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April 3rd, 2010, 08:43 AM
I am pissed right now...

I work with a guy who has trouble concentrating on work when he's here, Netflix movies and facebook games all night long. When he's not here it's usually contributed to a sick kid or a sick wife or both. He's fostering 5 kids and has a total of nine, 3 of which were just recently acquired. My hats off to someone who would take in 5 kids that aren't their own, but he had trouble sitting his ass down for a whole shift without having to leave because one of them pooped or puked on the floor and his wife wouldn't clean it up when he had 6, why in the heck would you ask the state for 3 more?!?!?!?

The other night she called him right in the middle of the shift to come home and deal with a kid that was crying, get this she DOESN'T HAVE A JOB, she's a stay at home mom. We work in an environment which requires at least two people on shift per contract agreements with customers, but not only that it would just be a straight b!tch for someone to have to go at it alone. The schedule changed this week and for this week only we were allowed to either come in at 9 and leave at 7 AM or come in at 10 and leave at 8AM. The day before yesterday he came in at 10 and left at 7, he doesn't think I noticed, but I did, not to mention he called in yesterday b/c his wife was sick, someone had to come in and cover for him and work with me.

This morning we're a little short staffed, I expected to be able to leave thinking he would do the right thing and stay with the lone day shift person until the next guy got here at 9, WRONG! He uprooted and sprinted toward the door right at 7!!!!! I am on the edge of talking to the boss, I could deal with the movie watching and game playing when it's dead, but when there's something to do put the sh!t away. He won't lift a finger until the movie makes it through to the next scene or he won't pause a game until he's at the next level. Then there's the coming in late and leaving early or just not coming in at all.

You'd think with that many mouths to feed at home you would do whatever it takes to be here on time and perform to the best of your abilities with the way the job market is right now, I guess he doesn't think so, am I wrong for saying something to the boss? I have told him several times to put the games and movies away, nicely and nasty, just doesn't seem soak in!

Sorry for the rant, needed to vent more than anything!

April 3rd, 2010, 09:04 AM
I think you should talk to a manager/boss/higher up. That's bullsh*t right there.

scout man
April 3rd, 2010, 09:07 AM
i wouldnt have a problem talking to the boss. I dont know your work at all, but in most cases that lack of work being accomplished probably reflects poorly on you as well, if the boss cant differenciate between his work and yours. Like I said, dont know what you do, so that may or may not apply. But like you said, Job market is tight right now, and you need to everything you can to make sure you look good with the company, and this guy shouldnt be dragging down the performance of the night shift, or adding to your work load because he is lazy. Besides, maybe if he gets fired or formally repremanded he will learn something about being an adult.

April 3rd, 2010, 09:30 AM
in most cases that lack of work being accomplished probably reflects poorly on you as well, if the boss cant differenciate between his work and yours..

Yeah that's a factor too, we're here at night with zero supervision, so if something happens and doesn't get worked come morning it's an ass chewing to both not just one, the boss really has no idea who was doing what when the issue came up.

April 3rd, 2010, 09:33 AM
The state pays you for foster kids. He probably wants to get fired.

Document everything he does and send a report to the boss nightly. He'll be force to 'shape up or ship out'.

Avoid verbal conversations or opinion. Put all of the facts in writing.


April 3rd, 2010, 10:06 AM
He found what he thinks is a money machine - kids. Doesn't sound like she's fit to care for then and he's not fit to have a job. Talk to the boss and get his @ss fired.

April 3rd, 2010, 11:07 AM
Avoid verbal conversations or opinion. Put all of the facts in writing. X2, just don't obsess over the deal.

In my workplace we are all about teamwork. Nobody is too special to help out or lend a hand, BUT, if I have to do your job for you, I want your paycheck too.

I would imagine your supervisor has the ability to monitor response times for individuals. I'd bring it to his attention, he can take it from there.

April 3rd, 2010, 12:06 PM
ive had to do similar stuff like this...

The way i look at it, if it starts to affect my job performance (which looks like it is affecting you) That is when you bring it to the boss.

Dont give opinions, state facts and how it i affecting your ability to do your job and request an investigation. Sometimes they will ride the train and get away with it but if you get enough paperwork together than you can get him fired/moved, whatever...

April 3rd, 2010, 02:08 PM
He probably wants to get fired, as has been stated above, just so that he can get the money from the state for the foster kids, and unemployment so that he can just be at home allday.

