not cool:confused:
had hopes of some drive reports:steer:
hope you get the thing figured out and done soon.
good luck:wrench:
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not cool:confused:
had hopes of some drive reports:steer:
hope you get the thing figured out and done soon.
good luck:wrench:
I've driven the Samurai quite a bit. I probably shouldn't be but the Honda has developed some noise recently. I think it needs new cv axles.
It's definitely got some pep now. Everything seems to be working well enough. I think I discovered my original issue with it not starting immediately after the swap. A corroded battery terminal. I thought the ECM was bad and purchased another one. After I cleaned the wiring up this weekend it wouldn't start and I jabbed the probe of my meter into the opening on the negative battery terminal and the clamp screw and the headlights came on! The probe improved the connection between the battery post and the terminal. Corrosion! I'm pretty certain this was the problem I first had.
The oil leak seems to be coming from the oil pump. I need to see whats under the timing cover.
I post pictures pretty regularly on my Instagram if you guys are interested.
About 400 miles on the 1.6L! So far so good but I still don't like that oil leak coming from the oil pump.
This Saturday I'm going to replace just about everything on the front of the engine.
I purchased a new Oil Pump, Water Pump, Timing Belt, Tensioner, Timing Cover and Electric Fan Controller.
I figure if I need to pull everything off the front of the engine I might as well install the electric fan I got from my sisters Pontiac G6.
I'm hoping I can get the oil pan off the engine without pulling the engine out again so that I could pull the oil pump and reseal the oil pan after I install the new oil pump.
I'll let you all know how it goes and then hopefully I'll take it out on a run next weekend or the following weekend.
I'm back to daily driving my Samurai! Been working out some kinks here and there.
I made a bracket for the igniter.
In addition that I cleaned up the wiring under the hood pretty well. I wrapped everything with electrical tape and split loom tubing. I also took the opportunity to remove all of the automatic transmission wiring from the engine harness.
With all that done I noticed I fresh oil on the exterior of the engine.
The oil was the oil pump so I figured the gasket on it was going bad. I was advised to do the water pump and timing belt at the same time.
I put in an order from Petroworks for all the stuff I'd need, including a new timing cover.
In order to get the oil pump off I needed to remove the lower timing pulley/cog and the oil pan. There's a nut in the center that holds it on but in order to get it off I need to hold the cog in place. I stupidly tried to pry against one of the pulley screws with a screwdriver while trying to break the bolt free and ended up cracking the cog.
I got on the ColoradoZuks Facebook group and asked for one and someone happened to have one about 30 minutes from my house on an engine block they were willing to give me for free!
Huge thanks to for the measurements for making the tool needed to remove this bolt properly. You can see it in the bottom portion of the picture.
With the new cog I installed oil pump and water pump.
And after all that I still have an oil leak.
I believe it may be from the front of the head gasket but the oil leak is slow and I'm not noticing and smoking or oil in the coolant.
In other news I purchased an OBD1 to USB cable and I plan on using the rhinoman software to read data from the ECM.
Ugh - is the oil leak, at least, less than what it was?
Those shiny parts look nice.
It is.
Nice to hear your rolling now.
Have you considered using some powder (flower) blown onto the metal surfaces to help track the origin of the leak? How difficult is it to remove the cover over the belt?
Jim- the biggest issue with the Timming cover on these engines is space!
They are super easy to work on.
Fred- good to see you are getting things fixed.
One thing to check next time you are in the Timming cover, the little screw on the cam!
There is some adjustment there for setting base timming, these things will work lose, and then you will fight it to keep it running right.
It took me a week of fighting with my buddies engine before I found this a screw had come loose.
Keep plugging away and you will find the leaks, valve cover is a big leaker too....
As well as the distributor.
Thanks for the advice Jim. I guess I should have mentioned that I did coat the engine with baby powder and it definitely seems to be coming from the area around the front of the head gasket. I was told that it could be a plug in the engine block that worked loose but I have yet to check and after working on the truck for so long I'm just taking a break.
I've been meaning to install one of the electric fans from my sisters pontiac g6 so once I do that and it's easier to remove the timing cover I'll move on some of the other projects under the hood.
