View Full Version : Front Range Rules and Pete's Thoughts

March 23rd, 2010, 09:37 AM
Okay people, you may have noticed that Chris has instigated a pop up where you have to agree to some basic rules on the forum before proceeding. This is good and reinstates some of the very basic and simple rules of the forum, which are not rocket science to follow.

I am going to add to that as I just got off the phone with a former (and new) member who asked to be removed from the forum due to some PMs that he received that were not only not very polite in nature, but were of the 'my make and model is better than your make and model' BS that neither Chris nor I tolerate.

That episode, which soured this person on the forum (and he is a nice guy, too) and the fact that Chris mentioned racial slurs being posted on another thread, another thing neither he nor I tolerate, puts me in a not too nice mood...not a pleasant thing...as I am not the most tolerant person on the planet on the best of days.

Not only does the pop up re explain the basic rules of Front Range, but they are listed on the Front Page. My suggestion to you all is if you are thinking that maybe you haven't grasped the simplistic concepts of Front Range 4x4's rules, are prone to racist thought, comments or remarks, or actually do think your particular make and model of rig is better than anyone elses, is to both re read the rules and rethink about your involvement with this particular forum.

Here is your one and only warning from me:

If I get word of this stuff going on and find out who does it, or read a post containing this kind of crap, I will make note of it to Chris and you simply won't be on the forum...period...no warning...no s***ski...and no amount of whining or other pathetic BS on your part is going to change that.

March 23rd, 2010, 09:47 AM
Thanks Pete, I have added content to the popup page that I didn't think was necessary before today.

Everyone needs to read and understand these parts:

It doesn't matter how experienced you are, pro or novice, you're welcome here. Seasoned wheeler or first time wheeler and everything in between is welcomed and respected at Front Rnge 4x4. It doesn't matter what kind of 4x4 you drive, we like all 4x4's. Chevy, Dodge, Ford, Hummer, Jeep, Isuzu, Nissan, International, Land Rover, Pinzgauer, Suzuki, Toyota, whatever you have. Participating in the forum is an easy way to meet other 4x4 owners, make some friends, ask questions, get good answers, run some local trails, etc.

There are plenty of vehicle-specific clubs around, if that's what you're looking for, this isn't for you. We think everyone can get along and have respect for each other's 4x4 regardless of make & model. We can all get along just fine, help each other out, have a good time and wheel together. If you want to do a vehicle specific run don't post it here, it will be deleted. Instead find your local vehicle club and run it with them instead. We like variety!

If you think the only truck worth owning is what you drive or that anyone with less modifications has an inferior truck, this isn't the place for you. If you like to get off-road, have some beers and trash the trails this isn't the place for you either. We believe in giving back to the 4x4 community, forest service and supporting organizations that make wheeling in Colorado as great as it is.

A few people have been involuntarily deleted and as Pete mentioned, one recently asked to be removed due to negative make/model crap received. Anyone who holds to these ideas that their truck is better than someone else's, that only Brand X is worth owning, or feels some need to put down or criticize someone's truck should PM me now so they can be deleted.


March 23rd, 2010, 09:53 AM
I know I had a little slip of the tongue with language a little bit ago (sorry!), but I stand behind you both and your decisions 110%. Thanks for all your hard work keeping this group together! It's done wonders for me.

March 23rd, 2010, 09:56 AM
I don't see any popup thing? Which is probably good since I hate those things. But do I need to see it for some reason?

March 23rd, 2010, 09:59 AM
Not really a popup Andrew, did you get a page that you had to agree to regarding the rules of the forum? It's this page: http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/misc.php?do=vsarules

scout man
March 23rd, 2010, 10:12 AM
:confused: I dont think I got that page Chris. I did log on late last night when I was really tired, so maybe i saw it and dont remember, but I am pretty sure I didnt have to re-agree to anything. Sorry to hear all of this happened, and hopefully whoever asked to leave will come back to us someday!

March 23rd, 2010, 10:29 AM
I got the page this morning.

March 23rd, 2010, 10:30 AM
Heads up Chris, I did not get that page. But, I also never log out. Just stay logged in on the computer.

March 23rd, 2010, 10:36 AM
Heads up Chris, I did not get that page.

And you're the one with the potty mouth too! :lmao:

March 23rd, 2010, 10:46 AM
Oh yeah I never log out either.

