View Full Version : Khal's (A Trac) FJ CRUISER storage
March 17th, 2010, 06:34 AM
Khal wanted some storage for the back of his FJ Cruiser and contracted me to do it for him. He needed to have a stout compartment with two sliding drawers that locked, a tool tray in one drawer, and have the ARB cooler and slide out be able to be supported when the cooler was pulled out.
Dimensions were very tight and the end result was that the cooler just fit with the seat on the cooler side down. Without the cooler, both seats were able to latch. All wood was sealed with a clear coat inside and out, indoor/outdoor carpet from Lowe's was used along with basic indoor/outdoor carpet adhesive, heavy duty drawer glides were used, and all attachment points used the factory mounting holes and hardware. The whole storage compartment can be removed by releasing the tension on the two turnbuckles on the front backside of the storage and removing the two drawers to access the inner mounts.
Here are some pictures:
Here are a couple of pictures of the finished product.
March 17th, 2010, 07:16 AM
Dang that looks really good pete
March 17th, 2010, 09:14 AM
Looks great!
March 17th, 2010, 09:24 AM
That turned out really well!!
March 17th, 2010, 09:43 AM
Thanks! It was fun to do and challenging because except for one brief stopover by Khal, was done completely off of the initial poster board templates I made. There was probably a 5/16" margin of error overall for the entire outer part of the boxes where they fit into the back and the mounting holes had to line up. There was little room for error in making the entire box do to trying to get the most room and having to flush mount almost all of the hardware.
I thought it looked pretty good too. Most importantly was that Khal was happy with it.
March 17th, 2010, 02:29 PM
Very nice, are the drawers on slides?
March 17th, 2010, 02:42 PM
Very nice, are the drawers on slides?
Thanks....but do some very nice stuff, too...Your idea using the turnbuckles? I was going to do something else, saw that and decided to not reinvent the wheel. Too simple and clever not to use.
I told Khal that the drawer Glides were going to be the kicker with a choice between adequate heavy duty $25-30 (Home Depo/Lowe's) or Rockler heavy duty $100-up. He said to use the best I could find without breaking the bank. I ended up using the best ones Depo had and greasing the hell out of them. They should work out just fine, but I was glad that the drawers weren't any deeper...
We did a custom built in for a loft remodel in downtown Denver (merely a $600K 'remodel') and the glides we had to use for what we needed them to do cost us close to $800....
March 17th, 2010, 03:03 PM
I think the turn buckle idea came from someone on the FJ forum.
It's ridiculous how much those stupid guides are, they are some pieces of metal with bearings, it's one of the reasons I decided to do mine with just the compartment instead of drawers. Even the HD ones are a little steep, but unless he plans on sleeping in the drawers (Khal has been known to do some weird stuff) they should be more than adequate.
Very impressed how evenly you got the drawer faces to line up with the cabinet, you know what you're doing, be surprised how difficult that is for some people. I also like the latch idea, never would have thought to use those and to think you did all from a template, nice work.
March 17th, 2010, 04:49 PM
(Khal has been known to do some weird stuff)
:lmao: Tell me about it.
Thanks again Pete. Great job!
March 17th, 2010, 07:45 PM
I think the turn buckle idea came from someone on the FJ forum.
It's ridiculous how much those stupid guides are, they are some pieces of metal with bearings,
Very impressed how evenly you got the drawer faces to line up with the cabinet, you know what you're doing, be surprised how difficult that is for some people. I also like the latch idea, never would have thought to use those and to think you did all from a template, nice work.
After seeing yours, a compliment from you is a compliment indeed! Thanks. And this was at the 'garage' shop, not the cabinet shop...but it was for storage in a 4x4, not someone's super deluxe kitchen or home.
The really expensive ones we used in the loft project were to hold a stainless steel and ebony door we built (and built the cabinet for) that was about 2 1/2 feet wide and 8' tall. It had to both swing out and return back into the side of the cabinet so that all the audio/video stuff could be accessed without blocking the hallway. Very expensive glides those were....Worked well and looked very sharp, too.
