Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Stupid EGR.
One of the dumbest things the engineering departments have ever done.
Spent gases run back into the engine is problematic at best.
Suet clogs the passeges
As well as hmm spent gases DON'T burn.
I get it the manufactur is trying to bring the cylinder temps down.
This can be achieved with valve over lap, thus allowing fresh clean air to pass over the pistion, and on into the exhoust side. Thus dropping NOx and carbon monoxide.
Seems that the big oil companies are doing great as we are still getting the same, or worse fuel economy.
Diesel is a prime example of this.
My 1st gen Cummins truck got 28mpg before the low sulfer junk, 23 after.
Same engine in a 2006 would be well under the 20mpg mark, move on to the 2010 and newer
These trucks are getting 9-14mpg. All this in the name of emissions standards.
Hmm twice the fuel use bring the total out put right back to where it was before all this fancy shamcy emission crap.
Fred-hope you can figure this issue out. Myron at ZOR (zuks offroad) may have some good info for you on this issue.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I braved the cold yesterday and tried running a flex cable from a rotary tool into the passages. The EGR is moving freely but I wasn't able to get the cable into one of the ports all the way. Some people on the Suzuki Samurai Owners 2.0 group on facebook suggested that I run the engine with the EGR removed and block the Exhaust. I gave this a bit of a try. I guess I'll see how it does in 400 miles. Seems like it comes on about every 500 miles or so. I rolled over 4k miles with the 16v in the Samurai this weekend.
Been reading about it on fixkick and I'm hoping I don't have to pull the intake. Though I suppose I might as well do that when I do the head gasket this summer.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Been about 1k miles after cleaning some of the EGR passages. I didn't think I cleaned them all that well but the code hasn't come back.
I signed up and paid for two easy trails at the Easter Jeep Safari in April so I'm going!
Signed up for Secret Spire on April 14th and Chicken Corners on the 15th. I may sign up for more but that depends on money and openings.
But I need to do some more stuff to the Samurai to get ready for the trip. Maybe I'll have the trailer going by then or not but my company didn't give out the bonus we were all expecting so the trailer project might have to wait. Though I will be talking with someone about buying a haulmaster soon.
I finally sold the Sidekick body but I did manage to remove the seats and power steering setup. I started on the seat swap and will post pics soon.
but here is the to do list for getting the Samurai ready for MOAB
Moab To Do List:
Head Gasket and Head Bolts
Water Pump Gasket - Water Pump needs to come off for the head gasket
Valve Cover Gasket
Adjust Valves
New Air Filter - Pod Filter from Trail Tough
Replace Oxygen Sensor
Fix The Exhaust
Change the fluids in the Transfer Case and Axles
Replace the windshield
New Shocks - Pretty sure that these are original
Finish The Seat Swap
New Tires
If I could get these things done before April I'll be really happy.
I've driven the 1.6L for 5k miles now and am pretty happy with it. It survived one trip to Grand Junction so I'm pretty sure it can survive a trip to Moab.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I've gotten a lot of stuff done on the Samurai recently.
Early this year I solved my windshield washer fluid sprayer problem. I had accidentally smashed the hose when I removed the windshield frame last summer.
I relocated the on board air compressor the passenger side fender and ran a hose to a quick disconnect through the grill.
I finished the seat swap last week. I started making mounts a certain way first. I planned on using some flat stock running between the sliders but quickly realized that it was going to be a lot of work and I no longer have easy access to a welder and instead ended up using some angle iron.
The way the sidekick seats bolt into the sidekick higher on the middle of the vehicle on the tranny tunnel and lower towards the door side. So I needed to cut the door side mounts down to sit even with the tranny side mounts. I mostly followed the guide on izook ([url]http://www2.izook.com/?page_id=279[/url]) without the welding.
I used two inch masking tape as a guide.
I had to remove the fabric and foam on the sidekick seats and detach the back rest from the frame as well.
On the tranny side I utilized the mounting holes left from the sidekick sliders and bolted the angle iron the mount. I had to mount the door side angle iron a little differently. I drilled sideways into the remaining metal of the door side mount. I made a template to transfer the original Samurai seat slider holes to the angle iron I mounted on the sidekick seat frame.
I got the passenger seat finished after some struggle with the mounting holes. One of the previous owners had added some pipe flanges as seat risers and drilled through the mounting nuts in the tub.
During this I solved another problem. The original passenger seat for the Samurai had a cable that ran down to the slider mechanism that would allow the seat to slide forward automatically when you pulled the reclining lever. This was a complete assembly and I discovered that I could use the assembly from the samurai seat on the new sidekick seat.
I began the drivers side the same as the passenger side but the sliders on the drivers seat are a little different. The bolts on the drivers seat were going to interfere with the sliders.
