View Full Version : Good people do still exsist!!!

scout man
November 18th, 2009, 11:02 PM
So I will take a moment to help assist one of them. I took my pup to the dog park today, and discovering no one else was there, I went to leave. Battery dead... no one else there at all. I sat there in the parking lot right off the road, hood up for about a half hour. I had a friend on his way to give me a jump, but he wasnt really that close, so I would still be sitting for a while. Anyways, a guy going the other direction turned around and came back to help me out. Turns out he is a lock smith that also does battery jumping, tire changes, auto lockout, fuel delivery, etc. His prices are real reasonable and he definitely went out of his way to help me. Something you dont find a lot any more. I sat on the side of I70 in kansas for 1.5 hours one day, and not a single person stopped. So i thought I would return the favor, and pass his info along in case any of you come across a need for a locksmith. I will certainly call him if I ever have a need. Info:

Speedy Locks

November 18th, 2009, 11:18 PM
hey sweet!

On the wheelers for wounded run this year, on the return home i saw a jeep on the side of the road hood up and everything. I turned around and talked to them. Come to find out they were from i think chicago area for vacation and their 4banger sounded like it either dropped a valve or spun a conrod bearing. they had a tow truck that showed up just as i was leaving but told them that it isnt going to be a cheap fix. i asked if they needed anything they said they got it handled.

Never a bad thing to take a couple minutes out of your time to make the world for soemone else when they need it.

November 18th, 2009, 11:37 PM
i tried to help tthis ford out of a jam and ended up getting stuck my self(prewinch days) 3 hrs later we both get un stuck. this wass his driveway on ute creek.he offered money and a barbeque but we kindly declined and said if you get stuck again let me know ill help out again.

November 19th, 2009, 05:47 AM
When I was working in Jefferson, I must have pulled between six and eight people out of drifts on the side of 285. I call it 'trail karma'. It never hurts to help someone else out of a jam.

Josh and the folks that were with him did the same not too long ago when they did a snow run, too. Other drivers were flipping them off because they were partially blocking the road. They would have been grateful had they been the ones stuck. Can't figure people out...

It is like finding someone on the trail with their rig jacked up or stuck. Most of us have been there at one time or another and know how it feels. A little bit of simply helping someone out goes a long way.

Like I said, trail karma...

November 19th, 2009, 07:22 AM
Cool. Did he charge you? Because if so then in my eyes he was just looking for the business.

I guess I'm just cynical.

But yeah I will always try to help people out when I can, until they give me a reason why I shouldn't.

November 19th, 2009, 07:43 AM
Cool. Did he charge you? Because if so then in my eyes he was just looking for the business.
I guess I'm just cynical.

Me too...cynical, that is...So, did he charge you for the jump or simply get you started as a nice thing to do? No need to put his info on the site if he did. People can find his number in the yellow pages. If he didn't charge you, then his information is welcome. If he charged you, then that is really no different than one of us pulling someone out of a ditch, then asking for money for doing it...

Every time I see someone stopped in a lot, I'll ask if they need help and jump them if necessary. Doesn't cost anything except a little time.

scout man
November 19th, 2009, 10:00 AM
nope, no charge. Stopped to help just for the act of doing it.

November 19th, 2009, 10:15 AM
Now that is cool. You ought to put him in the 'local vendors' section.

November 19th, 2009, 10:32 AM
Yup that's cool. Smart and good for business too.

November 19th, 2009, 12:27 PM
The Cherokee I've pulled out a few weeks back; the guy was so happy he wanted to give me all his cash he had on him (like $30 or so). I've politely declined and told him just to pay it forward. The guy was really surprised. I don't help people to seek anything in return (unless it's business), but karma has it's ways. I've been rewarded many times for doing the good deed. I always say, treat like you want to be treated. It works most of the time :thunb:

November 19th, 2009, 04:50 PM
another reason why i am building my truck up for recovery use as well... so many times have i had opportunities to help but couldnt

November 19th, 2009, 06:57 PM
Josh and the folks that were with him did the same not too long ago when they did a snow run, too. Other drivers were flipping them off because they were partially blocking the road. They would have been grateful had they been the ones stuck. Can't figure people out...

yep i believe that was the t-33a run we did in october we pulled this girls car out of a ditch and as we were setting up a few people that passed by fliped us off, but some still stopped to ask if needed help. we actually ended up having to block off the road so we could run my winch line accross the road for a better angle and also a big rock to tie off to. we had tried tying rigs togeather but road was just a sheet of ice, i gotta be honest i almost lost it comin around a corner that morning.

November 20th, 2009, 06:12 AM
another reason why i am building my truck up for recovery use as well... so many times have i had opportunities to help but couldnt

With that winch.....you ARE recovery

November 20th, 2009, 06:36 AM