The turnbuckle was just to clever not to use. I had bent a template up out if some thin stock to use as this cosmic rear hold down, saw the turnbuckle and went"That's it."
There was a bit of finger crossing with the template build. After I glued and screwed the top on, there was really no way to go back in and adjust the front mounting holes if they were off by a little least not without some real grief. And I had to have the top finished in order for me to install the carpet and the ARB cooler mount...
March 17th, 2010, 09:35 PM
Pretty cool Brody! :fing: You have been putting out some slick FJC customs!
March 17th, 2010, 09:49 PM
Nice work, Pete. PM what it would cost to do a similar setup in my FJC, minus the cooler setup. I need something like that at some point.
March 17th, 2010, 10:51 PM
Looks great! Great job Pete!
March 18th, 2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks again for the compliments on this! It was fun to actually do some woodwork vs steel work for a change.
If anyone is interested in getting something similar to this storage done, please contact me through either a PM, phone call 303-507-3066 or 303-761-4818 or via my email: and we can set a time to get together and discuss what exactly you want. Part of the pricing will depend on exactly how much of the finish work (ie: carpet, painting, sealing) that you are willing to do as that all adds up, and what kind of materials that you want to make it out of. I can basically build these out of anything except aluminum and I am working with my neighbor on being available for the aluminum welding stuff.
March 18th, 2010, 04:04 PM
I can basically build these out of anything except aluminum and I am working with my neighbor on being available for the aluminum welding stuff. a 10 minute job for you already. :)
March 18th, 2010, 10:27 PM
You should pimp yourself out on the blue room Pete :D
March 18th, 2010, 11:40 PM
You should pimp yourself out on the blue room Pete :D
X2, in the Colorado sub-forum. Lots of FJC owners around here who need stuff like that.
March 19th, 2010, 06:44 AM
Good ideas, I'll give that a shot, though I am really not wired to 'multi forum' very well, having my hands full with this one. I have been relying on people who have liked my work (and work ethics) who are involved on a lot of different forums to recommend me for stuff like this and to maybe just copy and paste my pictures and contact information on other forums. Most of the people who I have done custom stuff for have said that they would do this and I have just assumed that they have.
Certainly could use the work, though.
May 24th, 2010, 03:45 PM
Here are a couple of pictures of the finished product.
I'll have to Pm you with some info I need to get a that done to my rig with a couple tweaks to it, I want to take out the back seat and have it level to where the seat reach making a little storage area underneath where the back passengers feet would be. I have no use or want for the back seat and would like to camp out in it if needed but will eventually will get a rooftop tent or a trailer, but would also like the ability to be able to just throw air mattress in the back.....might even have the draw a drawers a lot lower or not even there and use the space below for storage of something...was thinking my amp but I want to mount that up top somewhere in the back.
May 24th, 2010, 03:59 PM
Nice job Pete!
I feel your pain on the drawer slides. My slides cost over $100 because of the length of the drawers - nothing anywhere would work so they were a special order thing. I wanted my drawers to slide almost all the way out as well, while holding a ton of tools and spare parts. The slides I got were rated at 250lbs per pair extended. PITA to work with. I ended up making mine slightly different than yours - the drawer face covers the whole end, rather than being recessed - this way I could make the drawers as large as possible, and those slides eat up some room too.
May 24th, 2010, 10:12 PM
I'll have to Pm you with some info I need to get a that done to my rig with a couple tweaks to it, I want to take out the back seat and have it level to where the seat reach making a little storage area underneath where the back passengers feet would be. I have no use or want for the back seat and would like to camp out in it if needed but will eventually will get a rooftop tent or a trailer, but would also like the ability to be able to just throw air mattress in the back.....might even have the draw a drawers a lot lower or not even there and use the space below for storage of something...was thinking my amp but I want to mount that up top somewhere in the back.
