I'm thinking of checking out either Bunce/Ironclads or Rock Creek for snow conditions - this Saturday (Feb 15). Interested?
I'm thinking of checking out either Bunce/Ironclads or Rock Creek for snow conditions - this Saturday (Feb 15). Interested?
Man I wish, I need to skip this weekend. Going with a buddy to look at a potential new Jeep for him. I'll drag him into this group once he's back up and running
Jim (2 Weeks Ago)
I am definitely interested, been way too long since the Jeep has been out
Wish I could, family obligations...![]()
Jim (2 Weeks Ago)
Not me. Tires suck in snow as you may recall when you, I, and Trent(open_circuit) tried Rock Creek several years ago.
-.- . ----- .-- - -.-.
Did you get out on the trail yesterday?
I didn't go. I dropped the ball - Steven showed interest.
There would have been snow!
Steven - and others - interest for this next Saturday Feb 22??
Weather shows it being warm and clear - Fort Collins Weather prediction:
I might be able do Saturday Feb 22 if its earlier in the day and depending on the trail. Have to be in Windsor at 2 pm, which should be doable.
Looking at Bunce/Ironclads or Rock Creek. 2p in Windsor is a concern.
Let's look at times...
I leave FoCo at 8am. Lyons at 8:45am for a possible meet at Sandstone Park. Leave Lyons at 9a. Bunce north trailhead at 9:25. Air down / get moving 9:40a.
Bunce to Windsor looks like about 70 minutes - so 12:50p need to be headed towards Windsor - say 12:40p.
That has three hours for trail time. Seems tight - depending upon snow depth. We have several days to decide.
Saturday is not set in stone - Sunday is an option.
Agreed not ideal. My schedule is wide open Sunday!
Sunday - Lyons Sandstone Park @ 9:30am? (if you're good with 10am, that'd be my pref)
That works for me
Great! I'll stick it up.
Do you have a pref for trail? Bunce - south section for snow at the meadow and Ironclads or do Rock Creek instead? Does not matter to me.
I'm up for anything as well. I've never been up Rock Creek before so I wouldn't mind checking that out if no one else has a preference
Then Rock Creek it shall be!
Old ski hill complex - way long ago - trees have reclaimed the area. Nothing (that I can tell) from looking at satellite images or being there indicate prior use.
Rock Creek is fairly close to Bunce (5.5 miles - Google Map). If Rock Creek is a bust we'll head back to Bunce / Ironclads.
Ol Blue (1 Week Ago)
Planned Run Thread:
Calendar RSVP:
TjMike (1 Week Ago)
Im down as a maybe. Need to get the kids taken care of.
Jim (1 Week Ago)
I'm out. Yesterday came out to a puddle of power steering fluid under the jeep.
I'll get the next one. Have fun!
Jim (6 Days Ago)