I solved this by countersinking them.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
The sliding mechanism was still in the way so I added some spacers anyway.
One of the previous owners insisted on the seat lift for the drivers seat as well and mangled up the rear most brackets.
I purchased a head gasket set and power steering kit from petroworks as well. I think I'll hold off on the head gasket until after the Easter Jeep Safari in Moab because I'm not sure I can afford the machining (if necessary) and I feel pretty confident that the engine will survive for quite some time.
I removed the old steering box easily enough and installed the sidekick power steering box with the wedge from Petroworks.
I wasn't expecting much trouble with steering shaft but apparently there were two nylon pins that I had to break to get the steering shaft to shorten so that the rag joint would be in the proper location. At some point I'll eliminate the rag joint as well.
The relocation bracket for the pump was a little confusing but I eventually got it installed. I had to try two belts before finding one that worked well.
You might notice that one of the mounts on the pump is broken nearest the pulley. I think it'll be ok though. This must have happened in the sidekick somehow.
I ran into some issues with the reservoir as well. I was expecting the reservoir to mount somewhere near the radiator like in the sidekick but I ended up making a new bracket and replacing the hoses with longer ones and mounting it in front of the air box.
After that was all done I installed new shocks as well!
I did an oil change yesterday and I hope to get around to changing the fluid in the transmission, transfercase and differentials before the trip to Moab as well but I'm not sure if I will.
I also need to wire in the new Oxygen sensor.
I need to weld on or get some bolt on recovery points for the rear and install the reverse lights I bought before Christmas. Almost done working on the Samurai before Moab though.
My son was born January 29th and he has been a welcome distraction for me but I'm excited to take him camping in Moab next month.
More updates soon!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
wow you have been busy. Congratulations on the new family member.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
when are you going to moab?
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Thanks Xaza.
I'll be heading out of Denver on the 12th next month.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I'll try to catch you all up. I didn't really do much to the Samurai since the last post. I installed a new oxygen sensor since it was supposed to be replaced at 80k and this engine had 140k when I pulled it from the sidekick. I also didn't like how close the windshield wiper fluid reservoir sat to the air intake so I made a new mount for it to move it a couple of inches away from the intake. I used some 1"x.25" aluminum I had lying around. At this time I also put in a new air filter, completing the tuneup.
Now I really wanted to show some Suzuki pride for this trip so I put some decals on the Samurai. I got some overlays for the Suzuki emblem on the grill from Dan Muskopf Designs
I used a brayer roller and heat gun to make sure it was pressed down nice since I had sprayed over the emblem previously with bedliner.
Also added some new jeep eater stickers (no pics, sorry)
This trip was a little different than our usual family camping trip. I had planned on camping 3 nights. 1 or two of those nights I was likely going to be camping on my own so I was actually left with some free space in the Samurai. I even considered taking out the passenger seat for the pelican cooler because I was going to be solo for wheeling and my family was going to be heading back to Grand Junction to wait for me to finish wheeling. I'm glad I left the passenger seat in and I'll tell you why later.
The cooler and water jug were actually empty to save weight. I'd get groceries and water in Grand Junction.
Gassing up and Heading out!
Now we left Denver at noon, which happened to be when we had wanted to be getting to Grand Junction but we can't ever leave on time...
Running so late we decided to spend the night in Grand Junction at the in-laws house. We got an early start Thursday and ended up pulling onto 128 around 3:30pm. Now don't ask me why but I thought I could get away with a 3-wire sensor and it worked great for several hundred miles. I also decided to store a jug of oil under the hood that I think may have been pulling on some wires. Anyway. Just as we were pulling onto 128 the Check Engine Light started coming on. I was getting codes for MAF, O2 Sensor, IAT sensor. I moved the Jug of oil and the light went off. But I had a feeling about that o2 sensor.
Driving through Moab I saw tons of nice rigs! I saw the Chevy Tracker from the 2011 Ultimate Adventure! In the City Market parking lot I saw this nice Isuzu Trooper.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
We ended up camping at Kane Creek campground just outside of Moab.
Now Abby is amazing with a sewing machine and is a great designer! She made our 2 month old son a sleeping bag/swaddle! Which he seemed to love! He did great camping!
Anyway. Long story short. After wheeling Secret Spire Friday the IAT and O2 Sensor codes came back. I didn't get any pics of the Samurai wheeling but Secret Spire was a gorgeous trail.
The only damaged I did to the Samurai was I slightly bent the leaf spring mount.
The power steering performed great! The sidekick seats were extremely comfortable.
I stayed in town for the Red Rock Four Wheelers Easter Jeep Safari raffle and at 9:30pm that night with the raffle still going on and having not won anything myself I decided to call it and drove back to Grand Junction to spend the weekend with my family.