No issues running right now. I'm enjoying the speed and horsepower and I apologize to anyone else on the road with me.
[quote=DETN8R;308375]I'm enjoying the speed and horsepower[/quote]
I wanted to revisit a list of planned mods I made early on in this thread and reevaluate where I am.
[LIST][*]Fix The Engine Drinking Oil/Coolant Issue[*]Battery[*]My-Side Harley Carb Kit[*]Roof Rack - Packing Camping gear for two adults and a toddler now[*]Skid Plates - Diff Armor[*]Rear Tire Carrier[*]Rear Cage - Minimally since now I have a daughter to worry about keeping safe.[*]Full Cage - One can dream[*]The Transfercase Cradle from Zuks Off Road[*]Lockers[*]Lift - Goal to get on 33's[/LIST]
That was a very randomly planned list of things.
So the things I accomplished were
[LIST][*]Battery - Was forced into getting a new one as the old one predictably died.[*]Fix the engine drinking oil issue - Well I swapped out the engine but the new engine is leaking something... Not losing that much oil and I'm not losing coolant. But something IS showing up on the exterior of the engine.[*]Roof Rack - Been working out great![*]Rear Tire Carrier - Want to change some things but I've got it done![*]Transfercase Cradle from ZOR - I have it but I have not installed it.... Want to re-gear the tcase now.[/LIST]
Plans for summer 2017
Some things have changed. My son will be born February and we plan on taking him camping with us that Summer and I've decided to build a trailer to haul to camping gear as well. Expect a new thread at some point.
The roof rack worked out great for my family when it was just the three of us but I made a smaller roof rack with the understanding that I could use the space on the back seat next to my daughter's car seat. Not going to work with an additional baby in the back. I'll extend/remake the roof the roof rack for more cargo.
[LIST][*]Head Gasket - If that is indeed the source of the leak on the new 1.6L[*]Add a receiver to the bumper. Can't tow a trailer without a receiver hitch.[*]Roll Cage - Rear cage at minimum - but hopefully I'll be able to just get the full cage all at once. Anyone know of a place I can get it welded? I've been liking this one from Low Range Off Road - [url][/url][*]Transfercase Gears - Some Crawl would be nice.[*]Lift - maybe just SPOA to start but I'm not terribly concerned with lifting at the moment.[/LIST]
The big plan for The Summer is the Trailer.
With a trailer I can stow all the camping gear, food and water. I'd like to get a roof top tent to mount on the trailer as well. I've seen some cool things done with the harbor freight trailers as a base. The inside of the Samurai wouldn't be as cramped if we could get the gear in the trailer.
Any risk with running the motor (this is a DD yes?) to summer with the compromised head gasket? How much coolant are you losing? Any oil/coolant cross transfer / mixing happening?
I know you're in tune with the rig - we'd just hate for this motor to get damaged with the time you have into it.
That's the weird thing! No coolant/oil cross contamination and I'm not losing a significant amount of either. In fact It's been so little I can't identify which one I'm losing. 2700 miles so far daily driving it these last few months. Not really sure what's leaking.
I'm pretty sure it's oil though.
I take that back. Could be coolant.... Was a little low on coolant when I check the fluids before I drove it to Grand Junction this Christmas.
What a difference!! The 16V did way better going up the mountains!. Got about 20mpg
these engines are strong they are built to take 3rd world driving abuse, thus head gasget leask rarely cross contaminate.
as long as your compresion is good and even you will be fine to run tell summer.
not a bad idea to pick up a spair head, as you will need to have it machined.
gld your enjoying the extra ponies.
hope we get to see this little monster this summer
I'd like to hope it'll last. I really want to get some longevity out of this engine.
I've been having this EGR System Failure code pop up. I think some passages are blocked and I may have to pull the intake to clean them out. Not sure what to do.
EGR intake man ports were plugged on my Honda. I just cleaned them out a month ago (for me - no manifold removal needed).
Do you have a "stumble" or short rough spot on acceleration from a stop? That was the symptom that I noticed. I ran for a year or so with the stumble...
Might get a little better mileage with the EGR functioning. My 33" Sammy gets 20mpg with a 1.6 16V. I would hope yours would do a bit better.