Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
This is going to be another brief update.
I got the roof rack done!! I tried to use stainless steel hardware wherever possible. I'll upgrade the home depot u-bolts to stainless later. For now they're zinc.
The roof rack supported my weight, which is about 200lb's, with no issues. It doesn't vibrate or shake when driving down the highway either.
Final Mockup
Held me, so it must be good right?
Welding the window frame brackets.
The targa brackets I bent using a vise and hammer. Mounted them to the aluminum brackets with two 5/16-18 bolts on each side.
I hope to do some winter camping soon to test it out. I may want to add some additional slats to the rack since balancing stuff might be tricky.
This rack is in no way square and it does sit a tiny bit off center.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Good job Fred, it looks great ! Your Gona have to load up Ada's power wheels and come over and cruise around with Aden
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
[QUOTE=94ToyBear;294613]Good job Fred, it looks great ! Your Gona have to load up Ada's power wheels and come over and cruise around with Aden[/QUOTE]
Haha. Now I can!
Thanks EKXJ87!
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I got a few other things done yesterday.
I installed the vent tube (Venturi Nozzle) into my carburetor. My original carburetor had this already installed but the one I got from Joe didn't.
I have been experiencing some hesitation when the engine is cold driving around and this seems to have greatly alleviated it.
I installed some quick fist clamps onto the roof rack support at the recommendation of my nephew, which I thought was a brilliant idea!.
This should work out nicely for snow wheeling. Unfortunately the door just barely hits the shovel. I'll have to figure out a fix for it or just live with it. We'll see...
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
It's been a while since I last updated this thread. I haven't done much to the Samurai but I've settled on a few things.
I'm really considering the 1.6L swap. Right now I'm probably going to buy a re-manufactured engine from ZOR (Zuks Off Road) since Myron is so highly recommended. While I'm at it I'll probably get his Transfercase Cradle as well. Considering T-Case gears but I'd like to get the swap done in a weekend. Whether or not that's possible, I don't know.
One thing I've hated about my soft top is the zipper pulls on the rear window. I finally added some paracord pulls to the zippers to make unzipping it a lot easier. I'll swap out this soft top soon with a rampage top with removable side windows soon.
I've also replaced the door hinge screws with stainless socket cap screws because I think they loosen up over time and the doors droop.
I've really liked having my Ram Mount for my iPhone 6 plus but I broke my screen a few months ago and decided to get a fancy huge case for it. My new case did not fit in Ram Mount's Phablet holder, which was the holder for iPhone 6 plus phones with a case.
I decided to make my own. I purchased a cheap replacement belt clip and a new ball mount for the otterbox defender case and ripped off of the belt clip portion and used a utility knife blade to remove the molding.
I drilled four new holes and countersunk them and I had a new phone mount in minutes.
Adam lit a fire under my butt with his new tire carrier and gave me a few parts to get me started on my own. He gave me this hitch and a hub for a spindle.
I've gotten all the parts if I'm not mistaken. I got some 2" square tubing and some angle to make the brackets. I picked up this latch off Amazon.
I got some tail lights from harbor freight today but I'm not sure if they'll work so I may return them. I removed the rear bumper to see how things were attached and to get a feel for the wiring.
I cut the two brackets for the frame out of some 3/8 angle I picked up from the drop off scrap pile at Altitude Steel here in denver.
The simplicity of the mounting is what sold me on building my own tire carrier. The angle iron will bolt to the frame on two bolts on each side.
Next paycheck I may purchase a chop saw to make building this a little easier.
My samurai is just about to roll over 100,00 miles soon so I've changed the oil and the fuel filter again to start this year off right.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
The 1.6l is a good place to start. The 2.2l is becoms a popular swap as well.
More power!
The t case swap is farly easy. There is one small neddle bearing to push into the case its a PITA.
Miron is a way cool dude to keep intouch with about your little sami.
As for engine look into JDM engines.
You get low low mileage engines from japan for $850.
All you need to do is swap the intake for the emmissions crap.
Over there they pull cars apart much sooner than we do.
They have safety standards that are nuts.....
Like retro fitting an older car to met new standards...
Thus they replace the car.
Hell most the JDM engines have just one or 2 oil changes on them as there oils are far cleaner and higher standars than ours.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Making great progress! If you think you won't be able to do the t-case upgrade in a weekend, consider getting a used t-case to build in advance. Then you can just swap it out.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
[quote=dieseldoc;296235]The 1.6l is a good place to start. The 2.2l is becoms a popular swap as well.
More power!
The t case swap is farly easy. There is one small neddle bearing to push into the case its a PITA.
Miron is a way cool dude to keep intouch with about your little sami.
As for engine look into JDM engines.
You get low low mileage engines from japan for $850.
All you need to do is swap the intake for the emmissions crap.
Over there they pull cars apart much sooner than we do.
They have safety standards that are nuts.....
Like retro fitting an older car to met new standards...
Thus they replace the car.
Hell most the JDM engines have just one or 2 oil changes on them as there oils are far cleaner and higher standars than ours.[/quote]
I'll look into it. My main reason for choosing ZOR is just that I want to get everything at one place. I don't want to hunt around for parts everywhere. I haven't found too many other kits for engines other than suzuki engines. I don't have the skills to fabricate motor mounts or transmission adapter plates.
Patrolman - If I come across a cheap one.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Here is a pic of my 1994, 1.6 MPFI I took out of a Sidekick, in my 87 Samurai....