Chris if you want people to have to confirm it then you need to do a force logout on everyone. There should be an option to do this. Usually happens with upgrades, just invalidates cookies.

Just making sure you were not going to start getting out the ban stick for those not confirming and me never seeing it ;)

March 23rd, 2010, 10:51 AM
And you're the one with the potty mouth too! :lmao:

:lol: it was one time!!! I know, never gonna live it down....

March 23rd, 2010, 10:57 AM
Racism and Brandism (?) suck. Good job Chris and Brody.

I hate all red and bedliner colored vehicles, though. Those are inferior!

March 23rd, 2010, 11:03 AM
:lol: it was one time!!! I know, never gonna live it down....

Oh, oh, another name change possibility! Smash aka Potty Mouth!

Racism and Brandism (?) suck. Good job Chris and Brody.


scout man
March 23rd, 2010, 11:24 AM
Racism and Brandism (?) suck. Good job Chris and Brody.

I hate all red and bedliner colored vehicles, though. Those are inferior!

hey, I take offense to that!!! although mine may not be considered red anymore, and the bedliner is only on the inside. Still, i want you banned!!!

Just kidding

March 23rd, 2010, 11:31 AM
hey, I take offense to that!!! although mine may not be considered red anymore, and the bedliner is only on the inside. Still, i want you banned!!!

Just kidding

2 tone faded red is my favorite though... Just realized I am thread crapping.

The point of the thread is, "don't do that". Lets all be respectful of each other and cut out the hating!

March 23rd, 2010, 01:09 PM
Just making sure you were not going to start getting out the ban stick for those not confirming and me never seeing it ;)

Andrew, yep that's what I overlooked. I shudder to think of the posts/pm's I'll get if people start having cookie issues again. :eek:

2 tone faded red is my favorite though... Just realized I am thread crapping.

The point of the thread is, "don't do that". Lets all be respectful of each other and cut out the hating!

Nothing wrong with a bit of humor, unfortunately that's not the level this stuff was at. :mad:

Personally I don't care what people like/dislike, what their prejudices are/aren't, etc - just need people to understand to keep it to themselves.

March 23rd, 2010, 02:06 PM
If you're wondering what this is about, click here: http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/misc.php?do=vsarules

March 23rd, 2010, 03:39 PM
Thanks for going over the rules like that guys:thunb::thunb:, I had the pleasure of meeting the new member that asked to be removed due to these things and heck he seemed like one of the coolest people I have met so far and his rig was totally sick. Thanks to a few people we lost a great guy, hopefully those few and they know who they are were deleted from the site, we don't need it here.

March 23rd, 2010, 03:49 PM
well hopefully the individual will come back knowing that these things arent tolerated. Tis a shame too that someone in this group WAS a stupid bucket of bricks and ruined it for someone else.

Me being imperfect i ask everyone to correct me if i step out of bounds. my brand and vehicle dislikes are those that are never taken offroad :D

March 23rd, 2010, 04:02 PM
Thanks for going over the rules like that guys:thunb::thunb:, I had the pleasure of meeting the new member that asked to be removed due to these things and heck he seemed like one of the coolest people I have met so far and his rig was totally sick. Thanks to a few people we lost a great guy, hopefully those few and they know who they are were deleted from the site, we don't need it here.

Yeah that sucks. I don't know who it was but we should ask them to join back.

March 23rd, 2010, 07:00 PM
Good for you guys. That sux the new guy was harassed. Bullcrap!

March 23rd, 2010, 07:32 PM
This is for anyone coming to this thread wondering why they have to accept the rules a second time.

It's obvious you scrolled down and clicked a button, please read it again. :tisktisk:

March 23rd, 2010, 07:48 PM
I hope that he reconsiders and knows that, as in life, some people just suck!

March 23rd, 2010, 08:13 PM
Wow..............I don't log on for a couple days & then I see this happens. I'm glad to see that Pete & Chris are keeping with the rules & agreements, thanks you two :thunb:

March 24th, 2010, 04:48 AM
Me being imperfect i ask everyone to correct me if i step out of bounds. my brand and vehicle dislikes are those that are never taken offroad :D

Me too, being imperfect..I edit quite a bit of my own stuff out....Like when I reply to a Tech thread or Andrew's First Aid thread and clean it up or if I go off on a rant at 4AM....then 20 minutes later realize I was off the wall. Hardly anyone sees the latter as most people have the common sense to be sleeping then...

Still, what happened to the new guy was totally uncalled for as was the phone call harrassment he received on some for sale items.

March 25th, 2010, 08:10 AM
1st i didn't the agreement like smash. why didn't you invite these guys to the CW get together???? we could have had our 1st first aid class with true real injuries . it sucks when people use technology to talk sh1t to one another instead of face 2face ...where is the love?? tell me ?? That is it !!! I need a hug,,, group hug!!! hahahahahahahahahha -----weirdos

March 25th, 2010, 09:19 AM
1st i didn't the agreement like smash. why didn't you invite these guys to the CW get together???? we could have had our 1st first aid class with true real injuries . it sucks when people use technology to talk sh1t to one another instead of face 2face ...where is the love?? tell me ?? That is it !!! I need a hug,,, group hug!!! hahahahahahahahahha -----weirdos

People like this simply do not have the cojones to do this face to face, run and cringe when the going gets a little rough, backstab like trailer trash, step back when confronted instead of forward, and, in general, are essential low lifes whom you don't want behind you. Someone has a problem with me, wants to get in my face about something, doesn't like me, step up and say it to my face like....well....like a man does...

I have absolutely no respect for people like this at all. Like I said, if I manage to find out who did this bit of BS, you simply won't be on the forum...period. And I am trying to find out who it was, too. Find you aren't on the forum and don't happen to like it and you were one of the people who sent this nice guy away PO'd? Well, I ain't all that hard to find...

March 25th, 2010, 12:55 PM
Well I was almost certain I didn't want to know the details, but I am slightly curious now who was responsible for said douche baggery.

If they have any b@lls at all, they should speak up now.

March 25th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Um, I agree with you, but if they were banned from the forum how can they speak up?

March 25th, 2010, 02:24 PM
if they were banned from the forum how can they speak up?

Maybe I am reading the below wrong, but I don't think they are banned quite yet, I think the new guy left and didn't drop any of the names responsible.

Like I said, if I manage to find out who did this bit of BS, you simply won't be on the forum...period. And I am trying to find out who it was, too. Find you aren't on the forum and don't happen to like it and you were one of the people who sent this nice guy away PO'd? Well, I ain't all that hard to find...

March 25th, 2010, 02:27 PM
Ah, looks like you are correct! I'm betting they won't speak up though. Sounds like a coward.

March 25th, 2010, 04:54 PM
Trying to be non-judgemental here, maybe everyone should.

March 25th, 2010, 07:30 PM
Maybe I am reading the below wrong, but I don't think they are banned quite yet, I think the new guy left and didn't drop any of the names responsible.

That is the case...

March 25th, 2010, 07:39 PM
i think Chris should have allowed himself to read PM's on a need to know basis,

He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would read them just because; however, in cases like this, it is good to be able to read such PM's

Just my :2c:

March 25th, 2010, 08:27 PM
As Admin of course I have that option, just not the interest. It may have been useful in this instance but since this is the first time in nearly two years anything like this happened it didn't occur to me. For anyone that's surprised I can read PM's, don't be since the ability to access anything is required in administering something like this. Just like your ISP has the ability to know everything about your online use, difference being I can't intercept/read emails or tell anything about other sites you may visit. ;)

March 25th, 2010, 08:39 PM
i think Chris should have allowed himself to read PM's on a need to know basis,


March 25th, 2010, 08:44 PM

More serious than I have been on this site,
Harassment isn't something I feel should happen, especially over the internet.

But as Chris stated above, he can read them, if need be.

March 25th, 2010, 09:05 PM
Wow..............I don't log on for a couple days & then I see this happens. I'm glad to see that Pete & Chris are keeping with the rules & agreements, thanks you two :thunb:

Me too. Gone for two days and we have some junior high wingnut necessitating this? Wow.

March 25th, 2010, 11:34 PM
Trying to be non-judgemental here, maybe everyone should.

Yeah, but as the admin around here and you shouldn't be judgmental, me on the other hand, already has the noose tied and ready to go!


March 25th, 2010, 11:43 PM
The problem with not knowing and dealing with it is it casts suspicion far and wide, which is never a good thing. I try to always think pure thoughts about everyone, but success is sometimes elusive.

