View Full Version : Shackle Rev on K20

April 14th, 2010, 02:33 AM
Well I have been doing some reading on how to lift these old trucks on the cheap end. I have heard and read a lot on flipping the rear shackle to gain an avg of 4"of lift ..... So Keith (greenmachine) and I started :wrench: on it tonight. I figure I would try it on this truck before I do it on the K5. This way I know what to look for when we do that one.

So far we have gone through 2 drill bits and my grinder is almost shot trying to get the rivets out.... but on a positive note its coming along good....

April 14th, 2010, 02:42 AM
the rear brakes on this thing are huge....

April 14th, 2010, 04:36 AM
Sweet! Glad to see it coming along! A shackle reversal happens to be a pretty cheap way of getting the lift and works well, but the catch is in the labor involved. It simply isn't easy to do. The rivets go in very hot at the factory , then sit in the frame getting nice and rusted in...they don't want to come out at all. At least you have some room to work with a big truck!

April 14th, 2010, 07:31 AM
Holy frame rust Batman!

April 14th, 2010, 07:58 AM
Another way to do it is to leave the spring hanger in place and cut a square hole on the bottom so the shacke can fit with some room to pivot. You will need to weld some support on the top to make up for the strength loss from the hole. I will try to dig up a pic.

Also, the pinion angle will be pitched up once this is done and you might get some driveshaft vibration. You can either shim the spring pads a few degrees or go for a CV driveshaft to fix this.

April 14th, 2010, 08:05 AM
Another way to do it is to leave the spring hanger in place and cut a square hole on the bottom so the shacke can fit with some room to pivot. You will need to weld some support on the top to make up for the strength loss from the hole. I will try to dig up a pic.

Also, the pinion angle will be pitched up once this is done and you might get some driveshaft vibration. You can either shim the spring pads a few degrees or go for a CV driveshaft to fix this.

I have never thought of doing it this way. That is pretty interesting. Looking good.

April 14th, 2010, 05:45 PM
Here is a link from someone on ck5 that has done the flip: http://coloradok5.com/shackleflip.shtml

April 15th, 2010, 03:39 AM
Well we got it all finished up tonight....

As for drive shaft vibrations go.. well I didn't notice any... The over ride did get a little stiffer when I hit a pot hole or bump in the road. It did take some work getting things off but went very well over all. I forgot to take a measurement before starting but I would say I gained 4-5". Now all I need to do is get the front up with the rear......

I will get some better pics 2maro

April 15th, 2010, 06:28 PM
Looks good. Why did you go through the hassle of removing the bracket though?

Thank you....

My leafs were sitting right above the bracket and would not let it come down past it. I could have just cut them and welded a new one up but I'm not that good at welding yet. Also it made it easier to cut out the hole required to do the actual flip....

April 15th, 2010, 06:33 PM

Red Rhino
April 15th, 2010, 09:43 PM
How much lift did you finally get out of the flip?


April 16th, 2010, 06:08 PM
How much lift did you finally get out of the flip?

I'm guessing about 4-5".... I forgot to measure the before.... I'm sitting 3' 1/8" in the front and 3' 5" in the rear... ( from ground to bottom of fender)

April 22nd, 2010, 10:52 PM
Just a little update... Went to the junk yard today when I thought it was done raining, boy was I wrong. But with the help of Keith we were able to get some springs so I can hopefully get the front done. Was also able to get some much needed items for my K5. We just happened to be out there when the storm sirens started going off. As luck would have it we got the last item needed just as it started to rain again...

So I will hopefully be getting this all wrapped up within the next week or so....