Jock (RockyMtnHigh) built a really nice set in his FJC that now includes a sliding panel that will fit a sleeping bag. I know Pete could build something like it. You should check out the pics (if I can find them; they're on this forum and others somewhere) to get an idea.
Edit: Found the post: Go to post 12 here:
This setup might work for you. No need to reinvent the wheel.
May 25th, 2010, 01:28 AM
No need to reinvent the wheel.
I ended up pulling it all out, all the storage that thing had equated to a whole lot of crap I really didn't need to be toting around with me everyday, recovery gear, tools, CO2 Tank, axe, shovel, refrigerator, etc. When I pulled it all out the rear end came up about 3/4" and doesn't feel like you're riding in a deuce and a half now. I plan on refining the wheel though, making another one with a lower profile and using half inch MDF (provided I can put down the bobbin and get away from the fly tying vise, when I am not fishing). Right now there isn't a lot of head room when sitting up and a lower profile will lessen the storage and force me to be a little more selective on what I am carrying.
But yes, on the long side I can fit my 38" x 80" sleeping bag in it, I have a memory foam pad that goes under the bag, it by far beats sleeping in a tent. Wind, rain, ice and snowing outside and you're as snug as a bug in a rug. I used to be the guy who was up before everyone else when camping b/c I was so uncomfortable, with that set up people were having to rock the FJ to get me out of bed! :lol:
May 25th, 2010, 01:28 PM
I ended up pulling it all out
What?!? :eek: All that beautiful work gone?
May 25th, 2010, 02:37 PM
If he did it anything like the one I did for Khal (which I am sure he did) it is totally removable without damage to anything. Khals can be removed by removing the drawers, then two bolts located under the drawers that go into factory holes, removing the ARB cooler and tray (4 bolts) then loosening the turnbuckles that hold the back down, again using the factory mounts. Very, very simple and the whole thing can be taken out in about 15 minutes, tops, by one person.
All it takes to design something like this is considerable forethought and some skill. I designed and built all of Khal's from a template I made when he had his rig over here briefly. The next time I saw him was for the installation. Stuff fit just fine.
May 25th, 2010, 03:22 PM
I might even build a little riser that is easy to pull out that just raises the back area to make it level with the back of the seats when they fold down, that or something log enough to reach the back of the front seat with them all the way back.
May 25th, 2010, 04:07 PM
I ended up pulling it all out
All that beautiful work gone?
I'm seeing an opportunity to act as broker of this. ;)
May 25th, 2010, 11:26 PM
I'm seeing an opportunity to act as broker of this. ;)
Did you pick up on that hint? I wasn't sure if he'd taken it our for good or plans to keep it and use on an as-needed basis. :) Jock?
I'm definitely going to want something like that one of these days.
May 26th, 2010, 10:26 AM
If he did it anything like the one I did for Khal (which I am sure he did) it is totally removable without damage to anything.
Yep, it actually came out easier than it went in, when is that ever the case? It's usually easier to get into things then it is to get out of them. :lmao:
Did you pick up on that hint? I wasn't sure if he'd taken it our for good or plans to keep it and use on an as-needed basis. :) Jock?
I'm definitely going to want something like that one of these days.
Rob, you want it come get it, I will even help install it! I have the largest piece sitting on the garage floor right now.
May 26th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Rob, you want it come get it, I will even help install it! I have the largest piece sitting on the garage floor right now.
Nice offer Jock! I'm sure Rob will be thrilled as we've talked about your storage a few times.
May 26th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Nice offer Jock! I'm sure Rob will be thrilled as we've talked about your storage a few times.
He's a good guy, he still talks to me despite all those old cracks I make on his behalf.
May 26th, 2010, 01:15 PM
What old cracks?
Seriously? Can I come down this weekend or do you have holiday plans?
May 26th, 2010, 11:15 PM
Sent you a PM Rob!
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