March 26th, 2010, 12:19 AM
I try to always think pure thoughts about everyone

I got pure thoughts of everyone too (except you and your muppet porn, somethings wrong with you! :lmao:) I just got the rope ready is all.

March 26th, 2010, 07:05 AM
Gee....I always start out with pure thoughts about almost everyone, then someone does something completely uncalled for, I get sparked off, and am loading weapons and ready to rock...And when I get sparked off about something, I have a real hard time being polite, PC, or socially acceptable...or even very reasonable...and I have never ever been known to be subtle, even on the best of days...People don't seem to understand it.

All my ropes happen to be climbing ropes and I don't want to mess them up too much...

Just mainly hoping that people get the message that that stuff simply doesn't fly on this forum. Take it to Pirate or Colo4x4 where it is a given and keep it off this forum, is all...

March 26th, 2010, 10:39 PM
I think unpure thoughts.

March 26th, 2010, 10:41 PM
except you and your muppet porn, somethings wrong with you

At least it's soft (literally) porn. :thunb:

And Path is the one with the impure thoughts. :eek:

March 26th, 2010, 11:05 PM
You know what DrO-U? Right before I clicked on this thread, looking for the unread posts, and seeing you were the last one to post up, this is what I thought:

The correct term is impure thoughts and I wonder if Rob is going to mention this fact. Really. And I am not offended in the least that my terminology was corrected. :)

March 26th, 2010, 11:28 PM
And I am not offended in the least that my terminology was corrected.

I wasn't being a grammar socialist. I did it inadvertently. Really. And unpure works, too. Roget says so. I think "impure" got hooked up with "thoughts" many years ago and it stuck.

March 26th, 2010, 11:37 PM
Internet tough guys are the bane of any on line forum, no matter how friendly they try and be.


March 29th, 2010, 05:42 PM
YEP that's a little vomit....... hey droldunit it is obvious brody is not going to use oilof olayahha

March 30th, 2010, 06:47 AM
No....I use some stuff LD has that is supposed to be better. Doesn't seem to be making much difference...Don't look in the mirror much anyway. I know what I look like....

Keep your mouth shut, Ed...you too, Rob...and you, too Chris.....I am a very sensitive individual...

March 30th, 2010, 06:58 AM
Not mentioning me in that list is dangerous Pete ;)

March 30th, 2010, 07:23 AM
I realized that after I posted....I merely listed the most likely culprits......and the ones that give me grief all the time....

Shameful thing it is, picking on an older guy...Simply shameful....:D

Glad to finally get to meet you at the Anniversary Run, BTW! You have a sweet rig.

Not mentioning me in that list is dangerous Pete ;)

March 30th, 2010, 07:39 AM
Thanks! It is always nice to put a face to the name (however old the face may be)..... haha just messin with ya. I like your rig too. Definitely the type of rig I want to also build up someday when I have the time and money to do it....and have to learn to weld. Sure beats paying someone else to weld.

March 30th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Doesn't seem to be making much difference...Don't look in the mirror much anyway. I know what I look like.....

Resisting the urge is killing me, there's so many possibilities with this and none of them so far are old cracks....oh wait....."old cracks!" :lol:

March 30th, 2010, 01:21 PM
have to learn to weld

I've seen you say that a couple of times in a couple of threads. Maybe somebody that knows how to weld should put on a small intro to welding clinic for those that don't know and want to learn. I'm not the best welder in the world but have been welding for 4 years now on all of my projects. I'd be happy to teach somebody the basics. Problem is, I'm way south of you :D

March 30th, 2010, 05:30 PM
I've seen you say that a couple of times in a couple of threads. Maybe somebody that knows how to weld should put on a small intro to welding clinic for those that don't know and want to learn. I'm not the best welder in the world but have been welding for 4 years now on all of my projects. I'd be happy to teach somebody the basics. Problem is, I'm way south of you :D

Yeah that would be awesome. It's something I really want to learn to do. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to afford a welder for a few years, but then I can't really afford mods during that time either so.... Anyway it is a skill which sadly I did not learn from my Dad - one of the only things he never taught me but I never really asked back then.

