View Full Version : Johnny Park

June 3rd, 2010, 12:09 AM
Does anyone know if its open? Looking to go camping up there in the next couple of weeks with friends.

June 3rd, 2010, 12:43 PM
CLD site says it's still closed. However, the A-R National Forest website just migrated to a new site and got a new look. The road status pages changed. On the BRD site, Bunce is listed as closed again, though it's been open for the past couple of weeks. Best bet is to call the Canyon Lakes District office and ask.

June 3rd, 2010, 03:23 PM
CLD site says it's still closed. However, the A-R National Forest website just migrated to a new site and got a new look. The road status pages changed. On the BRD site, Bunce is listed as closed again, though it's been open for the past couple of weeks. Best bet is to call the Canyon Lakes District office and ask.

I just called them and was told Johnny and Pierson are closed until mid-June.
Bunce and T33 Plane crash are open.