Get proof of what he is doing, and go talk to your boss,
If you have proof, the company can refute him getting unemployment.
He'll learn pretty quickly how to be an adult if that were to happen
: )

April 3rd, 2010, 02:26 PM
.....go talk to your boss....

Email your boss. The reason it needs to be in writing is because your boss's memory may change what you said after a day or two. That could make you look like a liar. If it's in writing, with no editorial additions, it will have the most impact.

Don't worry about this guy's unemployment. Worry about yourself. Most likely, even if fired for a good reason, he will still be eligible. The most important thing is to get him to pull his weight or leave.

April 3rd, 2010, 03:55 PM
Well it's a done deal, I hear what you're saying Jeff, I have had instances like that in the past where the managements memory has faded and an email would have been better suited.

I talked to him when he came in this morning though. The good thing about my boss was he was on the floor doing what I do now, we worked side by side for about 4 years and he had the pleasure of working with the asshat in question. At the time, I was in a different group working the same tech, my boss and this guy worked the same shift. For 6 months because of his wife having a broken ankle he was given the opportunity to "work" from home, I put work in parenthesis because he was never at his computer, didn't do much of anything and you couldn't get a hold of him when you called his house during the shift according to my boss, he told me his days are numbered. This came up b/c on the guys way out this morning he said, "I was forced to take paid time off yesterday, they wouldn't let me work from home, so working overtime today won't do me much good." Him not doing anything at home for those 6 months, has lost him the privilege of working remote.

Turns out when he submitted his time before leaving he put down 10 PTO hours instead of 12, so there's another nail in the coffin. My boss is going to talk to the other supervisor about moving him to a different shift for the time being, where there is more than two people where it's not so much of an impact if he calls in. The guy they are thinking of moving to my shift to replace asshat, is a hard worker, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.

I have picked the guy up on snow days, so I have seen where he lives, it's a small house for 11 people. 1,500 sq ft. according to him, I am shocked that the state would allow 9 children to stay in that small of a house.

I agree Chris, she's not fit to parent those kids, the day she called him to come home to clean up the diarrhea on the floor, he couldn't leave so she put some newspaper over it until he got home. :frown::confused:

Thanks guys for the comments!:thunb:

April 3rd, 2010, 04:10 PM
the day she called him to come home to clean up the diarrhea on the floor, he couldn't leave so she put some newspaper over it until he got home


How, is it even possible, that they have 9 kids to take care of?

April 3rd, 2010, 11:45 PM
Email your boss. The reason it needs to be in writing is because your boss's memory may change what you said after a day or two. That could make you look like a liar. If it's in writing, with no editorial additions, it will have the most impact.

Don't worry about this guy's unemployment. Worry about yourself. Most likely, even if fired for a good reason, he will still be eligible. The most important thing is to get him to pull his weight or leave.

When Scoutman went through his unemployment trial after our previous employer tried to skimp out on paying for it, we found out that its pretty hard to not be eligible for unemployment when terminated. They pretty much have to show that he was willfully and obviously doing things to get himself fired, and they have to be able to give documented proof of it too (i.e. writeups and numerous verbal warnings and the reasons for them). So on that front you really shouldn't be worried. He'll get UI.

I agree with everything everyone else has said otherwise. If they are truly effecting your ability to perform your job happily and professionally, then its at least worth having a chat with the boss (and as JeffX said, documenting it and making it clear exactly what you mean).


April 4th, 2010, 08:45 AM
How, is it even possible, that they have 9 kids to take care of?

I don't know honestly, but at first I kind of felt bad for the guy. If she is that way I can only imagine how much time he has for himself at home, which may have explained the movie and game playing at work. We used to have a larger group of people working for us and you didn't notice the slackers all that much, there were others that were pulling their weight or at least half of it. Now, it's two of us and if one is too busy doing stuff like this, the other has to carry all the weight. I feel like an a-hole saying anything, but I need someone who is going to work and leave the personal crap at the door when they walk in, especially now that we're taking back more stuff that was outsourced.

April 5th, 2010, 12:58 AM
Well it's a done deal, I hear what you're saying Jeff, I have had instances like that in the past where the managements memory has faded and an email would have been better suited.

I talked to him when he came in this morning though. The good thing about my boss was he was on the floor doing what I do now, we worked side by side for about 4 years and he had the pleasure of working with the asshat in question. At the time, I was in a different group working the same tech, my boss and this guy worked the same shift. For 6 months because of his wife having a broken ankle he was given the opportunity to "work" from home, I put work in parenthesis because he was never at his computer, didn't do much of anything and you couldn't get a hold of him when you called his house during the shift according to my boss, he told me his days are numbered. This came up b/c on the guys way out this morning he said, "I was forced to take paid time off yesterday, they wouldn't let me work from home, so working overtime today won't do me much good." Him not doing anything at home for those 6 months, has lost him the privilege of working remote.

Turns out when he submitted his time before leaving he put down 10 PTO hours instead of 12, so there's another nail in the coffin. My boss is going to talk to the other supervisor about moving him to a different shift for the time being, where there is more than two people where it's not so much of an impact if he calls in. The guy they are thinking of moving to my shift to replace asshat, is a hard worker, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.

I have picked the guy up on snow days, so I have seen where he lives, it's a small house for 11 people. 1,500 sq ft. according to him, I am shocked that the state would allow 9 children to stay in that small of a house.

I agree Chris, she's not fit to parent those kids, the day she called him to come home to clean up the diarrhea on the floor, he couldn't leave so she put some newspaper over it until he got home. :frown::confused:

Thanks guys for the comments!:thunb:

Depending on how you feel about it, you could always call CDHS and report child neglect, if you believe it is happening in this home. Getting in people's personal affairs is a touchy subject, but only you can answer, based on what you know, if they are possibly neglecting some of those kids. If they are, would you really want the kids to suffer because the adults are morons(or looking for a cash cow)?

I don't know honestly, but at first I kind of felt bad for the guy. If she is that way I can only imagine how much time he has for himself at home, which may have explained the movie and game playing at work. We used to have a larger group of people working for us and you didn't notice the slackers all that much, there were others that were pulling their weight or at least half of it. Now, it's two of us and if one is too busy doing stuff like this, the other has to carry all the weight. I feel like an a-hole saying anything, but I need someone who is going to work and leave the personal crap at the door when they walk in, especially now that we're taking back more stuff that was outsourced.

You shouldn't feel like a jerk for wanting him to do his job. If he isn't doing his job(honestly isn't), then it is your duty to report that to your boss. It's not your job to pick up after a full grown adult at work, unless you work at a nursing home.

April 5th, 2010, 01:33 AM
Email your boss. The reason it needs to be in writing is because your boss's memory may change what you said after a day or two. That could make you look like a liar. If it's in writing, with no editorial additions, it will have the most impact.

Don't worry about this guy's unemployment. Worry about yourself. Most likely, even if fired for a good reason, he will still be eligible. The most important thing is to get him to pull his weight or leave.

The best advice yet on this one, seen it too many times here with some of our supervisors. We have a few guys like that here one is always on the phone to a girlfriend and not his wife(I do not even think she knows) all night long and the computer too. He was turned in to our supervisor and was written up but the only thing it has changed so far is now its changed to constant emails all night and hearing "YO YO YO you have a message" is really un-nerving, but the boss is now watching him and getting ready to take it to another level which could be time off (30-45days) w/o pay. I could see him try to explain to his wife why he is home w/o pay.

Overall all document it all and present it to your boss then it is on the boss to handle.

April 5th, 2010, 08:49 AM
Depending on how you feel about it, you could always call CDHS and report child neglect, if you believe it is happening in this home. Getting in people's personal affairs is a touchy subject, but only you can answer, based on what you know, if they are possibly neglecting some of those kids. If they are, would you really want the kids to suffer because the adults are morons(or looking for a cash cow)?

I kind of draw the line there, while to me it's disgusting to leave crap on the floor under some newspaper until he gets home, I have to wonder how much worse these kids had it to end up in his home. Hearing him talk, he spends a lot of time with the kids doing things. I just need someone to that is willing to work when he's there and not be bothered at work by an incompetent mother/wife. I wouldn't even be bothered if she were to call him, it's just the demands of coming home now and dealing with a crying child that gets me.

April 5th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Getting in people's personal affairs is a touchy subject

My daughter works with Special Needs kids and by law is required to call child protection when she she's anything suspicious. She did it last summer on some neighbors who sound very similar to this guy. Your call may remain anonymous but they are probably as understaffed and overworked as your are Jock and it may take a long time to get a response.

April 5th, 2010, 11:05 PM
I know your rant was not about his foster care/useless wife situation but this facet was what drew my attention. My mom and her sisters were warehoused in a place like this, but much worse. This family needs some intervention and the caseworker should be made aware of the unsanitary conditions these kids seem to be exposed to. Please call your county hotline. If you are Adams, and you are most likely since your address is Commerce City:

Please do not email or fax reports of child abuse or neglect as that might delay response. Please call our hotline at 303.412.5212 as soon as possible. ... 450 South 4th Avenue | Brighton, Colorado 80601 | 303.659.2120 | 800.824.7842 ...

Thank you

April 15th, 2010, 12:18 PM
Well Stephanie, the last three kids have gone back to live with their grandparents, turns out they are the only ones who were foster kids, the other 6 are theirs naturally or adopted.

Dingle berry himself is still an issue...He was talked to the following week and seemed to straighten out for 2 days, then went back to Netflix and Desktop Defender. Day before yesterday he spent the entire 10 hour shift playing that stupid game and watching seasons of 24 non-stop at the same time. He came in last night and continued to do the same thing again, until the 1:30AM phone call from his wife demanding that he come home immediately as she was vomiting and couldn't take care of the kids. I am not sure why in the hell kids are up and about at 1:30 in the morning and need to be looked after, but she needed him home to do it, oh and apparently he needed to clean up after her also. I could actually hear her through the phone screaming to come after he told her he needed to get clearance to leave, none the less without permission or being given the okay, he left at 1:45AM.

Things get really good attention and get addressed rather quickly when the co-worker who has been left alone starts calling supervisors and managers at 1:45 in the morning (I was 2 minutes away from calling the director as none of them were answering their phones), something about being woken up in a dead sleep doesn't sit well with them for silliness of this sort and it was finally an off-duty supervisor who called me back. :lmao: The paper trail that Jeff suggested has also begun. The off-duty supervisor called him and dingle berry proceeded to tell him he was going to log in remotely as soon as he got home, that's not what he told me, he said if I needed anything I could call him and he would log in. Not really sure how someone intends on doing their job, taking care of children and holding his wife's hair out of the toilet is going to do all that at the same time, I guess it's possible though since he can play games and watch TV at the same time. That doesn't really matter though as he was told by our supervisor that he had lost privileges of logging in remotely 3 weeks ago, so that didn't sit well when the boss found out not only did he leave in the middle of the shift, but also went against something he was specifically told he could no longer do!

Tonight will be interesting to say the least! I am no longer getting pissed about it, just giving my report and watching his excuses fly! :thunb:

April 15th, 2010, 01:16 PM
I've always been of the "give them enough rope and they're hang themselves" opinion. Sounds like it's happening here.

April 15th, 2010, 06:19 PM
dont feel so bad man, ive recently and currently dealing with two a$$hats trying to throw me under the bus.

I was working a project for the course of a week and it lingered on for a few more days here and there, all the while it was night work and i didnt pull tickets from the que.

Well numbnuts went to boss with a printout of ticket percentages...

I spoke to boss, i took the same numbers and i showed that when you take out the time i was working nights on one project and pto time i still averaged better then anyone in our department. My boss laughed.

This week, numbnuts asked my boss if i can adjust my shift up an hour to assist with the "heavy workload" that comes in later in the day... Yeah that didnt sit well with me and i told my boss he is harassing me indirectly through him (boss). My shift was 7-3. For this week with just he and i my shift is 8-4. Every day i have ran out of work, doubled or tripled the workload compared to numbnuts and i have informed my boss (to make a point) that it was not needed for me to adjust my shift to accomodate this moron.

They have seen the last of nice randy. Ive been playing this game faaar to long to not sit back and get singled out when my boss and i know im in the clear.:mad:

April 15th, 2010, 08:30 PM
lol, at this point, it sounds more like a show. now you can just sit back and watch him slowly crash and burn :smokin:

April 16th, 2010, 05:13 AM
I used to work with a guy like that too Randy, pulled the numbers from the ticket system to show how hard he was working compared to everyone else. He created a category for ticket touches, generally that would be a good thing, picking up tickets and working them, but to the untrained eye it can be manipulated which the boss he started doing that with didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. What this guy would do is come in at the top of his shift and yank all the tickets into his work bin and then immediately throw them back into main queue. Wala, instant ticket stats to provide the moron who was our boss.

They seemed to get some common sense for a short while and laid off the moron boss and put us under the Tier III manager, old school telecom guy that busted ass to get to where he was and knew a thing or two about padding numbers and people who did it, knows his stuff in and out also. Numbnuts provided him his padded stats one day in a meeting and he was told to shut up, sit down and do your job, quit worrying about how you compare to everyone else. He added right in front of everyone too, "don't think for 2 seconds I don't know what you're doing yanking all the tickets in the main queue and throwing them back." The look on numbnut's face was priceless.

