View Full Version : Checking tire pressure

October 18th, 2009, 05:10 AM
A couple of people have brought up the question of how to check the tire pressure in their tires to see if they are running the correct pressure. This is actually very simple to do and the manufacturer's tire pressure suggestions have little to do with it.

Here is the most simple way to do this:

Take a piece of chalk or spray a line across your tire with a light color spray paint. Drive your rig around the block. Underinflation will show up with the paint or chalk worn off the outside edges of your tires. Overinflation will show up with the paint or chalk worn off the inside. What you are looking for is a uniform wearing off of the paint or chalk across the entire surface. When this happens, make a note of the tire pressure. It will vary between the front and back and also with the amount of weight you carry in your rig. This will get you very close to what you need to be running.

Here is a very basic link:
