View Full Version : Today on China Wall 2-21-10

February 21st, 2010, 06:48 PM
Had a great time today! Smash, Jamie and myself headed out to see how the trail was. There was a nice amount of snow cover (and some ice) on the trail. I can definitely tell they have graded in spots... HOWEVER on FS 212 all the obstacles are still there. (Didn't get over to 204) After a fun time on the trail we went sledding... Note to self: Rocks hurt.. Did a damage check when I got home.. 2 nasty large bruises on my right leg, one on my left knee and a few scrapes on my chest.. WHOOPS!! Guess every now and then when you play you pay! Still had a blast! Pictures will be up shortly!

February 21st, 2010, 06:57 PM
Heck yeah that WAS FANTASTIC!!

What a great day.

Snowed all day, sign in Woodland Park read 14 degrees. Yeeeehaw baby. It was absolutely beautiful up there.

And yes, there was some ice. As funrover put it: "it's icy. Like ice icy." :lol:

We have plenty of pics and a few videos, but I'm gonna put some dinner together and we're going to watch a movie. I will try to get through some of the photos tonight, but will for sure have everything posted tomorrow.

CW was great! Never been up there before. Shame it's so far away. Almost a tank of gas for me (running in 4WD on the roads cause of the snow). Once again, the Suburban's abilities surprised me. What was a nice surprise this time, was that my skills are getting better! Very happy about that.

Learned however that I NEED to trim my front fenders a bit. Getting quite a bit of rub. :rolleyes: This was the first time it was noticeable, got the flex the truck out a bit. :D Looking forward to warmer weather so I can extend the brake lines and locate some quick disconnects for the front sway bar (don't see one in the back).

Glad to hear the damage isn't too serious Aaron, I watched that happen and cringed!

Hey guys.

Did you know we have a master clock maker? :lol: x10000000

February 21st, 2010, 07:00 PM
Oh, also realized that when you flex a 'burb all the body panels flex funny. Haha at one point I couldn't open my door! Talk about creeks and groans. Hopped out to take a look and you could tell the panels were out of whack by the gaps, etc. Everything seems to be fine though.

scout man
February 21st, 2010, 07:09 PM
Oh, also realized that when you flex a 'burb all the body panels flex funny. Haha at one point I couldn't open my door! Talk about creeks and groans. Hopped out to take a look and you could tell the panels were out of whack by the gaps, etc. Everything seems to be fine though.

Mine does the same thing, as you flex you can see the front windshield shifting around in the hoop. it can be disheartening for a while, but you get used to it. Just check all your body mounts if you havnt and make sure they are intact.

February 21st, 2010, 07:10 PM
Ok, I don't know about body mounts, will look it up in the manual. I know both my front quarter panels were a bit funky/loose when I bought the truck. Today didn't help. :lol:

scout man
February 21st, 2010, 07:14 PM
just look for spots where the body touches the frame. Should have some form of rubber or poly pads in there. I dont know on a burb, but I would guess you probably have 2 in the front, 2 under the front floorboards, 2 between the front and back seats, and 2 on the rear.... maybe even another set of them behind the back seats, since its so long. Mine were a disaster as a bunch of them were rusted out and needed rebuilding, my guess would be yours would just need knew bushings if they arent 100% already. Mostly just a safety precaution... I would hate to see your body slide off the frame someday on a trail :D could make for a pretty rough recovery!!! I wouldnt worry too much about the flexing if the body mounts are fine, jsut seems like a good time to check and make sure the mounts arent contributing to the amount of flex.

February 21st, 2010, 07:17 PM
Bwahahahahahaha that would totally suck and be really funny all at the same time! I'll get on that before I take her out again. Thanks!

February 21st, 2010, 07:17 PM







February 21st, 2010, 07:18 PM


http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh178/aaronwart/Offroad/Feb%2021%202010/DSCN1949.jpg ...


February 21st, 2010, 07:20 PM





February 21st, 2010, 07:21 PM
Teaser shots!!





February 21st, 2010, 07:21 PM






February 21st, 2010, 07:21 PM

I am working on loading the video of sled rides!

February 21st, 2010, 07:22 PM
Aaron, these two are stellar!!



February 21st, 2010, 07:23 PM
nice pics. glad you had a good time.

February 21st, 2010, 07:24 PM
Heck yeah that WAS FANTASTIC!!

What a great day.

Snowed all day, sign in Woodland Park read 14 degrees. Yeeeehaw baby. It was absolutely beautiful up there.

And yes, there was some ice. As funrover put it: "it's icy. Like ice icy." :lol:

We have plenty of pics and a few videos, but I'm gonna put some dinner together and we're going to watch a movie. I will try to get through some of the photos tonight, but will for sure have everything posted tomorrow.

CW was great! Never been up there before. Shame it's so far away. Almost a tank of gas for me (running in 4WD on the roads cause of the snow). Once again, the Suburban's abilities surprised me. What was a nice surprise this time, was that my skills are getting better! Very happy about that.

Learned however that I NEED to trim my front fenders a bit. Getting quite a bit of rub. :rolleyes: This was the first time it was noticeable, got the flex the truck out a bit. :D Looking forward to warmer weather so I can extend the brake lines and locate some quick disconnects for the front sway bar (don't see one in the back).

Glad to hear the damage isn't too serious Aaron, I watched that happen and cringed!

Hey guys.

Did you know we have a master clock maker? :lol: x10000000

Did my wreck look that bad? I have a different point of view..LOL And yes those darn ICE ICY Clock masters.. HAHHAHAHAHA

February 21st, 2010, 07:25 PM
The wreck itself didn't look bad. It was you trying to get up....

February 21st, 2010, 07:37 PM

Does this shot make my *** look fat???

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


(oh god Karla and I are dying of laughter over here....)

February 21st, 2010, 08:04 PM
Good to meet you and Stephanie! Thanks for the pointers and all the thumbs ups! :)

February 21st, 2010, 08:08 PM
Glad you guys had fun. I just got back from Winter park (f***ing traffic on I-70 and US40 was stupid). It took almost an hour to get from C-470 to Empire when we were going up. And it took about 3 hours to get from Winter Park back home.

February 21st, 2010, 08:10 PM
Yikes!! I took 25 to 24, traffic was fine (but it was early morning). Hit some traffic on 25 on the way back, but things kept moving. Where did you guys go?

February 21st, 2010, 08:12 PM
Winter Park. Pretty great boarding, i guess traffic had to be awful to make up for that

February 21st, 2010, 08:14 PM
Saw a lot of skiers/boarders on their way home on 24 today for sure. Glad the snow was good!

February 21st, 2010, 09:14 PM
Looks like ya all had a great time. Body flex in full size unibody rigs takes awhile to get used to. I can understand it seeming weird.

February 21st, 2010, 09:23 PM
Good job! Great pics; wish I coulda made it. China Wall looks purty smooth, but great in the snow.

February 21st, 2010, 09:52 PM
Looks like it was a blast... glad to hear that you guys had a good time, maybe next time I will join in on the fun... great pics

February 22nd, 2010, 06:31 AM
Looks like ya all had a great time. Body flex in full size unibody rigs takes awhile to get used to. I can understand it seeming weird.

No unibodies in this group of rigs, BTW, Fordboy. Got a frame almost exactly like what you have under your Ford F150. All of the these had regular frames with separate body mounts. About the only real wheeling unibody out there to my knowledge are the Jeep XJs. The Burban is on a basic truck frame.

Look up anything in the Jeep Make and Model Links section on the forum dealing with quick disconnects. I believe that I posted qiute a few links, and Jamie, Black Rubi and a few other folks added to that. You can make a set from standard junk you can get at ACE, Home Depo, or Lowes for way cheaper than you'll ever buy an after market set.

As far as body flex goes on the Burb, as was mentioned, the body mount bushings are probably hash or the mounting bolts are loose. I didn't look too hard when you were over here and I was fixing the rain gutter, but it looks as though you have some sort of body lift already, maybe not. either way, the bolts may be loose on this or the bushing may have worn out. There are quite a few cheap alternatives to buying new bushings, including using cheap hocky pucks and skateboard wheels, both plastic products much like the after market bushings.Replacing these is more in the PITA category that anything really hard, as you will be dealing with access to the top of the bolts and/or rusted bolts. About a week or two before you decide to tackle this, spray all the mounting nuts/bolts down with something like PB Blaster daily.

Nice to see that there was still a little challenge left in China Wall. This was more or less what I heard the FS did-graded the entrance and some of the rest of the trail, closing off FS 204 from both sides, and leaving the main part of the trail alone. good to see that everyone had a good time.

February 22nd, 2010, 07:58 AM
ok. I need to get the manual out and do some reading. Need to figure out where these things are, hell even what they look like!

February 22nd, 2010, 08:03 AM
Here are two nice ones. To see more, just google "body mount pictures" and you will some pretty worn ones...also links to vibration problems, problems when flexed, etc.

February 22nd, 2010, 08:08 AM
Ooooo ok thanks. Yeah I can find those, I remember seeing them before. That does look like an utter pain in the *** to swap out. Ug. My thought is they are probably toast though, given the age of the truck (and the other things we had to replace like motor and tranny mounts).

February 22nd, 2010, 08:14 AM
Look into the alternative solutions to the body bushings. Both skate board wheels and hockey pucks are cheap at target....

Oh...you will have people chime in here about the pros and cons of body lifts and also the pros and cons of hockey pucks and skate board wheels. I am only going to say that I have used body lifts, skate board wheels, hockey pucks, homemade pipe with washers lifts, etc., etc., on almost all of the 4x4s I have ever owned (between 13 and 16, maybe more) in 40 years of wheeling and have had no problems with anything that I have ever used on any rig, make or model, no matter how hard it got wheeled.

February 22nd, 2010, 08:25 AM
Well, it's already lifted. Probably a bit of a body lift. Not gonna take it off or change it. Thanks for the tips on the cheaper solutions for bushings!!

scout man
February 22nd, 2010, 08:56 AM
Hockey pucks are definitely just fine for the body lift, but are you sure this will replace worn out bushings? I run hockey pucks on mine as a lift, but with my setup I would not be able to replace the actual bushings with pucks without a ton of slop in the body. Maybe yours is diferent, but just looking for clarification. My poly bushings were like $50, not $.99 like a hockey puck, but definitely worth it in my case.

If the setup is exactly like the drawing you posted, then I suppose it would be fine, but they way mine work, the actual hole in the frame is much much larger than the bolt hole, and there is a section of the bushing that actually goes into this 1 1/2 inch hole. Then there is a 1" metal sleave that runs through the whole thing, with the bolt inside that. Because of this, if I just replaced the bushings with hockey pucks my body would be able to slide around about an inch every direction... which would be bad. I guess my point is take one apart before you buy anything and see what the setup is... if it is just like the one in the drawn picture... then go for it, no reason the pucks wont work, but if it is one where there is a much larger whole in the frame and the bushing actually goes into it (read, not a flat surface on the bushing pieces), then I really think the little bit of money to buy the correct bushings would go a long way. Just my .02

February 22nd, 2010, 09:05 AM
Thanks Steve, I will definitely be taking a good look before purchasing anything. Unfortunately at $50 a pop there's no way I'll be able to replace them before the next run.

scout man
February 22nd, 2010, 09:11 AM
at $50 a pop

clarification - I meant $50 for the set, not just for one of them. I would think there would be a mount somewhere one the rig that would be fairly easy to get to both ends of the bolt. On mine the front two are the only ones you really have to tear anything apart to get to, and thats just taking the headlights and assemblies out. Then the next set of two and the rear set of 2 bolt right through the floor board, so since I dont have an interior that was no problem, and the ones between those two just bolt through a c-channel so that both sides of the bolt are actually accessibly from under the rig. I bet there is a set on there that wont be too hard, then just throw a highlift (or if you dont have one a normal jack with some wood or something, under the body and lift enough to slide the bushings out. for mine, it was really a pain-free job the first time I did it... now when I when back to rebuild all the rusted out body mounts, that was a very different story.

February 22nd, 2010, 09:17 AM
Oh ok, that sounds much more reasonable. Will have to take my change jar to the bank tho, lol. Thanks for the help guys. Good thing is I can get under there really easily.

scout man
February 22nd, 2010, 09:22 AM
:D yea, for $50 a bushing I would have just welded the body to the frame and called it a day :D

February 22nd, 2010, 09:38 AM
Don't use hockey pucks!

Just use the regular lift puck stuff. It's not that expensive. I got mine for $2.50 a piece for 2" high, 3" diameter stuff.

February 22nd, 2010, 09:39 AM
Ok. Don't need more lift, just might need to replace bushings. I will see.

February 22nd, 2010, 09:44 AM

Here's a link if you do need to replace a block. I couldn't find the place I got mine from, the link doesn't work anymore.

February 22nd, 2010, 10:37 AM
Alrighty, time for some photos.


camouflage!!! I am ninja. :lol:



Aaron getting a hand from Jamie. Man I can't wait to have a winch.


February 22nd, 2010, 10:50 AM
I have a winch.

I just need to install it!

February 22nd, 2010, 11:03 AM
Does this make my *** look fat? ROFLMAO


All the photos with some captions here: http://s419.photobucket.com/albums/pp278/coloradosmash81/China%20Wall%20Feb%2021/?albumview=slideshow

February 22nd, 2010, 01:30 PM
Videos loaded!

Attempt number 5 (or something, we lost count) to get the Disco up the hill:


Takes Jamie a few tries too




Winching Aaron up



The long wheel base and weight really is an asset up this one! Up we go, first try.


February 22nd, 2010, 02:27 PM
One thing that I saw in the winching video that I wanted to talk about....don't want to step on any toes, but this can be important and is a safety thing.

When winching, especially in a surface lacking traction, be very careful about how much gas you give the rig being pulled.

You don't want to get too much slack in the winch line. You simply want to let the winch do the work. I saw that at one point there was a decent amount of slack, and then the vehicle started to slip backwards again. If you let this slack happen by accelerating too much, then you lose traction and go backwards you can put a lot of stress on the line and even cause it to snap. It's basically a shock load on the line. And if the line snaps when you have no traction you can easily go down a hill and have all sorts of bad things happen. Not to mention if you slide and pull back on the line like that while the winch is pulling, you could damage the winch.

When winching you should be applying only just enough gas to assist with the pull, not spinning the tires. If the tires start spinning you should back off.

February 22nd, 2010, 02:29 PM
Hey Aaron, you working on those sledding vids?

February 22nd, 2010, 02:42 PM
The wreck itself didn't look bad. It was you trying to get up....

That was me making sure I still had everything in my pockets and such

Sorry Aaron, :(

Thanks everyone, great day, Stephanie had a great day also.

Wonderful pics, thanks I forgot my camera. Booh.

I'm glad you had a good time Smash. You did great, at least we didn't have to which the Chevy!! LOL Poke Aaron.

No probs man, if the sled didn't break I would have gone again! it happens! Glad Steph got to come. And darn Discos.. They just don't like the snow and ice on the trails.. Jimmy will back me on this one hahaha

February 22nd, 2010, 02:45 PM
Nice to see that there was still a little challenge left in China Wall. This was more or less what I heard the FS did-graded the entrance and some of the rest of the trail, closing off FS 204 from both sides, and leaving the main part of the trail alone. good to see that everyone had a good time.

I can't say for sure on the entrance but 204 was still open where it met up with 212. And 212 still had all the obstacles.. just didn't do this trip out!

February 22nd, 2010, 02:53 PM
Hey Aaron, you working on those sledding vids?

I am working on that.. Will have to do it later

February 22nd, 2010, 03:50 PM
Looked like a great time, nice flex in the burb smash!

February 22nd, 2010, 05:41 PM
Sweet pics everyone! I wish I was sledding behind a truck... that looks like fun.

I realize this is a little belated, but Ash: I wouldn't waste your time or money on quick disconnects for your burb. If it's anything like my Blazer, it rides better with the sway bar off- much less rigid of a ride. My suggestion is take it all the way off and try it for a while, and maybe it'll be like mine: sitting on the floor of the garage for an indefinite amount of time ;)

Before I took mine off, my seatbelt saved my life every dip I hit! :lmao:

February 22nd, 2010, 07:02 PM
In regards to my comment about unibody. I knowingly used the wrong term for a lack of a better one. I should have explained my comment further. Basically the Burb is on big body with a front clip. A pick up has a front clip cab and truck bed. The bodys on trucks are more willing to flex and give with less complaint. When i was diving my 79 Bronco when flexing the body gave alot more groan and grunt. What the proper name for this is i have no idea.

February 22nd, 2010, 07:12 PM
Looks like a good time! I don't often see Funrover get winched. Thanks to all for posting pics and vids.

February 22nd, 2010, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the thoughts Rob! It seems most have said the fullsize's do just fine sans sway bars. I ran the Foz without them with no trouble, just slow down for the turns. That, of course, would require going fast in the 'burb on pavement, and that isn't happening anyway! :lol:

scout man
February 22nd, 2010, 07:37 PM
In regards to my comment about unibody. I knowingly used the wrong term for a lack of a better one. I should have explained my comment further. Basically the Burb is on big body with a front clip. A pick up has a front clip cab and truck bed. The bodys on trucks are more willing to flex and give with less complaint. When i was diving my 79 Bronco when flexing the body gave alot more groan and grunt. What the proper name for this is i have no idea.

I was kind of guessing this is what you meant. My truck flexes a ton where the body meets the cab, preventing the cab from having to flex, my scout on the other hand, or a long rig like the burb that does not have that separation between front half and back is forced to bend and flex as the frame does.

February 22nd, 2010, 07:40 PM
I was kind of guessing this is what you meant. My truck flexes a ton where the body meets the cab, preventing the cab from having to flex, my scout on the other hand, or a long rig like the burb that does not have that separation between front half and back is forced to bend and flex as the frame does.

I am glad someone got what i was getting at even though i used the wrongs words with no explanation.

scout man
February 22nd, 2010, 07:49 PM
QUOTE=Fordboy77;88667]I am glad someone got what i was getting at even though i used the wrongs words with no explanation.[/QUOTE]

I'll show you the dent someday in the back of my cab where my bed flexed and smacked into it. :D

February 22nd, 2010, 09:54 PM
First Thanks to Ash, great vids and pics.

You are totally correct about not allowing slack if possible when winching. often times you cannot avoid it, ( I wish I had a Warn 8750 to be able to keep up with the pull). I have a synthetic rope, I know it can still hurt people but it has a lot less chance than a steel cable.
I am always open to advice and welcome any comments on unsafe practices on the trail.

I only use the winch for the Rovers anyways! Poke poke, LOL

Yeah sometimes it can't be avoided, but I thought I would mention it because it is an important thing to be aware of. In that situation, the hill wasn't that big and it most likely wouldn't have been any issue.

February 22nd, 2010, 11:09 PM
I find high speed tire spinning to a be a "no gain, lots of potential for loss" kind of thing for me. I cringe every time I see someone do it, but especially when winching. I will say there are times when I have been caught doing it, but mostly in the snow or mud trying to get down into something grippy. In general though, you just get yourself into worse places, since it tends to dig down further into what you are stuck in rather then get you out of it. Best case, you wear your tires faster and have to use a shovel/winch to get out. Worst case the tires catch all of a sudden and you either break something or your rig goes somewhere you weren't expecting.

Aaron seems particularly fond of the "rev the piss out of it" school of thought, as I noticed he did it a lot on Eagle Rock a couple weeks back too. That, combined with his springs seating and unseating and their resultant "sounds like an axle braking" bangs were making me cringe every time. You can get away with it with an open diff, but I recommend against it with any kind of locker.

On the side of Chinawall, I'm glad to hear that many of the obstacles didn't disappear. I almost regret voting for Metberry Gulch for our Anniversary Trip now. Glad you guys had an awesome time.


February 23rd, 2010, 09:28 AM
Looks like a good time guys!

February 23rd, 2010, 02:55 PM
Aaron seems particularly fond of the "rev the piss out of it" school of thought, as I noticed he did it a lot on Eagle Rock a couple weeks back too. That, combined with his springs seating and unseating and their resultant "sounds like an axle braking" bangs were making me cringe every time. You can get away with it with an open diff, but I recommend against it with any kind of locker.


I am actually opposite of what you think. I try many times at a low speed low RPM first. If that yields no results I go for higher RPM.

As far as the winch line goes I didn't realize I had that much wheel spin. Guess I am not used to Jessica Rover yet.

February 23rd, 2010, 02:58 PM
I guess I just remember that last hill of Eagle Rock, and you having really high wheel speed even while winching.


February 23rd, 2010, 04:24 PM

February 23rd, 2010, 04:44 PM
Bwahahahhaha. That was so much more fun than it looks!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

February 23rd, 2010, 05:03 PM

I just had a very bad idea......

Did you know you can get a used snowboard with bindings for $50 or less?


February 23rd, 2010, 05:21 PM
Sweet vid, I love the comment at the end "you can tell there still dating look how slow she's going", nail on the head haha. I think your on to something smash with the snow board, I bet C.R. would let you pulll him at any speed on his, probably off a jump too!

February 23rd, 2010, 05:29 PM

I just had a very bad idea......

