My garage floor has black drops when I let mine idle and warm up...
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My garage floor has black drops when I let mine idle and warm up...
I think I've seen a little of that too.
I was seeing some white smoke in the exhaust when I was having carburetor problems but I haven't seen that since I had a working carburetor.
Changed the Transmission and Transfercase oil today between corralling a bunch of kids.
Put in some nice synthetic 70w-90 gear oil per the FSM's recommendation.
How bout that compression test?
Not yet. Maybe a little later tonight.
100psi on each cylinder.
Didn't bother doing a wet test.
Wet test and leak down test next
If I remember correctly those are low numbers on all cylinders. I would start thinking about a rebuild or even better a engine swap.
I wish I had the facilities to do an engine swap.
Hell. I wish I had the facilities to rebuild the engine.
I've done a lot of work on my vehicles in the street but the engine swap/rebuild sounds a bit too extensive.
I understand. I used to have room. I did my swap in my garage, but now we put the Challenger in there (my wife's car) and I put 2 Samurai's in there (its a 2 car), plus my motorcycle and all the crap that seems to accumulate, Im back to working outside again. One of these days I will get my buggy done (Samurai #2) and get it out of the garage and get some room back
I'm going to recheck the compression with some oil in the cylinders here soon. Then I'll also do a leak down test soon.
I picked up some seafoam and a leak down tester from harbor freight. Not sure if the tiny compressor I have here is adequate for the leak down test but I hope to yield some helpful results soon. I plan to do a wet compression test and add the seafoam to the oil here soon.
I came across another item that was inside the Samurai when I got it. It appears to be an old timing belt so I'm hoping that one of the previous owners replaced the timing belt and a nice new one is inside the cover.
Spent some time this Saturday performing a less essential modification to the Samurai. I made the doors removable by modifying the hinge.
My nephew, Jason, helped me make some mirror relocation brackets as well.
In retrospect I should have been trying to diagnose the reason for my low compression but spending some time teaching my nephew some basic fabrication seemed funner.
I used a sawzall to cut the hinge off the door.
Using the removed hinge and some flat aluminum stock and the mirror I marked the holes for the hinge and for mounting the mirror. If anyone is curious, a 10-32 screw fits the stock mirror holes perfectl.
I drove around a bit on Saturday to drop my girlfriend off at work and the mirror relocation brackets worked well.
I painted the body mounted hinge brackets with duraliner bedliner.
I ran out of bedliner just when I needed it most. I wanted to paint the relocation brackets as well but I'll have to do that at a later time.
Hopefully today I'll do a leak down test on the engine and clean out the dead leaves in my vents.
You low compression is just that should be in the 140-150 for a quality engine.
Yeah. In mint condition this engine should be 200psi.
I need to determine where I'm losing compression though.
Factory Service Manual says that at 170psi the engine should be serviced.
Did you hold the throttle WFO and crank many times?
Supposed to be done with engine warm too.
Yes Sir.
I just didn't do a wet test.
Quick update. Finally got around to that wet test. Showed about a 15psi increase on cylinders 2 and 4. Change on 1 and 3.
Using the leakdown tester I was able to verify that I was losing pressure by hearing it come out of the valve cover.
I suppose I'll plan on doing the cylinder rings and head gasket and the suggestion was made to do the rod bearings as well.
I suppose if I tear into it this much I'll replace the valve stem seals as well. I don't know.... Seems like a big project and I've never torn into an engine this much.
In the mean time I've replaced the starter and the wiring to the start as well as my own homebrew clicky starter fix using a relay and a fuse.
I'll post some pics soon.
Ok sounds like an engine is due.....
Look into JDM engines.
A japanes demestic market engine can be had low miles and good cost.
I got a 1.8l for a trac/kick a few years back for all of $850 shipped.
They dont have the emissions we do so you have to swap the intake from the old engine.
1st engine I totally rebuilt was my Sammy 1.6 liter after I dropped the piston rings into the pan snowbashing.
Gotta do what you feel comfortable with but rebuilding a sammy engine has to be one of the easiest out there. Take off the head, intake, exhaust and alternator, pump etc, remove the transmission (weighs about 40lbs, don't need a jack) and you can literally lift the engine out by hand, or get a buddy and two people to lift it out. I put my bare block up on my bridgeport to measure the bore roundness and I laughed when took it off the engine stand at how light it is, I bet the block weighs less than 20 lbs.
I got the block out and dropped it off at carquest in Loveland. They machined and assembled the shortblock and I got a reman head (my cam bearings got trashed when ring chunks spun in the journals) and slapped it on.
The whole thing was really simple, just a bit of work.
Plus there is a decent chance yours just needs new rings and the head redone.