Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
We had a big turnout for the anniversary run at Rainbow Falls OHV area / Lil Moab today. The entire RSVP crew arrived mostly on time and we picked up an old friend of the forum and a random trail user (correction: new member Chuck 'hellige') along the way.
Louis, Dave, Mike, Peter, Schmitty, Shane, Steve, Scott, Ty and Trent met up for the run. While airing down former / occasional FR4x4 member Evan rolled up in his YJ and asked to join the group. Somehow he recognized me and knew this was FR4x4, though he wasn't out looking for us on the trail today.
Around 10:30 we put wheels down from the staging area and began to run the trail. The trail was pretty muddy and snowy, but we found no ice. Some of the early gatekeeper obstacles posed a challenge with the slipper conditions and I nearly slid into a rock on an off-camber ledge early on the trail. We made slow, steady progress towards the Lil Moab obstacle, arriving at the top of the obstacle around noon.
At this point the usual anniversary run activity of watching everyone attempt the obstacle began, but with far more carnage than I've seen in years past. The rock was very muddy and wet, making even the easiest sections very difficult and treacherous. Briefly, the following events occurred in roughly this order:
1) Scott got his full size truck to the bottom of the obstacle and decided to try to climb it on the right side. As he got to the final ledge, he unseated his front passenger tire from the rim. Shane found a can of starter fluid with ether and showed everyone how to use mild explosives to re-seat a tire bead.
2) Louis tried to climb up the far right side 'bypass' route in his 4runner but ruined his rear driver axle. He had to winch himself up the final stretch. Several of the crew left early to escort him to the trail head and figure out how to get his rig home.
3) Shane, after waiting behind Louis while all of #2 happened, followed Louis up the bypass after the winching was complete. Shane slid into a tree and broke the passenger mirror off his Range Rover.
These events all took a couple of hours, and only Evan had much success climbing the obstacles. His YJ on 35s with a driveline stretch is formidable.
After we finished breaking stuff we continued on the trail back to the trail head. Shane and Schmitty turned back to find more trail while the rest of us aired up and headed back home.
A memorable day on the trail, and enjoyable for most of us.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Shane high-centered on his first attempt to descend the rocks
Scott setting up to winch Shane off the rock
Evan posing
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Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Fun day today, good wheeling with new and familiar faces and rigs.
Today marks the first time, to my memory, that I have actually gotten stuck on an obstacle and needed a recovery to continue on. Very slick, and holes were dug. It was fun and interesting to use my winch to pull me up the ledge.
Pic posted is where I was stuck or shortly before. Rest of my photos and videos can be found at this link:
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
AWESOME time out there today! First time using the sway bar quick disconnects I installed and the benefit was very clear, especially through the early gatekeeper obstacles. Only got stuck in the big mud puddle before Little Moab, the ruts were so deep I just didn't have the clearance and my front diff and skid plate sunk right in. Thanks to Shane/Ty for the pull! I'll post my gopro video here again once I get the footage from Shane of the pull. Nice to meet some more people in the club!
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
I'll upload pics tonight and post a link tomorrow. Schmitty and I did a bunch of trail on our second loop. Partway through Ty starts talking to me on the gmrs radio from milepost 89 (not sure how far that was away). You were coming through so clearly Ty that Schmitty thought it was me saying I was at milepost 89, and he was like "no you're not, you're right in front of me". He was picking you up on my spare handheld. I highlighted the route we took on our second outing in yellow, and highlighed in red where I was when talking to Ty while he was at milepost 89. Super fun wheeling today!
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
I'm didn't take many pics today, got about 40, what I have I put at [URL]https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0gGI9HKKGSv2ZO[/URL]
If you see anything you like download it, these disappear in 2 months. If for some reason you can't see them yet, they should populate overnight.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
The link to Ty pulling Steve out of the mud is there too, this link might work as well. [URL]https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0gGI9HKKGSv2ZO;047407BF-2F08-4D8F-991A-F223258D09A0[/URL]
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
I’m sorry I missed it but I wasn’t lookin forward to freevin my way up there.
glad everybody had a good time.
nowto live vicariously through pictures...