On Saturday I decided to replace the Intake Air Temperature sensor because I got the code for it. We drove the kids to the park in Grand Junction to meet up with a friend and afterwards went to the O'reilly Auto Parts for the sensor, which turned out to not fit (8v maybe). On our way back to the in-laws we got rear ended at red light. After sitting there for nearly a minute!. The driver of the truck said she was looking at other vehicles and thought we had started moving. From my perspective we got slammed into at a red light! We had the kids in the back seat but they were ok. We got hit hard enough for Abby's glasses to fly off her face. Abby's neck was hurting pretty bad and she went to the hospital with our son in the Ambulance. The in-laws showed up and gave me and my daughter a ride to the hospital after dealing with the police. Abby's neck is still pretty sore but the kids seem to be just fine. My back was just a bit sore the next day but I don't think I sustained any real damage.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
My mother in-law offered to drive our camping gear down in her truck on Monday and after buying a new car seat for our son (I had one in the Samurai for my daughter) we loaded both kids in the Samurai and left Grand Junction, which happened to be my Sons first ride in the Samurai and Abby's first real ride in the Samurai since the night she went into labor. We stopped in Glenwood Springs for a swim and got home pretty late Sunday night.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Nice write-up and pix Fred! Sorry to hear you have issues with a sensor - and that rather important accident.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Great write-up. So sorry to hear about getting rear-ended, but glad everyone's OK and hope your wife's neck is back to normal soon. BTW, your kids are ADORABLE. The pix of your two month old, what perfection!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Thanks! Yeah. The accident was very unfortunate but I'm just glad we're all ok.
Thanks Heather!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I forgot to give you all an update on the rear bumper reverse lights! I got these done before I went to Moab.
I started by removing the bumper from the Samurai and removing the tail lights.
Eventually I want to mount some shackle mounts and a hitch to the bumper so I made sure to leave room for those.
I used masking tape and measured the location of the lights from the center of the Samurai. I used a hole saw at all of the corners and a jigsaw to cut the rest of the metal from the bumper.
I used the opportunity to touch up the paint on the bumper and the swing for the tire as well.
I had some issues getting the lights to come on when I put the Samurai in reverse. Turns out that there is a plug under the hood from the reverse switch that I unplugged when I did the engine swap.
I really like the amount of light these put out and I think they look pretty good.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
The lights look great! Glad the family is all OK after the entire ordeal!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Nice mounting the lights inside of the bumper!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
nice! I love my LED reverse light. people still dont seem to understand what it means.....parking lots suck now days.
Looks realy good Fred. nice to see it getting long trips with little issues.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Thanks Everyone!
I guess the next thing I'll move on is the front bumper project.
With the Samurai back on Daily Driver Duty it'll be hard to get some of the other things I want done finished.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Well I've been getting a little work done.
I've got the base for the bumper project welded.
The Samurai had some brackets on the front of the frame already. For Recovery or tying it down on the boat it came over on or something.
So I had some free time at work one night and made some copies.
Once these were cut and drilled out I began mocking some stuff up.
I think I've got the beginnings of a winch bumper going.
We're having some work load issues at my job and unfortunately they're having to let some people go. The future of my job is a bit uncertain as well but I prefer to remain optimistic. Anyway, the welders last few days came around last week and he welded up the brackets to the plate which will make the base of the front Bumper. He's also the same welder who welded the brackets for the rear bumper/tire carrier.
I'm using some 3/8" bolts to attach it to the frame (Hey, I come across hardware for free at work but it's mostly standard) and I'm using some 3/8" drill bushings as the spacers for inside the frame. Which is about 44mm if you ever find yourself googling the inside width of the stock samurai frame.
Got it mounted late Saturday evening to see how it fits.
Going to get some u-bolts bent and Denver Spring soon to attach the bumper to the center tube/crossmember on the samurai frame to added support. Still want to get a winch before I start making more progress on this bumper. Wanting to go with the Stinger design.
Now for some other news!! I've had some craigslist alerts set up for quite a while now for a harbor freight haulmaster trailer and Friday morning (also PAYDAY) I got an alert for a small (40x48) haul master trailer for $150. I got the original samurai hitch bolted back on and went and took a look. I ended up nabbing it for $100! Towed it home and marveled at it for a while. A Tiny Trailer for a Tiny Truck!
Put it to use this Sunday as well to haul a play set and our grill from my sisters house.
Getting some ideas for it and crawling over expedition portals trailers subforum.
That's it for now! Probably won't do much to the trailer in the mean time. I'll keep the frame the previous owner put on and we'll probably load the camping gear on it for camping trips. The wiring is kind of horrible and I'll need to re do it.
Also, this has made it very clear I need to get a hitch on the bumper.