the whole hysteria around this as just more stimulus that's working.

September 22nd, 2009, 10:08 AM
When you buy ammo online, you must show proof of age via copy of drivers license. Not a good idea if you ask me.

Look at the price of ammo. Compare .223 ammo prices today with 2 years ago. I am sure some hyteria about all this but these high prices must be putting a grin on the faces of the Obama camp (and their anti-2nd ammendment lobby).

I have a more survivalist perspective on all this so I am biased. I hope all these rumors about limiting/removing the 2nd ammendment are just that, rumors.

September 22nd, 2009, 10:10 AM
I have a more survivalist perspective on all this so I am biased. I hope all these rumors about limiting/removing the 2nd ammendment are just that, rumors.

X2 for all you said.

September 22nd, 2009, 10:46 AM
When you buy ammo online, you must show proof of age via copy of drivers license. Not a good idea if you ask me.

Not true.

Look at the price of ammo. Compare .223 ammo prices today with 2 years ago.

Compare anything to 2 years ago and it's higher today. Can't pin that on Obama. ;)

September 22nd, 2009, 10:53 AM
Umm... I see this getting to a bad point... I am gonna bow out of this one

September 22nd, 2009, 10:58 AM
I posted this to get people thinking, whether or not it is an actual fact.

The 1st time I saw what you posted (about 4 months ago, emailed to me) I looked up the bill and found out it's an elaborate hoax, complete with false snopes website touting it as true.

I don't think the gun ownership cause is forwarded by sending false info out, it looks like right wing hysteria...

I like my guns too, I have several. I don't think the government should know what I have. But forwarding out info like this hurts the cause IMHO.

The facts are scary enough on there own.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:25 AM
I'll keep repeating as long as necessary:
Don't believe everything you receive in emails, talk shows, etc. ;)

September 22nd, 2009, 12:43 PM
there are way too many people who are armed that will stand up to whatever government body tries to do something to this extreme, and they will try, but sooner or later there will be a breaking point. There are too many people in our country that are just waiting for the right time to stand up.

September 22nd, 2009, 09:48 PM
If The Government can't run a pension program, a health program, a forest, etc, why would They (yes, the mysterious powerful Them) be competent enough to orchestrate a large-scale, secret and country-wide plot such as this?

September 22nd, 2009, 10:12 PM
i understand some of you like your guns but realistically we should have more gun control i dont think that any one should be able to just get a gun and it sucks to have to go to these extremes and people kill people yes but why should it be made easy i think some of us need to learn more about the mexican cartels and how powerful they've become and realize that they get there fire arms from america and as far as all the simmalaritys go to hitler lets not forget who was in power when 9-11 happened and the fact that homeland security was started by bush infact if im not mistaken all of those simmalaritys have to do with bush and what he did besides this gun law that doesnt clam you dont have they right to bear arms it just has ristrictions to try to make sure guns dont get in the wrong hands i think well be ok as long as we dont vote for anyone like bush again i realize you guys like your guns and i do think you have the right to bear them but ive had a gun pointed at me by people who shouldnt have them if they had had something lesser i would have had a chance but that wasnt the case all they had to do was pull the trigger and i wouldnt be here today and i would have died at the age of 19 for being at the wrong place at the wrong time you have to understand that even though people kill people not guns, how powerful would a gang be with out guns? a regular person with a good concence would be resposble with a gun but what about a crazed meth addict with a gun this is what you have to consider when talking on the subject of guns if your a good law abiding citizen then you shouldnt have to worry if things go right you should be the ones with the guns and not the bad folks out there those are my thoughts take em how you want sorry if ive offended any one

September 22nd, 2009, 10:22 PM
A president is not all-powerful, and must work in conjunction with many other individuals. Also, it can take a few years for the full effects of any administrations's policies to become apparent.

Not everyone should own a firearm. As a law-abiding, non-insane legal citizen, I want to own one if I want to. Constitutional law, so far as held up with the interpretation that citizens may bear arms and not JUST for forming a militia, gives me the option. Yes, I suppose that if the American climate changed so much that extremely stringent rules and regulations could significantly restrict legal gun ownership, wouldn't I hear about it in some outlet other than a 4x4 forum?

September 23rd, 2009, 05:26 AM
Yes, I suppose that if the American climate changed so much that extremely stringent rules and regulations could significantly restrict legal gun ownership, wouldn't I hear about it in some outlet other than a 4x4 forum?

Actually Pathrat, this gun/2nd Amendment stuff is all over the internet. I get inundated with stuff from some of my friends who are way panicky about it. I am not too tweaked about it, but ever since the Brady Bill (who was tagged with a .22) guns laws and restrictions have gotten worse and worse. And they aren't going to get better...

What I posted was just one of a number of things that have been going around. I actually don't pay too much attention to this stuff as there is really little that I believe on the internet, radio, news, TV, or newspapers, but this started me thinking about the Hitler correlation, so I posted it to get people thinking a little. This is pretty much what Hitler did when he was making his power play.

At any rate, people thought I was drawing a comparison between Obanana and Hitler, which is a bit of a stretch in anyone's book, and what I was doing was showing the similarities between what happened in Germany in the 30s and what is happening here...bad economics, gun restrictions, 'manufactured' incident, bad guys, etc, etc....

To me, what seems to be happening with 'gun laws', is that people who have never had any kind of violence in their life or any kind of confrontation where guns came into play, are all for gun control. The big bills that restrict gun rights get whittle down to where they get passed and people lose minor gun rights. This has actually been happening for a long time and will probably keep happening. We (the US) are on a big teeter totter, economically, and a great deal of the population isn't exactly happy. Personally, if I was someone in a position of power, I would be nervous about not having gun control and knowing that a great deal of the population is armed....hence the guns laws..under whatever pretext. We, as a country, don't have the mental maturity of someplace like Sweden, for instance, where everyone has a gun and is trained in it's use. As someone who grew up around guns, I don't like the laws...

Just wanted people to open their eyes a little, once again...Most of the stuff that gets passed as far as restricting personal freedoms, such as gun rights, slides under the radar and people don't even realize that it has happened until it is too late. Much like having a 4x trail get closed and trying to get it reopened...after it is closed (passed) it is 100 times harder to get it revoked (re opened)....