Anyway, I hear they got into dingle berry's butt yesterday, he's yet to get on the internet today! :lmao:

May 5th, 2010, 02:39 AM
Man I work with some wackos...Found out the other day that they caught one of the supervisors in the back office giving it a tug, pants down, feet on the desk and his laptop streaming in porn. When caught he tried to slap the screen closed and reach down for his pants in one fluid motion, instead he threw the laptop on the floor and it landed right in front of the person who caught him. I was curious why they were calling him "spanky" to his face the other day and that's when I found out.

Last week, one of the guys left after getting a light ribbing for screwing something up, we were all like WTF??? Then he went and complained about the guy giving him the ribbing. Come to find out the guy who was being ribbed was harassing one of the women here the same night he got the ribbing and she told him to stop otherwise...I guess he's trying to play victim now.

What the hell is wrong with people?

May 5th, 2010, 07:23 AM
:lol: That's awesome....he just throws his laptop :rolleyes:

May 5th, 2010, 07:25 AM
Well your workplace sounds interesting! :lmao: If I were you, I would get a small video cam and capture some of this. Show the footage to the boss then put the highlight on youtube..

May 5th, 2010, 07:26 AM
Yeah you should make a documentary of your life.

May 5th, 2010, 11:00 AM
So can I have that bum co-worker's job? Not the porn guy, but the other co-worker.

scout man
May 5th, 2010, 11:12 AM

Hey Kyle, I heard on the radio the other day something about a job fair for veterans just leaving service at the wings museum.. i think it is tomorrow. I was going to let you know the details but I never heard the ad again.

May 5th, 2010, 11:27 AM
You do work with some oddballs.
Where do you work? If you don't mind my curiosity.

May 5th, 2010, 11:54 AM
So can I have that bum co-worker's job? Not the porn guy, but the other co-worker.

You seriously looking? We do have a position to fill. The bum is still there, even after having two weeks off, he came back last night and right back to 24 episodes and games.

September 10th, 2010, 09:47 AM
Something happened at work today that I thought was pretty funny, thought I would share.

The guy who made me start this thread has gotten a lot better, he doesn't leave in the middle of the shift and is picking up more of the slack and helping out, but...he still has tendency to watch movies during the "off time". The movie watching was mentioned in his mid year review and he was told it needed to stop.

This is where it gets funny.

This morning at 2 AM, we had an outage and when we do we're required to send an email notification to all the customer interface groups (about 15 different groups total and all of the management of those groups). In the email notification we are suppose to include a screen shot of an application that shows all the affected customers during that outage, he was running with this one so he did the notification. Well instead of him just taking a screen shot of the application, he took a screen shot of his desktop (3 screens worth) and sent it out to the distribution list, one of those screens had an episode of 24 on it.


A couple minutes later I was getting messages from the other groups asking if he meant to send that.

I looked and pointed it out to him, he just sat there with an "oh sh!t" look on his face for about 15 minutes. I showed him how to recall it, but apparently most of the upper level management still got it, my boss said our VP was questioning it already. You can't really cover that up, the evidence is right there in a color picture.

scout man
September 10th, 2010, 09:57 AM

September 10th, 2010, 04:47 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should go to work with a small shovel and tell him he will be needing it as he wont be there anymore....

September 10th, 2010, 09:32 PM
My philosophy has always been to give people like this all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Looks like he did it. :hibye:

September 11th, 2010, 01:57 AM
Priceless.... bwahahahahahahah!

September 11th, 2010, 02:04 PM
hilarious!! :D

September 13th, 2010, 08:35 AM
I've always been of the "give them enough rope and they're hang themselves" opinion. Sounds like it's happening here.

My philosophy has always been to give people like this all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Looks like he did it. :hibye:

Hey, you said that in April! Running out of new material? :D

That's pretty funny though. Big difference between ctrl+PrintScrn and ctrl+alt+PrintScrn... I guess some have to learn the hard way...:lmao:

September 13th, 2010, 09:54 AM
Hey, you said that in April! Running out of new material?

You'll get used to us old farts repeating ourselves Nate. At least I'm consistent and didn't contradict myself in the same thread. :D

September 13th, 2010, 12:42 PM
I totally forgot to mention that his mid-year review when he was told to stop watching movies, was the day before this happened. So to my boss this was a total disregard for anything he said to him. I haven't been to work since, going back tonight so this ought to be interesting.

September 13th, 2010, 03:24 PM
dont be surprised if he isnt there at all