View Full Version : Camping near Bunce June 4 and 5. Anyone else in?

May 31st, 2010, 09:23 AM
We'll be heading up to Camp Dick Friday morning and staying 2 nights. Post up if you're interested in joining us.

May 31st, 2010, 11:20 AM
Too short notice....i got work

May 31st, 2010, 11:35 AM
So camping Both Friday (the 4th) and Saturday (the 5th)? Did you get reservations at Camp Dick, or are you thinking of camping somewhere along Bunce? (Because I am sure Camp Dick will get full fast!)

Troy and I can only do Friday night. As of now Bunce is open all the way through, The FS does not expect MSV (gate) to be open till late June, due to a giant mud hole near the Coney Flats turn off...

May 31st, 2010, 11:47 AM
We hope to be able to grab something at Camp Dick for Friday and Saturday night (head up there Friday morning and scout around). It wasn't full this weekend (surprisingly). Then Wheel on Saturday and Sunday. I ran Bunce yesterday, but plan to do it again and maybe the Plane Crash. Iron Clads is open too, but I'm not sure I want to do that one yet.

May 31st, 2010, 11:50 AM
Did you see all the FS folks ticketing the heck out of folks on Bunce this weekend? Well saturday at least.... I'll let you know for sure later this week if Troy and I can go, and will coordinate with you so we can get spots near each-other... What time were you thinking of heading up on Friday?

May 31st, 2010, 11:52 AM
Maybe. I'm planning on taking my stepdad and his brother fishing that weekend at Carter Lake, but i'm not sure if we'll do both days. I'm gonna watch this, and if we can, we might join. I've got a quite a few things to choose from on that weekend, so I know I won't be bored :cool: But I'd like to get out into the mountains again. The Subie has been neglected for too long, it's begging for dirt :thunb:

May 31st, 2010, 12:46 PM
I ran Bunce yesterday, but plan to do it again and maybe the Plane Crash. Iron Clads is open too, but I'm not sure I want to do that one yet.

I think the plane crash trail is more challenging than Ironclads. Since they closed the last section of the trail and fenced off the playgrounds, Ironclads is mostly just a steepish loop with one big step on the downhill section of the loop (check recent trail run reports to see that step).

T33 has several spots that will challenge a stock rig, but good spotting will get you through. It doesn't have the steepness of Ironclads, but it's much rockier.

May 31st, 2010, 03:41 PM
Did you see all the FS folks ticketing the heck out of folks on Bunce this weekend? Well saturday at least.... I'll let you know for sure later this week if Troy and I can go, and will coordinate with you so we can get spots near each-other... What time were you thinking of heading up on Friday?

No - I sure didn't. In fact I had a Sherriff stop and talk to me at one point where I had pulled of to take a break. The trail was packed with quads, dirt bikes, trucks and Jeeps. I didn't see or hear about any trouble.

May 31st, 2010, 03:44 PM
I think the plane crash trail is more challenging than Ironclads. Since they closed the last section of the trail and fenced off the playgrounds, Ironclads is mostly just a steepish loop with one big step on the downhill section of the loop (check recent trail run reports to see that step).

T33 has several spots that will challenge a stock rig, but good spotting will get you through. It doesn't have the steepness of Ironclads, but it's much rockier.

I ran T33 last year, so I know I can do that trail. I also ran MSV and only needed spotting on the big rock obstical in the middle of the trail (that was tight):eek:

May 31st, 2010, 03:48 PM
Did you see all the FS folks ticketing the heck out of folks on Bunce this weekend? Well saturday at least.... I'll let you know for sure later this week if Troy and I can go, and will coordinate with you so we can get spots near each-other... What time were you thinking of heading up on Friday?

We hope to be up there before noon on Friday, but we don't plan on running trails untill Saturday (unless we change our mind and run Bunce). We want to take our little girl fishing with her new "Barbie" fishing pole and let her ride her bike around the campground etc., just an easy lazy day!!!

May 31st, 2010, 05:52 PM
We hope to be up there before noon on Friday, but we don't plan on running trails untill Saturday (unless we change our mind and run Bunce). We want to take our little girl fishing with her new "Barbie" fishing pole and let her ride her bike around the campground etc., just an easy lazy day!!!

Ok good to know. Assuming Troy will get on Board and my fractured ankle isn't killing me, we can get up there early afternoon. Troy and I are easy that way. Heck Baby Tippy might even be ready for a maiden voyage!

May 31st, 2010, 06:15 PM
Excellent! - I think I gave you my phone number a while ago, but let me know if you need me to re-send. I know we don't get cell service up at the camp ground, so we'll figure out a way for us to let you know what camp site we get (and we can discuss if you want us to try to grab one for you too if we get there first).

June 1st, 2010, 02:07 PM
Jackie, I just found out Troy has an interview in Houston Friday. We are officially out, :( (I can;t drive a stick with my ankle). I'm buummed, but I also know that you guys will still have a great time!

June 1st, 2010, 03:21 PM
That's too bad - we were looking forward to meeting you. But I guess the interview news is good, huh? Hope it goes well. See ya next time!

June 1st, 2010, 03:31 PM
Yes an interview is always good news :D And boy am I itching to get out into the mountains. It'll have to wait another week!