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Had a great time, great to see all the familiar faces and to meet some new ones.
Thanks to all who helped me get back in good shape to keep on the trail and get home!
Now what everyone loves to see, the carnage and Shane's awesome ether hit
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
edit: took out Shane's to put in new post
will take me some time to go through and edit more vids, my wife got a bunch of footage
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
I picked a bad line the first run through but didn't give up, re-evaluated my line, and made it through second try which felt pretty good. I think the lines I can't make first time through end up being my favorite.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
We went through some tight trails, I didn't think Scott was going to make it in that huge truck but with what must have been some great wheel work every time I barely squeezed through something I looked back and there he was right behind me. Big fan of his new front bumper too, it has hi-lift pockets in it to securely hold the hi-lift when jacking the truck up. I feel like all off-roading front and rear bumpers should have those.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
That tight trail was pretty tough because of the close edge and how much snow we were dealing with, I was worried my light back end would slip but these BF Goodrich KM3s did not let me down. I don't mind the tight trails at all it's the ledges that worry me cause I don't have a roll bar yet, but we made it through unscathed other than my wife being scared to death lol.
Evan who was following me said my passenger rear was hanging off one of those tight turns I felt like the momentum helped on most of them.
Pretty cool function of the offroad option from the bumper kit, I hadn't realized that those holes were perfect for the hi-lift. I didn't remount my hi-lift yet because I am going to swap it and get the bigger/longer one like Shane has.
FYI if anyone wants more info on the bumper here is where I got it. P.S. it does still bolt on all the welding was before mounting
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[quote=TDash;341938]Evan who was following me said my passenger rear was hanging off one of those tight turns I felt like the momentum helped on most of them.[/quote]
By the time it got to the last vehicles that turn was super degraded and slippy. My short wheel base (and the 2 door JL behind me) made it so that we had to really gas it through to make it around, fun but high stakes. :) Trent in front of me had to reset but was able to jump across I think in part because of his longer wheelbase.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Video is up! I wanted to do a picture-in-picture type of thing (my POV and Shane's POV) for when Ty gave me the pull, but I guess the stock Windows video editor software isn't that advanced :lmao:
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Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
For the radio contact with Shane, I *think* mile marker 90 is about here (blue dot in screenshot) I reported we could communicate at 89 but I kept hearing Shane even after 90, and then I went down behind a terrain feature and turned off the radio. Contacts were getting less clear just before the terrain feature. Pretty good for having the other station in the trees.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Thanks for sharing, was hoping you had some footage of the narrow trail at the end of the run
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[QUOTE=Steve-O;341944]Video is up! I wanted to do a picture-in-picture type of thing (my POV and Shane's POV) for when Ty gave me the pull, but I guess the stock Windows video editor software isn't that advanced :lmao:
Nice wheelin'. That little YJ was doing really well!
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[quote=speedkills;341925]Schmitty and I did a bunch of trail on our second loop.[/quote]
I wanna go back when it's a little warmer to explore some of those features we found after that second big climb, maybe even wander over to Chimney Peak area too.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[QUOTE=rckymtnt4r;341950]I wanna go back when it's a little warmer to explore some of those features we found after that second big climb, maybe even wander over to Chimney Peak area too.[/QUOTE]
I expect to be back later in the year to camp down that way. Maybe I'll remember to post up a run when I'm out there. I want to tackle the main obstacle when it's dry also. I've made it up the ledges before in better weather, but didn't even try this weekend after watching the fully-locked rigs fail and some folks break things.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[quote=open_circuit;341951]Maybe I'll remember to post up a run when I'm out there.[/quote]
Yes, please do. hopefully I'll have some rock sliders and some upgrades by then.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Never saw an update from Louis. I assume he made it home ok since he 'liked' some of the posts in this thread. Did you drive the 4runner back home? What's the damage?
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Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
OMG, I'm very glad I was excepted into this wonderful group of people. I haven't felt such a warm welcome!
