View Full Version : LHC Clean up May 8th

March 18th, 2010, 11:49 PM
There is going to be a clean up day at lefthand.
May 8th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Thought i should let everyone know!

March 19th, 2010, 04:14 PM
I just posted it up on Rising Sun's forum:D

March 24th, 2010, 03:02 PM
I have at least one helper able and willing not including myself.

March 24th, 2010, 03:58 PM
I'm not able to plan that far ahead unless one of our own Adopt-a-Trail schedule a cleanup of our adopted trails. ;)

March 24th, 2010, 04:21 PM
There are usually 3-4 groups already involved with the LHC cleanup and the last 5-6 years there have been over 100 people involved. So many, in fact, that people were standing around. As nice as it would be to pitch in, I have already dedicated enough time and gas money to the trails that FR has adopted and cleans up: Devils Canyon and Barbour Forks. We have scheduled quite a few clean up days for both of these canyons....and all without asking for help from other groups. I say that if a group adopts a trail, they should take care of their own business and do a good enough job that they do not have to involve other groups....like we do.

Ridgerunner 4WD usually has a huge number of people just from their group and they are the ones that have adopted this trail unless things have changed.

Bottom line on this for me: count me out.

March 24th, 2010, 07:27 PM
I'm sure that she'll be willing to go to at least one, most likely more, unless I'm unable I'll do my best to go to all.

And I just reread what I posted earlier and realized that I meant to say she wanted to know and might be able to help with our trails.

March 26th, 2010, 07:30 AM
Not saying this isn't a good idea or noble thought, but since you are new to the forum, I'll just copy what Chris posted in the Adopt a Trail Trail Run Leaders thread:

Front Range 4x4 has adopted both Barbour Fork & Devil's Canyon in cooperation with Brant Wobig and the Forest Service. We have had a good turnout on the cleanups of these trails and have donated more hours than most clubs last year. I confirmed with Brant today that we intend to continue taking care of these trails this year.

Essentially what this means is that our specific group, even when we had about half the number of people as we do now, the number of man hours we donated to cleaning up trails was equal or more than the hours donated by much bigger groups across the state. We have had some excellent participation in all of our trail clean up runs. This is really good considering that the trails we clean aren't necessarily trails one would do for ether the difficulty or views and require both a time commitment and a financial one as concerns gas $$.

March 27th, 2010, 08:52 PM
We have had some excellent participation in all of our trail cleanup runs. This is really good considering that the trails we clean aren't necessarily trails one would do for either the difficulty or views and require both a time commitment and a financial one as concerns gas $$.

Of course, degree of difficulty on the Brody scale is different from degree of difficulty for someone like me. ;) Barbour Fork does have some challenge if you don't have a Beast (and one fun spot where Chris and Porkchop came close to flopping their rigs last year), and Devil's Canyon has some nice scenery and at least one fun hill.

We have a lot of new members who are already participating in regular runs (and the season hasn't even really started yet), so I expect participation in Front Range 4X4 cleanup runs this year will be off the charts.

March 28th, 2010, 01:41 PM
If we have 2 many people come to help would it hurt or be a bad idea 2 take some people to some of the other trails around to clean them while the main trails we clean are done. That way we can use the most out of the help that people wanna give (and would not look so bad for the club).

March 29th, 2010, 06:51 AM
Of course, degree of difficulty on the Brody scale is different from degree of difficulty for someone like me. ;)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.....One of the reasons I never like being in front, either. People tend to follow the rig in front and I don't pay too much attention to what a less set up rig considers an obstacle or will drag on....

No one mentioned how Charlie spotted Chris into the worse position simply so that he could get an action picture...all while Chris was figuring Charlie was spotting him to keep him out of the bad position....

I purposefully had to drive the obstacle badly to get a wheel (whoop de doo...) 1/2" in the air...Those Chevy springs springs flex like a motha...and I have a limiting strap on the axle, too....

March 29th, 2010, 07:04 AM
I'm cross posting this on CoTTORA, but the last 2 years we did this we pretty much cleaned up all the shooting area. Shells, Brass, Shells... Now don't get me wrong, I'm a shooter myself, but I don't lug an old computer monitor up there, shoot it, and leave it. I also lay down a large tarp to catch my brass....