March 30th, 2010, 06:40 PM
I bet the next time we have a wrench-a-thon at our place you could get some face time with the welder. We seem to help peeps put sliders on a lit. We also have a ton of scrap you can practice on. I personally can't weld because I cannot keep my hand steady (medical issue) but Troy is getting pretty good. We started by taking a General Air class, and then from there it is like Volcom said... lots of practice. We're in Firestone. Hey maybe you could go get some pointers from ScottyC? He's pretty close to you too, and he has some really fun welders!

scout man
March 30th, 2010, 09:33 PM
Unfortunately I probably won't be able to afford a welder for a few years,

Start with a small cheap welder. I do a lot of fabbing on my scout, and my welder really isnt anything fancy at all. I bought it new for like $150 at the most, and they go cheaper than that very often on craigslist. Once you have it you will be amazed how often the time comes up to find an excuse to pull out the welder and get some practice in. I used mine to weld my 1/4 inch thick sliders the other day, and as long as you take your time and really burn it in, it is amazing how thick of stuff you can actaully weld.

March 30th, 2010, 09:34 PM
I'm all for you guys inforcing the simple few rules we have personally i like this club enough to where i wouldn't want to leave it for any reason really.

+1 on the welding clinic i have lots of experience with welding as ive been a welder for 6 years now granted the place i work does spray transfer and we don't work with anything thinner then 1/4 inch thick steel cool thing is we just got a tig welder and were planing on doing more stainless jobs one thing i can say is nothing looks better then tig. I learned how to weld in job corps in nebraska i did stick and mig (70100 dual sheild) also the first thing you had to learn there was oxy/acetylene welding i whent there when i was 16 so if you count my training thats 8 years experience i learned spray arc and alot of my fabricating skills at my current job now that ive been learning the tig i know what i will be welding my cage with for sure.

March 31st, 2010, 07:07 AM
You are more than welcome to come by anytime that either Sean or I have a fabrication project going on and get some first hand experience. Generally we have two welders when we are working, but only one is in continuous use and we have a lot of scrap around. We are going to be doing some sliders for Giles (softg) Monday or Tuesday. I will keep you posted as to any projects that I have going on that Sen can't be involved in due to his full time job, too.

What has already been said: practice and more practice. It has also been said that you don't start getting really nice looking welds until you have laid about 4 miles of bead. The hardest thing to realize welding is that you are totally at the mercy of the material and you simply can't go fast, especially with thicker metal. One of the reasons fabrication takes while. Ask Zach or Matt. Zach has been helping me and Sean with fabrication in order to both get experience and to trade for a Dana that Sean has and Matt is working on his rear bumper.

Yeah that would be awesome. It's something I really want to learn to do. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to afford a welder for a few years, but then I can't really afford mods during that time either so.... Anyway it is a skill which sadly I did not learn from my Dad - one of the only things he never taught me but I never really asked back then.

March 31st, 2010, 07:25 AM
Brody thanks for the offer. I think I may definitely take you up on that. Today is my last day of work, so other than some projects around the house that I need to do, and work on getting back into school, I have some free time. I am always willing to help out and learn how to do more things, so definitely let me know and if I can find some time to try it out on some scrap that would be great.

March 31st, 2010, 07:32 AM
Yeah practice definitely makes perfect in this case....doing this bumper, pretty much gave me carpal tunnel because I did the outside welds in 1 sitting (alternating of course to keep the warping/heat down).

But yeah best thing to do is just get some square stock and clamp it together and just practice on all surfaces you can.

March 31st, 2010, 08:07 AM
Sean and I are both located in north Denver in the Arvada area. LaDawn was working with some people on a house sale in Ft Collins and said it is about an hour's drive from our house.

I sent Sean an email for confirmation of Monday or Tuesday for the slider install and will let you know as soon as I hear back from him. Shoot me your email address on a PM and I'll send directions to whatever house we are doing the projects at (Sean's or mine) and all of our contact information. We have plenty of scrap stuff lying about...

Brody thanks for the offer. I think I may definitely take you up on that. Today is my last day of work, so other than some projects around the house that I need to do, and work on getting back into school, I have some free time. I am always willing to help out and learn how to do more things, so definitely let me know and if I can find some time to try it out on some scrap that would be great.

March 31st, 2010, 03:22 PM
Yeah Tig welding is where Troy and I would love to go next (well more Troy I just clean up his mess). But I think getting our own plasma cutter is more in order first... Those are really fun too!

Sounds like there are lots of folks who can help you learn Andrew. What a cool forum!