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Camper cover off, side step delete, rear bumper lipstick
I don't like camper covers on pickups, personal preference. This one is currently in my yard, if you want it on your truck, come pick it up for Free.99!
The rear bumper is easily the ugliest thing on this vehicle, if you don't count the front bumper that held the snow plow. I figured I could pop it off and get it looking nice and rugged, but nothing is ever that simple of course. The bolts were super rusted out, one of them had the angle grinder taken to it. Then I used a sander attachment on the grinder to try and grind down the rust and get a good surface for painting. Underneath the bumper (sorry no photos) is in such rough shape that I gave up and decided to just put lipstick on the pig, and a friend of my manager has agreed to fab me up a custom replacement bumper. In the meantime, the Ace hardware rusty metal paint actually looks awesome to me. I have it mocked in place in this photo, I got some wrong bolt sizes so its barely held on there for now.
I'm also not a fan of the side steps, I want a rugged offroad look to my 4x4 truck. I think the side steps looked great if I was going for a road warrior look, but this isn't a Dodge (cool as they are), this here is a Jeep!
So the steps are in the yard.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
sweet! those trucks are awesome!
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
Thanks! I'm hoping to get it shaped up enough to bring it out for some of the easier club ventures, maybe Barbour Fork or Devils Canyon
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Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
The headlights that came with it were probably kept true to the original as it didn't see much street time, but since this is more of a resto-mod than a restore I decided better lights = better. A lot of the full size jeep forum posts online talked about Hella H4, and compared to an LED setup they were much cheaper and I think they look great. Here's a pic with them installed.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
That is awesome. :thumb: Good looking dog too.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
Thanks, that is the shop supervisor.
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Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
My neighbor has this one, not sure the year. Love the old Jeep's, got me a J-20. :)
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[quote=glacierpaul;337958]My neighbor has this one, not sure the year. Love the old Jeep's, got me a J-20[/quote]
Nice! I've seen some in the yards of mountain towns but so far haven't seen another on the road. I love the FSJs. Saw a Grand Wagoneer doing the Georgetown Ice Races a couple of years ago, I'm hoping to take the J10 this year, maybe even stud some tires.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[quote=IceBox Ty;337831]Hella H4, and compared to an LED setup they were much cheaper and I think they look great. Here's a pic with them installed.[/quote]
Looks good. Common upgrade for a lot of willys and jeeps - as I clean up the wiring on the 58 willys will do a headlight relay and install the H4s.....Might have to go the same route on the cj at some point, but even the upgrade to Silverstar lights have done pretty darn well, and getting a good modern alternator that can put out decent amps at low rpm also made a big difference. Guessing by 1977, you would have a good internally regulated, low rpm excited alternator - not sure when headlight relays became standard.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[QUOTE=FINOCJ;337966]Looks good. Common upgrade for a lot of willys and jeeps - as I clean up the wiring on the 58 willys will do a headlight relay and install the H4s.....Might have to go the same route on the cj at some point, but even the upgrade to Silverstar lights have done pretty darn well, and getting a good modern alternator that can put out decent amps at low rpm also made a big difference. Guessing by 1977, you would have a good internally regulated, low rpm excited alternator - not sure when headlight relays became standard.[/QUOTE]
Yes this is often discussed in the FSJ forums so I was going to look into setting up another relay. I was worried about whether the existing electrical system could handle them, garage tests look good though. I'm waiting on some title paperwork to get it registered and take it out for some night driving.
My Dad was an electrical engineer and it used to have a snowplow rigged up so there is a lot more electrical wiring under the hood than I think is standard. I'm slowly pulling out what I confirm to be dedicated to the plow controls.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[quote=FINOCJ;337966]not sure when headlight relays became standard.[/quote]
Yes - 1990 & 1993 Honda Accord
No - 1990 Jeep Wrangler
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[QUOTE=Jim;337968]Yes - 1990 & 1993 Honda Accord
No - 1990 Jeep Wrangler[/QUOTE]
leave it to jeep to be behind the curve....Dodge trucks/Chrysler into the 80's was still using full load amp gauges in the dash cluster, so maybe that carried over to jeep in the early Chrysler years (would guess that the Chrysler redesign of the YJ in 1992 or so is when the relays went in). Can't use relays with full load amp gauges - of course, most other manufacturers had gone to voltmeters by the mid-70's. Back to regularly scheduled programming....
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
Next for the build thread will be a lame fix. Couldn't pass emissions today, found out that somehow there is a missing Air Injector Reaction system (which seems to be a popular "delete") with everything that used to supply it plugged up. So I finally found out what the remaining plugged up tubes are supposed to go to. I can find a replacement pump online but from my repair book, it looks like I'll need some kind of connection hardware that will probably be super fun to find. If anyone has experience with this kind of system, I might need some help!