This was my First Trip with FR4x4 and apparently one of the most destructive! Boy was I lucky. Lol, sorry guys. All jokes aside, I honestly hurt from some of the sounds that came from those vehicles. You really feel for your fellow wheeler. The trail was slick and sloppy. It was great. What a pit crew out there (either trick)! That was awesome to see. The speed at which anyone was willing to help was inspiring. I can't wait to make many more memories with ya'll!
Added a couple new pics!!
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Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[quote=PeterCbaby;341964]The speed at which anyone was willing to help was inspiring. I can't wait to make many more memories with ya'll![/quote]
That type of comment, fortunately, is quite common to hear! The folks here are a good casual group of folks with a 'helping another' perspective.
I'll reinforce - each of us are equal members in the group. There is no initiation level or timeframe. If anyone wishes to stir the water to schedule the run or simply "do something" - do it - get it done. We're all here to enjoy the outdoors and make the world a better place for our being there.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[QUOTE=Jim;341965]That type of comment, fortunately, is quite common to hear! The folks here are a good casual group of folks with a 'helping another' perspective.
I'll reinforce - each of us are equal members in the group. There is no initiation level or timeframe. If anyone wishes to stir the water to schedule the run or simply "do something" - do it - get it done. We're all here to enjoy the outdoors and make the world a better place for our being there.[/QUOTE]
We found the spring there when we arrived. Apparently someone else had a bad day.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Thanks Jim. Oh, and the coil was previously donated!
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Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Finally I have some time to post, great seeing everyone again. Turned out to be a fun day until I broke my rear dif. Thanks to David and Mike for escorting me back to the trailhead and for Mike giving me a ride back home to get the trailer. Afternoon I went back and got the 4runner home. Today I took it apart and I have some photos of the damage, pretty painful just looking at it, this is the second time breaking it. I really need to upgrade the axle soon if I’m planning to be hard on it. But hey, we had fun and that is what this is about.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[quote=78bj40;341970]this is the second time breaking it. I really need to upgrade the axle soon if I’m planning to be hard on it.[/quote]
Did you break the ring and pinon gears or the axle shaft? I always thought Toyota axles were pretty strong...but you do have a v8 in that 4runner. The 4cyl diesel wouldn't be breaking any axles!
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[QUOTE=FINOCJ;341972]Did you break the ring and pinon gears or the axle shaft? I always thought Toyota axles were pretty strong...but you do have a v8 in that 4runner. The 4cyl diesel wouldn't be breaking any axles![/QUOTE]
photo is coming, Ring and pinion, yep the BJ would never have enough pover to break the dif or the axle, HA-HA
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
for everyone who was there... you get to re-live the horror
for anyone who missed, you get to experience the sounds :)
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
me blowing my tire, i edited out a bunch of rock stacking Shane helped with just for time
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Ty on the main obstacle
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
"fun" ring & pinion pic. If you're going to do a job, do it right - LOL
How did it happen? Spinning tire that grabbed and carnage happened - or tires grabbing (not spinning) and more gas pedal was applied?
EDIT: Nevermind - the vids had wonderful audio quality... :eek:
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Evan "Lurch" (I don't even know his Front Range screen name) having some fun
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Shane in the Range Rover
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
[QUOTE=Jim;341980]"fun" ring & pinion pic. If you're going to do a job, do it right - LOL
How did it happen? Spinning tire that grabbed and carnage happened - or tires grabbing (not spinning) and more gas pedal was applied?
EDIT: Nevermind - the vids had wonderful audio quality... :eek:[/QUOTE]
Lots of gas of course!!! Jim, you know that I'm not easy on my rigs. I'm getting good at replacing broken parts.
Re: Lil Moab Anniversary Run 4/17/2021
Great documenting! It was truly a fun time.
[quote=78bj40;341970]Turned out to be a fun day until I broke my rear dif[/quote]
I hear the rear diff pulled from the Tundra is a cheap/reliable way to upgrade. For what it's worth.