I bought the whole car (sidekick) and took all the parts I needed (power steering box and pump, wiring harness/ECU and engine). I sent the harness to MYron at ZOR, and he cut it down to a three wire hook up to the stock Samurai harness (I had to add a VSS (from the sidekick) and it fired on the first try (I also had the 1.6 rebuilt before I put it in). The conversion kit I got from TrailTough (their motor mounts sits the engine low enough to shut the hood and no body lift required, but My's motor mounts will do the same). I also added a stage 3 clutch while I was in there.
Mine also has the 6.5:1 Transfer case.....
The black tubing is Myrons (ZOR) "Snatch" cradle. The low range is so severe in these cases, they will rip out your stock T-case arms (if you go this route, get one of the cradles that are out there, trust me). I still run the 3:73's in the axles, but with this case and 32's it runs pretty darn good and crawls great. I have a set of scout D44's, that Im thinking of running, if they dont go into my 86 (buggy). I did all these mods (including the 6" SPOA lift) in my garage.
Keep up the hard work, they are great little rigs and are simple to work on.....
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I hear ya. the case you can get built as a drop in, the send your case for the core. 1300 if I remember right for the 6.5:1
the engine is just a sudjestion to save some coun.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Swapping the gears in the T-Case doesn't seem too daunting. I've rebuilt the np231 t-case in my old TJ before. (Granted Adam was helping me and did most of the work).
I don't have the space to store a complete other vehicle to do the swap. I feel like I could probably modify the engine harness myself if I had to. I certainly think I can add the vss switch to the cluster myself.
Does the 1.6 swap require a new radiator?
Great looking setup Bloodbane! I really need to get out wheeling with some other Samurai's.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
back when I was parting out a 57 willies pick up a guy can ad got the T case from me, I think I recall it being a dana 18 or 15( if there is such a thing as a 15).
he said he said h was going to use it on his Suzuki. I don't know what his whole se up was, considering it was all stock or mostly stock is this something to look in too??
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
from the looks of it my truck I parted out would have had the better of the dana 18's
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
[QUOTE=DETN8R;296282]Swapping the gears in the T-Case doesn't seem too daunting. I've rebuilt the np231 t-case in my old TJ before. (Granted Adam was helping me and did most of the work).
I don't have the space to store a complete other vehicle to do the swap. I feel like I could probably modify the engine harness myself if I had to. I certainly think I can add the vss switch to the cluster myself.
Does the 1.6 swap require a new radiator?
Great looking setup Bloodbane! I really need to get out wheeling with some other Samurai's.[/QUOTE]
Some guys get by with the stock Samurai radiator. I went with the genesis aluminum. 100.00 and bolt in stock location. I have never ran over the 190 (normal) mark. Even crawling around in the middle of summer.
as far as the T-case goes, for the 6.5:1 gears you have to clean the inner case up (grind some out). The gears will bind on the case otherwise. I went with a total rebuilt case from Low Range (LROR) in mine. Parts were almost as much (new bearings and seals, upgraded shafts and gears all together), and I got everything bolt in this way. I traded my stock case to Myron (ZOR) for the wire harness mods. If you deal with him, he will walk you through installing everything if you run into trouble.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Finally talked to Myron about his prices for an engine and everything for the swap. Might be a little over my budget if I go that route.... Considering other options now.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Have a tiny update this week. I purchased the snatch from ZOR and it should be arriving today!!
I've been trying to find time to work on the rear bumper/tire carrier but it's been hard, as anyone with a toddler can relate. I did get a little bit done. I got the upper brackets made.
I had to abandon the idea to reuse the hitch that Adam had given me. It's 5 inches too short for the spindle to clear the tailgate. I happened to find a nice 4x4x3/16 piece of square tubing at the local steel yard that'll be perfect.
I also abandoned the idea to use the axle hub as well. The shape of this particular hub was awkward and the spindle I picked up has an easier surface to weld to.
I also picked up a chop saw. That sure made cutting steel easier!
In addition to the other tools I've bought I also picked up an assortment of hole saws.
I realized that before I can get the new bumper installed I really need to get all my tail lights sorted out. I picked up some oval led tail/turn/stop lights from harbor freight and a trailer light adapter. I also picked up the LED relay for the turn signals so I don't have any issues with running LED tail lights.
This cardboard test I did made me realize I needed yet more hole saws.
Just need time to get things finished.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
I just happened to stumble on this Samurai rear bumper. Might give you some good ideas.
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
Thanks. I've been looking at tons of other tire carrier designs as well. That one on craigslist looks pretty good an I may steal the dual swing idea from it.
I got my transfercase cradle (Snatch) from ZOR in today. Looks great. I'll probably end up getting that panty liner bracket from his as well. I'll try to get it painted soon.
Myron mentioned something to me about the 1.6L swap that stood out. He mentioned that the engine sits about an inch above the front axle. Thinking I should spend some money on a lift and transfercase gears first.. Any input?
Re: 87 Suzuki Samurai
The 1.3 is only rated at 65hp and almost any increase in tire will really kill you on the highway, so figure the engine swap or gear your transfer case and then go with the lift/tires. I put my lift on first (6" SPOA) and 32's and arounds town it did alright, but I never traveled any distance outside of town. Then I geared the case (6.5:1) and it really woke the Samurai up. My 1.3 went downhill so instead of rebuilding it, I did the 1.6 MPFI swap (rebuilt the 1.6 while it was out). Mine will run 65mph all day long now and only the steep hills kill the 5th gear on the highway.
If I remember correct, you can take the oil pan off the 1.3 and use it on the 1.6 for some clearance (I remember reading something on this somewhere, but I could be way off)