/rant ;)

March 29th, 2010, 11:18 PM
No one mentioned how Charlie spotted Chris into the worse position simply so that he could get an action picture

I wasn't aware of that. :(

March 30th, 2010, 06:37 AM
Usually takes me longer to clean up the brass than it does to shoot. I stopped going to outdoor areas to shoot after having some kid or his dad sail a a round right past my ear and we (meaning me and all my buddies) drew down on them. The round came close enough to my ear to hear it go past...We made them unload their weapons, put their ammo in the front of the car, their guns in the back, searched them for other guns, and leave. They were looking at some overwhelming firepower (3 AR's, a shotgun, a 44 S&W and a 50 S&W...maybe another something or two. At any rate, we turned from friendly guys out having a nice time into people ready and willing to rock and roll and the kid and his dad got a real reality lesson...

I'm cross posting this on CoTTORA, but the last 2 years we did this we pretty much cleaned up all the shooting area. Shells, Brass, Shells... Now don't get me wrong, I'm a shooter myself, but I don't lug an old computer monitor up there, shoot it, and leave it. I also lay down a large tarp to catch my brass....

/rant ;)

March 30th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Yep...great all round guy our Charlie was. I heard about that after the fact...That kind of stuff as well as some other garbage he managed to do didn't endear him to many people....

I wasn't aware of that. :(

March 30th, 2010, 07:43 AM
I will most likely be in Moab. But I'll be sure to pick up any trash I see on the slickrock ;)

April 12th, 2010, 11:43 AM
Yea, ive helped out on this one many times over the years, and since it's in my backyard :D i'll try to make it. Might help if people keep posting as it gets closer, memory isn't so good...:rolleyes:

I can't see a problem with too many people, or the number of trails our club helps keep clean. I pick up trash whenever i'm out, but some places (like LHC) are overwelming unless it is a large, organized group. It is also a good chance to meet dirt bikers, shooters and most importantly; FS representitives. This is a great time to introduce yourself, and let them know you are part of our club, and that you are there to help. Don't just show up and bi#$h at them, they are there to help, and listen.

I'm not sure of the scrap value, but maybe i'll designate my chevy as "brass collector" and see if i can pay for the gas to take it somewhere to recycle.:cool:

It help us all, every time we do good, and it really does make a differance to the FS people. We need to prove to them, and other trail users, that "Bubba" and his buddies are not real wheelers, just drunk rednecks (now don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for that as well...:D) I am a shooter, 4 wheeler, and have been into mountain bikes, dirt bikes, camping, climbing and whatever else uses public lands, and i have always believed that part of the cost of using the land was to help maintain it, weather or not it is an organized thing or not.

I remember one year during a clean up, some guys showed up to shoot and were told the range was closed, i suggested if they helped we would be done sooner and they could shoot sooner. they told me to F off and went pealing away, looking for some other place to shoot. I laughed and said to the FS girl standing there "that's who we are cleaning up after!" she just laughed and shook her head..

April 12th, 2010, 09:13 PM
I think anyone from here that is going to go should meet up before hand and all go up at once. Help show that its not just individuals but whole groups that care about our trails, every little bit can help.

May 7th, 2010, 10:08 AM
I'm out, it's a good weekend for working and would rather not use my work's truck. And i won't get my truck done in time.

May 7th, 2010, 06:22 PM
We were just up there last week running Lefthand and then shooting. Picked up beer cans on the trail, but the shooting area was pretty bad. It was worse last time I did it but come-on shooters... pick up your targets, clays, and brass! (Sorry not making a generalization of shooters, I just wish the majority would clean up after themselves!)

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs592.snc3/31196_1414796777450_1458498159_31071997_1904659_n. jpg

OMG I cried like a little girl when Troy did this accidental wheel-stand... I was in the back with the Dog, and I wasn't straped in *I know DUH* I thought for sure the Dog who was panicking too was gonna tip us over for sure. :erm:

May 7th, 2010, 06:39 PM
That's Mother's Day for us and don't think picking up trash is what the mothers in my life have in mind.