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[QUOTE=IceBox Ty;337977]Next for the build thread will be a lame fix. Couldn't pass emissions today, found out that somehow there is a missing Air Injector Reaction system (which seems to be a popular "delete") with everything that used to supply it plugged up. So I finally found out what the remaining plugged up tubes are supposed to go to. I can find a replacement pump online but from my repair book, it looks like I'll need some kind of connection hardware that will probably be super fun to find. If anyone has experience with this kind of system, I might need some help![/QUOTE]
Got a pic? Can you post a schematic diagram of your air pump system - like the one that would be found the the FSM? I used to know more AMC era stuff, but its been awhile since I worked on AMC jeeps. Looked back through the thread - maybe I missed it....this a 360, 304 or 258? saw something about 4bbl carb, so v8 I would guess?
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[QUOTE=FINOCJ;337978]Got a pic? Can you post a schematic diagram of your air pump system - like the one that would be found the the FSM? I used to know more AMC era stuff, but its been awhile since I worked on AMC jeeps. Looked back through the thread - maybe I missed it....this a 360, 304 or 258? saw something about 4bbl carb, so v8 I would guess?[/QUOTE]
This one has the AMC 401 (slightly overbored, I'm told by my brother, so I call it the 402 sometimes as a joke).
Sharing images as links to maintain resolution:
Included are photos from my Haynes manual, I'll look for the FSM straight from AMC/Jeep.
Thanks in advance!
Found this link for FSMs but I couldn't download it at work, I'll be checking it out after.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
To anyone who might be looking into it for me, and James specifically, my Dad somehow got the J10 registered as a collectors item. What started my hunt for the air guard system was someone at the DMV telling me I needed to pass emissions to register. I called in this morning to make double sure, and got a different answer. She said that the collectors status of the vehicle remains so I can apply for collectors plates, which I think means I will be emissions-exempt. To me it makes sense that once a vehicle is emissions-exempt, it would be ridiculous to require it to pass emissions later on regardless of current owner. So I will be pursuing going this route and check back in here with the results, hopefully I don't need to go hunting down power-sucking parts :)
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
Awesome...both my 1970 and 1958 are collector vehicle registered and emissions exempt. Not sure what the cut-off date is for 'collector' status....how that is determined has been changed a few times - especially for 1st time collector registrations - but I think they grandfathered in any vehicles already registered with collector status could continue/renew with the collector status. Hopefully that will work for you...its both nice to not have to deal with the DMV but every 5 years, and especially nice to not have to worry about emissions - except maybe some guilty conscious about pollution. Of course, for the 58 with the road draft tube, there is no oil capture or burn off, so it just leaves its trail along the road - and I do feel that one a bit.
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
[quote=FINOCJ;338057]Not sure what the cut-off date is for 'collector' status[/quote]
Website says 1975 and before, but with of course some confusing exceptions and other options. This is a '77, so somehow my dad got collectors plates. I was there when he took it in Nov 2018 to get emissions tested, he passed and I have the paperwork on my desk currently. So there is a subsection that says if it is at least 32 years old (check!), and you pass emissions within last 12 months, you can apply for collectors plates. So that's the only way he was able to do it I think, but what that means for me is, I think, that I can apply for them as well.
There is some writing that says if it was registered as a collectors vehicle before '09, you get grandfathered in. However, once it changes owners, you will have to re-apply without grandfathered in status, so you'd have to meet some of the other criteria. This case does not apply to me because it was only registered a collectors vehicle in late 2018, so the changing of the owners shouldn't matter, since it wasn't grandfathered in from the '09 "clause."
As for the guilt side of it, I feel it a bit but I won't be daily driving it so that makes me feel better. Also the engine is rebuilt and running "clean," and the only missing system would inject in air to cause a reburn before the catalytic converter. I'm not sure how much that actually did.
If I'm emissions exempt, I'm going to put on a nice performance exhaust sans-catalytic converter since it is missing that AIR system anyway, all I'm going to be doing is clogging up cats left and right. I think my move from an '05 5.7L Hemi w/ average mpg as about 12 on a good month to a 2020 2.0L Turbo as my daily driver is enough positive emissions karma to offset me hauling a dirt bike around in the Honcho occasionally :)
Edit: the 2.0L Turbo, including the wheeling trips (I don't reset my avg mpg counter), is sitting around 19mpg average over the life of the vehicle so far. Not bad!
Re: 1977 J10 Honcho "Magnum"
Is there as max vehicle miles per year restriction with Collector plates?