View Full Version : Christmas ideas

October 2nd, 2009, 02:40 PM
(first off no offense to any other religions, that's what I celebrate so that's what I call it. I respect your beliefs and believe everyone needs to believe in something.)

Okay, now that's out of the way.

So I was thinking about asking for the Wells Colorado offroad books. I was looking on 4x4books.com and noticed another book called Backcountry adventures.

Has anybody seen/used this book? Should I get it instead of the Well's books since so many other people have the Well's books or just stick to the Wells books?

I also need other ideas of stuff to put on my list if anybody had any cool must have gadgets that are reasonably priced(under $30) that would be a great help.



October 2nd, 2009, 03:18 PM
Wells is a quick reference guide. The backcountry (if it is the one I am thinking of) goes into A LOT more details and is far better IMO. If all you want is a where the trails are and nothing else book.. then Go Wells.. If you want any more info go the other route

October 2nd, 2009, 04:03 PM
(first off no offense to any other religions, that's what I celebrate so that's what I call it. I respect your beliefs and believe everyone needs to believe in something.)

Not trying to hijack your thread, but I don't get the PC "Happy Holidays" BS either. It is what it is.......even though I'm not religious, I have no issues saying Merry Christmas.:thunb:

October 2nd, 2009, 04:06 PM
I've always thought of doing fun things to get a reaction from people. Like if they wish me Merry Christmas, say and a happy All Satans Day to you.

Or when people say God bless you when you sneeze, say and may the dark lord bless you back.

October 2nd, 2009, 04:11 PM
I have the Backcountry book for Utah. It has great maps, GPS coordinates, little stories about what to expect on the trail, and great directions to the trails. We used it when we went to Moab. We took out on a road that was just a bunch of dots on the map. Once on the road, we determined that somebody must have done their homework, because the trail we were on seemed to be like a cowpath. The directions were accurate and we did not get lost. My opinion is that it is a good book, "to have with the others".

October 2nd, 2009, 04:11 PM
Roo - Do you have any link to the books you are talking about? I have a couple and if they are the same I will let you look at both and see which you prefer.

October 2nd, 2009, 05:52 PM
So I was thinking about asking for the Wells Colorado offroad books. I was looking on 4x4books.com and noticed another book called Backcountry adventures.

Has anybody seen/used this book? Should I get it instead of the Well's books since so many other people have the Well's books or just stick to the Wells books?

Stop by Barnes and Noble or High Country 4x4. Both place carry all the books that you mentioned and at B&N you can take the time to sit down and look through them. They all have something different to offer, though a lot of the same trails are covered in all of the books, but in different ways. As Aaron says, the most trails are covered in the Wells books and there are a few out there that are what we called 'armchair mountaineering books' when they related to climbing...coffee table books...

Get the spiral bound Wells BTW, the glue binding blows....or blows out:D

No need to apologize about the Christmas thing or worry about stepping on people's toes. Not saying it isn't a nice thing to do, merely that this is site for 4x4 enthusiasts from all sorts of different backgrounds. People can't respect what someone else feels here if it isn't related to wheeling need to get a grip and simply deal with it, grow up, learn some respect for others or take a long hike off a short pier.

We say Merry Christmas. Say Happy New Year, too. We are pretty much non relegious. Do we care if you are or not? Not really. We like everyone we have been on runs with..You could be green, 3' tall, have webbed feet and a duckbill, weigh 400 pounds, have red eyes and believe that collard greens rule the world, think that when you die you will get a gift of 72 virgins (what total male dumbass really wants this? Me, I am right along with Willie " I'm gonna find me a women can suck a golf ball through a garden hose" Virgins don't do this, BTW...)but if you treat us with respect, it will be returned...looks or relegious beliefs notwithstanding...

October 2nd, 2009, 05:57 PM
"Collared greens" and "virgins" in the same sentence. :lol:

October 2nd, 2009, 06:02 PM
"Collared greens" and "virgins" in the same sentence. :lol:

Figured someone would like that one. Hey...I got a BA in English and was born south of the Mason Dixon Line. More or less survived the 60s and 70s random drug experiments, too... Makes for a weird combo sometimes...

October 2nd, 2009, 06:35 PM
"Collared greens" and "virgins" in the same sentence. :lol:

Should have had "all y'all" in there too. ;)