View Full Version : interesting rigs from home

scout man
February 8th, 2010, 10:01 PM
I grew up in Missouri, outside St Louis and spent a lot of time at a buddies 1,000 acre farm. Twice a year they host a mudding event. I think the last time I was there they had about 3,000 people from all over the place that attented. Anyways, I was digging through some old boxes today and found a CD of pics that I thought I lost about 5 years ago when I had a hard drive failure. Turns out I had them backed up and didnt know it. so here are some pics from a Mudfest years back. There are some VERY unique rigs in these shots. Some good unique, and some not so much.


February 8th, 2010, 10:37 PM

Sure do love their domestics, big tires, and and lift kits. Saw two Toyota's and a Isuzu Trooper and whats left of a VW Bug pulling the "import" flag, not much else though. Guess a V8 and some American iron is more called for in those circles.

Looks like a ton of fun though, both for stupid animal tricks, wheeling, and parties.


February 8th, 2010, 10:39 PM
Your from outside of STL eh? That explains some HAHAHAHA!! I have family there. Thanks for the pics.

scout man
February 8th, 2010, 10:45 PM
Your from outside of STL eh? That explains some HAHAHAHA!! I have family there. Thanks for the pics.

Dont lie Aaron, that explains ALOT! :lmao: Lets just say I had some fun back in those days. Nothing but unusable land and old vehicles and rednecks. Thats home to me! :fing:

scout man
February 8th, 2010, 10:48 PM
Sure do love their domestics, big tires, and and lift kits.

Only two things you need for mud, big tires, beer, lots of wheel speed, beer, and maybe a few scantilly clad ladies covered in mud.... oh, and did I mention beer??

(redkneck math 1+1+1+1+1+1+1=2)

February 8th, 2010, 11:01 PM
Did you have a rig in that mess?

One thing I do miss about back east is all those trees with all those leaves. Oh, and scantily clad women covered in mud (and beer).

scout man
February 8th, 2010, 11:09 PM
Did you have a rig in that mess? .

no. A few of the pics were taken out of the back of my truck, you can see my light bar in a couple. That truck is now my DD. It did see some mud, and got burried above the headlights once... water through the cab and all, but I took it somewhat easy. I was pretty young back then, lived in the middle of no where, and it was my only ride. I was smart enough to know that if it went down i was screwed.

scout man
February 8th, 2010, 11:11 PM
wanted to point out this pic. Notice on the toolbox of the truck in the middle is a dog. This dog is ALWAYS on the toolbox, even running full speed through a mud pit, and he NEVER falls off. Every pic you see of this guy the dog is on there, and is stable as can be.

February 8th, 2010, 11:12 PM
I was smart enough to know that if it went down i was screwed.

Smart man. I wish I'd had that kind of sense when I was younger.

February 9th, 2010, 12:13 AM
Nice.... Thanks for sharing those with us. Thats one thing that I want to do... some muddin.... I've played in some fields but nothing like that.

February 9th, 2010, 01:11 AM
Only two things you need for mud, big tires, beer, lots of wheel speed, beer, and maybe a few scantilly clad ladies covered in mud.... oh, and did I mention beer??

(redkneck math 1+1+1+1+1+1+1=2)

Haha! I grew up about 3 hrs south of St. Louis so I know all about it. I think the redneck math applies to everyone who has been pulled over after drinking. "you been drinking tonight son?" "only a couple officer"

February 9th, 2010, 01:15 AM
Nice.... Thanks for sharing those with us. Thats one thing that I want to do... some muddin.... I've played in some fields but nothing like that.

Mud is always fun til you gotta clean the rig. I cleaned the underneath of my fj for 3 days once. The best thing is hook up a sprinkler to a garden hose and throw it underneath the rig for a few hours.

scout man
February 9th, 2010, 08:37 AM
the power washer car wash by my house installed a permanent sign that says "all mudders must use the first two bays" Then there was a shovel sitting in the corner, and if you didnt shovel out the mud when you were done the owner guy would come running out after you and rip you a new one.

You pretty much need a power washer for that much mud, and even at a quarter a minute or whatever it is it will cost you a FORTUNE. especially if you let it dry.

February 9th, 2010, 09:56 AM
There were definitely some pictures in there where "common sense" was not being exercised....I guess it all goes back to 1+1+1+1+1=More beer please!

brian pleasant
February 9th, 2010, 10:48 AM
that is why i own pressure washer lol. i been doing the mudding alot back in the days but dont think wanna go that route again, maybe little bit but the cleaning sux. brakes ruined cleaned bearings..also bigger tires equal more problems. it was all in fun thought, of course there are plenty of beers, it is redneck thing..

scout man
February 9th, 2010, 12:42 PM
There were definitely some pictures in there where "common sense" was not being exercised....I guess it all goes back to 1+1+1+1+1=More beer please!

yea, common sense can certainly be of short supply around there a lot of times. Some used it, some dont. I cant say I was always the best back then.... these pics may have been late high school/early college I would guess. I certainly did things I should not have survived, but I did (i think). Used to do things like truck pulls... two trucks driving in oposite directions with a strap in the middle, whoever pulls the other wins. Even saw one once that was a 3-way pull with a duece-and-a-half on one side and a scout and a jeep on the other. Needless to say the scout and jeep ended up sliding sideways into each other. One year they had a moster truck (bigfoot maybe? dont remember now) out there and they built some ramps for it to jump over. I can honestly say I jumped a ford taurus off that same jump about 6 times before it died. Unfortunately the first jump i forgot to deploy the airbags first. Lesson learned. I guess if nothing else it gave me stories to tell, and I was fortunate enough to live through it. We all did stupid stuff when we were young right?

That was one really nice change in coming out here. 4 wheelers out here are a completely different breed. For the most part everything is about safety and protecting the trails and the environment and all of that. That is unheard of in the midwest. All of the land is privately owned, and not really too much good for anything other than playing around on. No one regulates things and no one is worried about trails getting shut down since they are all private. Therefor, if they want to tear up their land, they do. It was fun, but its nice to see a higher level of concern and awareness out here. Maybe not in EVERY 4 wheeler out here, but a pretty good vocal majority. Of course you always have those bad apples.

February 9th, 2010, 10:24 PM
reminds me of back home in texas! We had a severe lack of trails but plenty of open fields, rednecks, and beer.

February 10th, 2010, 10:37 AM
I like beer and mud. :D