View Full Version : Microsoft PC Table

April 4th, 2010, 12:25 PM
Anyone else seen this? This is friggin awesome!


April 4th, 2010, 12:30 PM

April 4th, 2010, 01:47 PM
hehee........very cool and neat, but not particularly new. They had the concept for that like 5 years ago. Maybe now its just starting to arrive commercially though.

Anyone ever seen the Cirque Du Soleil KA show in Las Vegas? Thats the coolest touch screen I have seen, since the entire stage is a touchscreen. Cool article ....


The whole show is a technical triumph honestly. The whole stage floats, using a double ram gantry crane (its like 200 feet tall) and a gimble that the can both rotate it 360 degrees, and make it go vertical up to 60 degrees. The whole thing is then mapped with a projector system to put textures on the stage, while its moving. In addition to that, people fall off it down into the bit below the stage (60 foot drop onto airbags), seem to fly using cable winches with hand operated controls hidden in the costumes, and 100 crew members making everything safe and flawless. Very very cool stuff.


edit: another cool link for ya.... http://sw14group.com/wzzy/2010/02/the-technology-of-cirque%E2%80%99s-spectacular-ka/