Did you know you can get a used snowboard with bindings for $50 or less?


LOL Yeah been there with ski's Fun times

February 23rd, 2010, 05:48 PM
Yeah, but I don't have my skiis anymore!!!

February 23rd, 2010, 06:04 PM
Glad I found that wood floor skating rink the night before. That probably would have been me getting discombobulated on the sled instead of Aaron. :D

February 24th, 2010, 06:56 AM
I am actually opposite of what you think. I try many times at a low speed low RPM first. If that yields no results I go for higher RPM.

Oh Aaron...you fib so bad.....I guess I have missed the 'low RPM' start of things....:D:D:D:D:D

FYI: skis are soooo much better behind a towed vehicle, Alpine skis with the basic downhill, non mountaineering bindings, too. You are facing the car for one reason and it equates more to water skiing, if you fall, it is going to be forward and easier to roll out of and, most importantly, the damn bindings release.

This advice, BTW, comes from personal experience on about anything that can get towed behind a rig that fits on your feet. The advice given was sometimes very painfully acquired, even though varying mental states managed to dull the pain sometimes. Also, speaking of stuff towed behind a rig, towing a parawing behind a rig is also a very, very bad idea...and the ground is both harder and farther away than what you initially think...Don't even ask....just accept it as a 'not good idea'....turning the corners in the tow rig tends to invert the wing...

February 24th, 2010, 07:55 AM
Lol Brody!!

Yeah, neither are a good idea for me, my knee won't hold up.

February 24th, 2010, 02:39 PM
Oh Aaron...you fib so bad.....I guess I have missed the 'low RPM' start of things....:D:D:D:D:D

FYI: skis are soooo much better behind a towed vehicle, Alpine skis with the basic downhill, non mountaineering bindings, too. You are facing the car for one reason and it equates more to water skiing, if you fall, it is going to be forward and easier to roll out of and, most importantly, the damn bindings release.

This advice, BTW, comes from personal experience on about anything that can get towed behind a rig that fits on your feet. The advice given was sometimes very painfully acquired, even though varying mental states managed to dull the pain sometimes. Also, speaking of stuff towed behind a rig, towing a parawing behind a rig is also a very, very bad idea...and the ground is both harder and farther away than what you initially think...Don't even ask....just accept it as a 'not good idea'....turning the corners in the tow rig tends to invert the wing...

LMAO!! The low RPM thing was me not moving forward hahahaha As far as the advice.. I will take it.. LOL But I want to hear the story!

February 24th, 2010, 05:11 PM
LMAO!! The low RPM thing was me not moving forward hahahaha As far as the advice.. I will take it.. LOL But I want to hear the story!

It ended with one savaged back and a very broken leg that required a trip to the hospital after we got everything stabilized. A good time was had by all, even the crapped back (me) and the broken femur (a friend of mine). After we had gotten thoroughly dicked up, patched up and stabilized, despite all of our encouragement, none of the other three guys were overly enthused to try it..And yes, we did take some pain meds and yes, we were holding off on going to the hospital until some of our other buddies tried it. Just a painful greenstick on the femur, not like it was a compound or anything and all I had done was damage an already screwed up back, so it was just more painful...You know, your basic good times learning experience...

Huh...I just realized that out of the five guys that were there, only two of us are still alive today. I haven't just lost climbing buddies. The friends that I have lost have included a few others with some random screws loose, too.:D

Red Rhino
February 24th, 2010, 10:26 PM
Glad you guys had fun. I just got back from Winter park (f***ing traffic on I-70 and US40 was stupid). It took almost an hour to get from C-470 to Empire when we were going up. And it took about 3 hours to get from Winter Park back home.

I was boarding and was in the same traffic, it did suck. I sure was happy to have low gears so I could just idle up and down the pass. the

Red Rhino
February 24th, 2010, 10:53 PM
Looks like a great run. I wish I was there. See you on the next run.


February 25th, 2010, 06:59 AM
I was boarding and was in the same traffic, it did suck. I sure was happy to have low gears so I could just idle up and down the pass. the

Hah...people get pissed when I idle in traffic like that. Seriously they will figure a way out to pass me, only to be going just as slow as they were behind me but maybe 100 feet ahead of me. Stupid people. They think that because I leave a lot of space between me and the next person that they are going slower for some reason. I just don't like the whole go, brake, go, brake, go, brake, stop, go, brake, etc. routine.